Thursday, November 28, 2019
Japanese Negotiations Essays - Negotiation, Contract Law
Japanese Negotiations Japanese Negotiation When thinking about negotiations one might not realize how often that we negotiate in our everyday lives. Almost every activity that we do, especially when involving more than just ourselves, involves negotiations in some way, such as should we eat at Burger King or at McDonalds. You negotiate with someone else or even yourself in your decision. Negotiations are also very important in business dealings. The negotiation can make or break a business deal and even ruin the relationship of the two parties. Negotiations are a fine art that is very difficult to master, if the mastering of it is even possible. Different people negotiate in different ways, but every society follows the same basic guidelines for the most part. This is not true whenever you look at different cultures and their negotiation styles and tactics. Sometimes these styles can be very different from what we have grown a custom to. The United States for example has negotiation styles and rules that differ quit a bit fro m those of the Japanese. This is why it is important to keep these differences in mind when dealing with the Japanese whether it involves business or personal issues. For the sake of simplicity, we will be looking mainly at the business aspect of negotiations. This report will cover the basics of negotiation with the Japanese. This is only a brief guideline; one should keep in mind that if you are planning to take this subject further much more research should be done to fully understand all aspects of this area. The beginning of a negotiation can be a very critical one. For the most part, Americans want to jump right in a get down to business. This is do in mainly to our society and its fast paced way of doing business. We live in a fast paced world and feel that things need to be done quickly. This is not the same feeling shared by the Japanese though. When negotiating with Japanese, they like to take the time to get to know the other party first. They give great importance to trust when dealing with others. They need to know more about the other party in order to achieve trust in them. If Americans expect a negotiation with Japanese within the U.S. framework of a brief introduction, discussion of technical matters, supply and cost bargaining, and closing, they will surely be disappointed. Japanese, on the other hand, will feel rushed and pressured if they discover they will not spend much time finding out about the school backgrounds, relative company status, and family backgrounds of U. S . negotiators. Japanese need to feel a sense of harmony and cooperation. Without this phatic communication, of what from a U.S. perspective is trivial information (but nonetheless has an important function of building trust). Japanese feel that their relationship is not anchored and may drift. This is an uneasy situation in the extremely competitive world of Japanese business (McCreary p25-26). After this information is shared the Japanese will feel that they can enter into the negotiations. The negotiation normally follows the same pattern, or stages. After the introduction and the gathering of trust, the next stage is usually made up of the technical details of the product. The Japanese often insist on every single detail being explained several times. This once again is due to the issue of trust. They try to see if the details vary at all. The bargaining stage normally follows next. The U.S. style of negotiations normally causes the U.S. team to focus on prices that will be too h igh or too low. In contrary, Japanese normally shot for prices that are more reasonable. More of this will be discussed later. The final stage involves the strategies that lead to the signing of the contract. It is very important to keep in mind that the Japanese feel that a product that is not up to standard, that was presented in the negotiation are looked on as being shameful to the individual. They value the honesty of a deal and those involved in the deal very much. When doing business, many American companies rely on contracts to bind the agreement. The contract is looked
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Seeing Yourself in Social and Historical Context Essays
Seeing Yourself in Social and Historical Context Essays Seeing Yourself in Social and Historical Context Essay Seeing Yourself in Social and Historical Context Essay Essay Topic: Everything I Never Told You Recently, I realized that alcohol and the partying lifestyle had become negative influences on my life. The negative influence was subtle most of the time, but there were occasional moments when the effects of drinking played a highly visible role in my personal life and relationships. I decided that I might like to decrease, if not eliminate, my consumption of alcoholic beverages and this decision prompted further difficulties and challenges in my life, particularly in regard to my friends and peers, and those with whom I had regularly socialized. Though I realize I am not an alcoholic; I can get by just fine without drinking, the impact of my decision not to drink as much has exerted a dramatic influence on my daily life. In many ways, I think my personal experience mirrors those of many, many people, especially younger people who are embracing personal freedom and individual decision-making, often for the first time in their lives. Any young person looking to the media, or to the real-life examples of their elders will see that consumption of alcoholic beverages is utilized as a panacea for everything from stress to boredom. People are portrayed in commercials as happy-go-lucky, and even glamorous when they are drinking; I can’t even hope to count how many times in a movie or television show or novel or commercial, people are seen drinking alcohol to give themselves â€Å"courage†or to meet an unpleasant event or chore. Also, when you are young, you are supposed to be having â€Å"fun;†many older people have told that to myself and my friends, wistfully, as though they wished they were young again. The expectation to be having the â€Å"best time of your lives†is reinforced also through much of the media we see and hear. Almost every style of popular music from rock to rap to country glamorizes drinking and makes it seem like it is the â€Å"thing to do.†Drinking seems to have a social reputation for being everything it isn’t. That is: although peers, the media, elders, and even the law seem to advocate drinking, to make it seem like a privilege and a mark of adulthood, I found through personal experience that the real results of drinking were much less romantic. Instead of great social camaraderie and glamor, I just wound up not remembering a lot of things I said and did with my friends, and instead of feeling like I was mature and responsible, I wound up feeling completely out of control and incapable of taking care of my responsibilities. Nowhere in the media and cultural glamorizations of alcohol do we get to see the â€Å"after result†which is being sick from a hangover and not remembering anything you said or did. It seems obvious that most people crave and desire a release from their everyday lives. Maybe they are frustrated with their careers or their relationships or they are just frustrated with life in general. But instead of delving into the cause and effect of stress or boredom or unhappiness, society seems to forward drinking as the great escape. There are bars on every corner, liquor stores, ads for beer, wine, and hard liquor on television. It’s obvious that we all crave a break from the ordinary and society offers very little in the way of inexpensive entertainment for the masses. There is television, movies, music and drinking: if you look closely you will see that there are cultural reinforcement and ties between all of these recreational pastimes. In a capitalist society, marketing no-doubt plays a very large role in fostering the myths about drinking. The big corporations that sell alcoholic products rake in billions of dollars and this allows them to permeate the social media with selected images that increase the propagation of  myths about drinking and never represent the scientifically established dangers to body, mind, and emotional responses that occur when individuals turn to alcohol for release. When I cam across an article, â€Å"WHATS YOUR DAUGHTER DRINKING TONIGHT? One Middleclass Girls Haunting Account of How the Binge-Drinking Culture That Afflicts Countless Teenagers Nearly Cost Her Life, I realized that the dangerous fallout from drinking could be far worse than nagging hangovers; I could have lost my life. In the article, a girl explains how she began drinking for just the same reasons I have noted above: boredom, a sense of glamor and excitement, peer pressure, and the desire to be mature and self-determined. However, the article goes on to describe how the girl nearly lost her life, and how drinking had slowly robbed her of her self-esteem, her ability to distinguish right from wrong, and her relationship with her parents. Reading the article, the first impact that ht me was how similar the girl’s story seemed to be with my own experience. However, i had never really imagined that my drinking could lead to such a devastating, near-death event such as the one described in the article. Knowing that my very life is at stake, now, I find it very hard to imagine that I will veer abuse alcohol, or that I would ever condone the abuse of alcohol as a glamorous or socially expected norm. Like the girl in the article, i found that my reluctance to drink alcohol influenced my relationship with certain people I had once been friendly with; those who still drank regularly seemed to seek to avoid my company. This fact would have troubled me more deeply were it not for the account in the article which demonstrate a very similar result. In the article, the girl wrote: â€Å"Most importantly, Ive become stronger. I want to find friends who will like me whether or not I drink. There is so much pressure nowadays to keep up with each  other, like some sort of competition to see who can get the most drunk. It makes me sad to think I never had the guts to refuse. I havent heard from a lot of my so-called friends. My drinking buddies have largely disappeared†(WHATS YOUR DAUGHTER DRINKING 26), which is exactly how I feel although my experience was far less dramatic and far less extensive than those described in the article. The biggest jolt I received from reading the article was the girl’s description of her near-fatal accident: The only thing I can remember is we were drinking neat vodka. Four weeks later, I woke up in hospital after being in a coma on a life support machine. The room was clinically white and totally unfamiliar. Youre in hospital, said my mum, who was sitting red- eyed at my side. Standing at the edge of the bed were two policemen waiting to speak to me. Id been found at the bottom of the car park, after falling 20ft from the top floor, and was lucky to be alive. Id split my skull, broken my neck and dislocated my shoulder. Almost immediately Id fallen into a coma, during which Id had a blood clot on my brain. The swelling was so bad I had to be put on a life- support machine and have part of my skull removed to help reduce the pressure. (WHATS YOUR DAUGHTER DRINKING 26) Though I’d personably never experienced this intense of a negative impact from drinking, the shock that I could have experienced it was quite an influence on me. I had been someone who drank very little, but I did drink, caving into the same social and peer pressures that were described in the article. I wondered how many of my friends and drinking companions were bound to meet such a terrible fate due to their recklessness. More importantly, this recklessness was socially acceptable behavior – drinking being glamorized from every quarter of the media-driven world. The evidence was clear to me from personal experience and from studying the article and other sources where the truths about alcohol consumption were made available. The facts were strikingly opposed to the social myth. Rather than promoting glamor, fun, and social revery, alcohol was responsible for (or at least involved in) some of the most atrocious social syndromes in our world: suicide, crime, early pregnancy, unemployment, divorce, chronic health problems and emotional instability. All of these aspects are apparent in the selected article and it seemed the girls’ story was a microcosm of the ills that accompany alcohol abuse. Making the decision not to abuse alcohol seemed fairly easy for me, although trying to make my friend understand this decision or even encouraging them to examine the perils of alcohol abuse for themselves before experiencing them directly proved to be much more difficult. Because the consumption of alcohol is so deeply ingrained into our social fabric- and this influence extends back through time in history as well- I found that one person’s experiences, whether dramatic and nearly fatal as the girl in the article’s, or more mundane, such as my own, seemed to exert little or no influence over those who were determined and convinced that drinking was fabulous fun and glamorous. This is a paradox because the devastating impacts of alcohol abuse are deeply personal in nature: impacting an individual’s health, relationships, personal responsibilities, and emotional well-being, but the media-driven image of alcohol is abstracted into the universal, meaning: the purveyors of alcohol labor to create and image for alcohol-consumption that presents a picture of social inclusiveness, normalcy, and even tradition. People raise toasts at special, memorable occasions; they commemorate special years and epochs in with wines and brandy and even the most scared and hallowed holidays, such as Christmas and New Year’s Eve involve the socially instituted drinking of alcohol.Now that I have stopped to examine the influence of drinking on my personal life I find it very difficult to regard others’ drinking as harmless or simply a recreation. I realize that, rather than considering the possible negative effects of drinking, most people who abuse alcohol are searching for the â€Å"myth†of drinking which is fostered from social institutions and corporations and media outlets. Those who abuse alcohol find themselves so intellectually, emotionally, and socially immersed in their abuse that they are unable to consider the possible bad effects of their behavior. When someone, such as myself, tries to point out these negatives, the counter-argument is so heavily backed up by other people and established social behaviors, that the person pointing out the dangers can be easily ridiculed and dismissed. This means that my decision not to abuse alcohol will be an ongoing process. No doubt, I will be confronted with pressure to drink and pressure to abuse alcohol for the remainder of my life. It s a friendly gesture to offer someone a drink and it is socially acceptable to accept this offer, whereas it can be socially off-putting to refuse, as though you are refusing someone’s friendship. Nonetheless, my personal well-being, health and emotional development are as important to me as social acceptance. There is a socially accepted â€Å"picture†or image of the drinker: a fun-loving, friendly, free-spirted person, but there is also this picture, from the article: A few days later, I asked for a mirror. Holding it up to my face, I shrank back in horror. Doctors had shaved all the hair off the top of my head, leaving my long locks trailing at the back like one of those evil-looking wigs from a joke shop. There was a huge scar on my head where theyd removed part of my skull and my head was lopsided where it was missing. (WHATS YOUR DAUGHTER DRINKING 26) For me, there is no confusion over what it means to abuse alcohol, and no uncertainty as to whether or not I will do so in the future. Some people drink in an attempt to find courage; others Seeing Yourself in Social and Historical Context  like me have found courage by not drinking and that includes the courage to face those who may ridicule or ostracize somebody because they have made an informed decision to not abuse alcohol. I can only hope that my own experiences while much more mundane than those recounted in the article may someday help inform another about the perils, often lethal, which accompany alcohol abuse. If so, I will have succeeded in understanding how one’s subjective experience connects to the social whole and the historical confluences of society– in this case helping to exert a positive influence in an area where so many negatives are socially accepeted.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Evaluation of Conflict Management Styles Research Paper
Evaluation of Conflict Management Styles - Research Paper Example Conflicts may take place at any point in time and at any place. The common cause of conflict involves a difference in ideas, attitudes, standards, requirements, and expectations. These disagreements cause each party to ascertain some actions, indecisions, and reactions. When communication has unforeseen or undesirable fallouts, it is general to fuss about what might be mistaken or complaint about what is off beam with the other person. It is much more prolific, however, to an emphasis on what occurred (Marion, 22; Rahim, 583; Romero, 2983). Instead of disturbing or making conventions about other parties in the conflict, it is more fruitful to an emphasis on reckoning out variances and disagreements to gain common perspectives and create collective resolutions. Conflict Styles Assessment and Interpretation On the basis of the importance of goals and relationships are to the contradictory parties, there are five conflict management styles that displays different levels of the two major factors that are assertiveness and cooperation. . Each of the conflict management styles bears different strengths and weaknesses. For the conflict management, all of the styles are being used by individual and organizations to some degree. The five ways through which conflicts can be managed include: compromising, forcing and competing, avoiding and withdrawing, accommodating and smoothing and confronting and collaborating. No single style is suitable in all situations. Indeed, organizations teamed up with individuals that bear members with all five conflict management styles can be very effectual and efficient if those individuals keep asserting those strengths and powers associated with each style. Withdrawing and Avoiding This style requires low assertiveness and low cooperation. People who are agreeable to give up both individual goals and relations withdraw and avoid conflict. They are neither self-confident nor helpful. They normally try to avoid the real conflict and become external observers. By heeding their advice and inputs, organization and other team members advance valuable feedback on evolving issues and concerns, as well as other conflict party members’ behavior that are adopting or obstructing resolution (Schmidt, 4057; Thompson, 26). The key characteristics that these types of conflict management style adapters possess include low level of assertive and cooperative. They generally keep themselves away from issues and matters that may raise a conflict. Their common belief is that conflict resolution is very much difficult and it is easier to avoid a conflict or withdraw physically and psychologically from it than to face it. Forcing and Competing People who trail objectives at the overhead of relationships and dealings are competitive and forceful. They are found to be extremely assertive but not predominantly cooperative.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Personal Savings Strategies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Savings Strategies - Assignment Example I can possible save over $50 a month if I control my impulsive buys. My gasoline expenses are high because my SUV vehicle wastes a lot of gas. I could invest in acquiring a hybrid vehicle that gives at least 40 miles per gallon. My gasoline expenses would be reduced by at least 60% by acquiring an economical vehicle. My personal savings plan starts by establishing a realistic goal of how much I must can save based on my personal expenses. My personal income is $2000 a month. I must add my variable and fixed expenses to determine a budget that exceeds my expenses. People that spend more than what they earn are always in debt because they finance their excess living expenses through debt instruments such as credit cards. The table below shows my financial personal plan based on my income and expenses. The budget above is my best estimate of my monthly expenses. The two tactics I’m going to use are lower my clothes and entertainment expense by $50 and to lower my gasoline expenses. I will trade in my SUV for a used vehicle that gives 40 mpg. The value of my vehicle is above $20,000, thus I have some options to achieve my goals without having to increase my budget by buying a new car. I expect to obtain a gas savings of 60% which would lower my monthly gasoline expenses from $300 to $120 month. The new budget of the next five years is illustrated below: My new monthly budget will allow me to save $230 a month. My total yearly savings are $2760 a month. A conservative estimate for the next five years is that my savings will continue at the same rate for the next five years. The reason that the estimate is conservative is because my income will increase due to a higher level of educational attainment. The same assumption will be applied for the 10 year and 20 year financial goals. Based on a 2% interest in savings for the next 5 years my
Monday, November 18, 2019
Hispanics in United States Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Hispanics in United States - Research Paper Example without members of a bigger, much more enigmatical word Hispano-American or Latin-American. Around 2000, 32.5 000000 Hispano-Americans settled in the U.S. consisting near about 12 % of the net crowd. In the period 1990 to 2000, the Hispano-American population grew by almost 10000000 people, accounting for 38 % of the country’s total growth of population as the decade was running. Hispano-Americans are anticipated to be the 51 % of the people between the 2000 and 2050 which will lead the Hispano-Americans being the 98 000000 by the mid century, so showing about 25 % of the net United States population and significantly more than their current population. Around 2000, Hispano-Americans were the biggest minority community already among the kids and, by 2005, Hispano-Americans outdone Blacks as the country’s largest minority community among all. (U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany, 1) Hispano-Americans are a wide spread community having individuals of various roots and race s. Biggest Hispano-American subcommunity in the U.S. is of the Mexican roots, in 1997, they consisted of almost 66 % of the Hispano-American crowd. Other Hispano-American sub communities came from the Central or the South of American continent are of 15 % from Puerto Rico and Cuba 9 % and 4 % consecutively lastly rest the Hispano-American nations 6 %. Of the Hispano-Americans currently living in U.S., 62 % took birth in U.S. ... Asia-Pacific Islanders were less similar than Hispano-Americans, black or white to get possessed by two native-born parents of United States. (U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany, 1) The Hispanic population is increasing rapidly as the days are going by in proportion to the white and black kids. As we reach 2020 it is anticipated that every fifth child will have his or her root in Hispanic origin. Recently, Hispanic kids account for every sixth child. The steadily increasing Hispanic crowd below 18 years is an attribute to the increased emigration and also to the comparatively higher fertility rate per year of Hispano-American women. (U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany, 1) Immigration: The Hispanic people in the U.S. is increasing fast and in coming days will turn into the biggest minority group. It is very common to walk through the roads of a city in America today and listen to Spanish words. In 1950 less than 4000000 United States civilians were found from Spanish spoken countries. Nowadays the number grew to 45000000. About 50 % of Hispanics in U.S. have migrated from Mexico. The rest 50 % migrated from various countries such as El Salvador with Dominican Republic as well as Colombia. 36% of the Hispano-Americans in the U.S. live around California. Lots of other states posses’ large Hispano-American populations, including the Texas, New York states like Illinois, Florida are in the list also where numerous Cubans escaping the Castro incumbency have set down. Most of them were illegal immigrants. However, they have now settled down well. There are numbers of Cuban Americans inside Miami so the largest newspaper of the city Miami Herald presents different versions in English as well as Spanish. (U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany, 1) People think about
Friday, November 15, 2019
Empowering Male Children for Sustainable Development
Empowering Male Children for Sustainable Development EDUCATION AND BOY-CHILD EMPOWERMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN KENYA: THE CASE OF BUSIA COUNTY CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Background of the Study The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that every child has a right to primary education and of which should be free. The boy child’s needs and interests have been neglected and marginalised by some educational policies, cultural practices, poverty, and many more factors which tend to subject the boy child to stressful conditions or alienate the boy child from the means of acquiring education, intra-family priorities, and the labour culture in Kenya. When affirmative action gained currency in Kenya, the needs and aspirations of the girl child were prominently amplified by the civil society, donor agencies, and lobby groups who included feminist scholars. This was followed by the concerted effort by the government of Kenya to address the plight of the girl child in Kenya. Today, a lot of attention has been directed to the girl child leaving the boy child quite vulnerable. Most programs in both the public and private sector are focused in improving the w elfare of the girl child in education, health, and in the recruitment process. Hence, this study addresses the plight of the boy child so that adequate effort is made to ensure that he accesses education without due regard to gender affiliations. The boy child of today has become vulnerable physically, mentally and economically. The simplest way to identify past achievements in child development is to observe the behaviour patterns of the current adult population. The rise of male battery in Kenya, the increase in cases of substance abuse amongst the youth, the rise of crime levels, the sharp increase in traffic accidents attributed to human error, the burning of public service vehicles during night hours, and the increase in the number of absent fathers is a reflection of bleeding Kenyan society. The study contends that the empowerment of the boy child through education to avoid early drop out is quintessential to economic, social and political growth of Kenya as a whole. In general, insufficient government policies, widespread poverty, cultural practices that negate boy child education, partisan focus towards the plight of the girl child has negated the empowerment of the boy child educationally. 1.1 Statement of the Research Problem The efforts which have been employed since independence to achieve gender parity in education have failed its objectives and manage effectively the empowerment of the boy child in Kenya. In spite of the government effort to enable both the boy child and girl child participation and access to education, there is still a high dropout rate in both primary and secondary levels. In an economic perspective, education is known to be a key determinant of economic growth and premature dropout means loss of potential productivity for the boy child. In an educational perspective, dropout raises the cost of achieving a targeted proportion of the population having some level of schooling (Hanushek, Lavy, and Hitomi 2006). Although drop out may appear insignificant in proportion but it is preponderant among the poor which thereupon turns the wheels of intergenerational transmission of poverty against them. At personal level, dropping out of school will mean consigning one to a future of low-income trajectory and abject poverty. The aim of this study is to identify these governmental policies, personal problems, and societal practices of the Luhya and Iteso communities in Busia County that account for high dropout levels of the boy child’s education. However, the dropout rate across genders has been a perennial problem in the Kenyan education system. Similarly like many parts of Kenya, Busia County has been experiencing a high dropout rate of male students in both primary and secondary schools. This study seeks to investigate the reason for this trend. 1.2 Research Questions The research seeks to answer the following questions:- What are the school based factors that keep the boy child out of school? What socio-cultural factors lead to drop out of the boy child in Busia County? What personal factors lead to boy child drop out from primary and secondary schools? What are the possible factors of retention of the boy child in schools? Does performance among the boys affect their dropout rate? What are the possible policies gaps that encourage boy child drop out from schools? 1.3. General Objective The main objective of this study is to investigate the factors leading to drop out of the boy child from primary and secondary schools and the role of government in ensuring the boy child is empowered educationally in Busia County. 1.3.1 Specific Objectives The principle objectives of this study are: To determine the school based factors that lead to drop out of the boy child in schools. To establish socio-cultural factors that lead to drop out of the boy child in schools. To establish boy child’s personal factors that lead to drop out from schools. To suggest possible ways of enhancing retention of the boy child in schools. To establish policy based factors that lead to drop out from schools. 1.3 Significance of the Study The study is significant in that:- The research findings and recommendations of the study would assist educational stakeholders, planners and policymakers to: Identify, test and apply principles for successful achievement of gender balance in enrolment, successful completion of study and transition to the labour market Promote the value of neutral governmental policies in ensuring both the girl child and the boy child attain their full educational potential The research would provide information to the government of Kenya and other educational stakeholders on how to expand educational opportunities for both the boy child and girl child The research will provide information on the role of cultural practices in curtailing or improving boy child education, and ways to reverse a negative trend The study would be important in its attempt to identify ways that education stakeholders can initiate to enhance community involvement in the development of education in Kenya 1.4 Scope of the Study The study is to be confined to primary pupils, secondary school students, teachers, head teachers, parents, out-of-school pupils, and county education officials in Busia County. 1.5 Definition of Terms Drop out Early withdrawal of pupils and students from primary and secondary schools respectively without completing the required primary or secondary school years and the concerned pupils or students do not enroll back to school again. Gender – Social and cultural distinctions between men and women where distinctions refer to roles, relations and identities associated with sex. Those roles associated with male are called masculine while those associated with female are called feminine. Transition – Refers to changing from one state to another. It means the pupils who complete the primary school cycle and move to the secondary school. Once in secondary school, they complete the secondary school cycle and proceed to university. Schools – Primary and Secondary institutions of learning CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Literature Review This chapter outlines the literature that is based on studies that have been conducted and are directly or indirectly related to this study. 2.1 Overview of boy child education around the world From 1990, UNESCO has played a key role in making Education for All a priority. This extent, most segments of society have accepted that human rights, good governance and an educated citizenry are the best and strongest in achieving development, economic growth and stability (UNESCO/World Economic Forum, 2008). 2.2 Overview of boy child education in Africa In 1970s, Tanzania’s successful applicants to public secondary schools represented 11% of primary school leavers but the number dropped to only 1% of primary school leavers in 1984 because Tanzania neither permitted private secondary schools nor expanded public primary schools due to its socialist system. But when Tanzania began licensing private schools in the mid 1980s enrolment grew rapidly and it exceeded the enrolment in public schools. This growth demonstrated the previously unmet demand for secondary education in Tanzania (Word Bank, 1995). 2.3 Overview of boy child education in Kenya Education in Kenya is still a challenge due to lack of enough facilities to absorb the ever increasing number of pupils who successfully achieve high marks in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations. This has resulted in many pupils missing an opportunity to join secondary schools due to inadequate facilities to meet the high demand. An estimated 206,282 (28%) of pupils who sat for KCPE examinations in 2010 did not get a slot to join form one in 2011 because the maximum number of enrolments in secondary had been reached (Daily Nation, January 11th 2011). Although this represents a transition rate of 72 % as compared to the Millennium Development Goals target of 70%, the number of pupils missing to join form one is still very high in Kenya and this includes boys. 2.5 Overview of boy child in Busia County Kingdon in his studies on: â€Å"Where has all the bias gone? Detecting gender-bias in the household allocation of education expenditure†found out that the most important factors affecting educational attainment are parental background, wealth, opinions, individual ability, age-at-marriage and the quality of the primary school attended. (Kingdon, 2005) 2.5.1 Personal factors leading to students dropout from school The concerns of the boy child can cause him to drop out of school. The socialization process in schools will either lead to the integration of the boy child to the education system or feel out of place. According to Wrigley (1995), there is a simple relationship between education and gender equality. Schools act as sites of pervasive gender socialization. Wanyoike (2003) argues that the pupil or student peer groups if not guided well can lead to distressing outcomes like engaging in substance abuse, unprotected sex and bad study habits. This will eventually lead to dropping out of school. 2.5.2 Socio-cultural factors leading to students drop out from school Social cultural factors leading boy child drop out from primary and secondary schools will be viewed under family set up and beliefs, early marriage and family economic status in both rural and an urban setup will be observed. Family set up and beliefs According to the World Bank (1996), there are socio-cultural practices that affect the functioning of schools in developing countries. Brown (1980) observed that that some children are withdrawn from schools by parents in rural areas to assist in household chores like babysitting younger children, escorting parents to public functions, ferry water from long distances, caring for the sick relatives, grazing of cattle among others. This eventually affects the performance of the boy child and in most cases lead to drop out. This study will therefore determine the extent in which family set up leads to the boy child drop out of school in Busia County Early Marriage The problem of early marriage has been considered a problem affecting the girl child alone. There are some traditional practices such as male circumcision and other initiation ceremonies that force the boy child out of school early to start his own family. These factors will be investigated in Busia County to determine whether they are prevalent. Family Economic Status The situation analysis survey done in Kwale county in 1995 points out that poverty as the most important factor for students dropping out of school (33 %t and 64 %). (Okumu, 1995) Report by the Ministry of Education (2007) indicates that 58% of the Kenyan population is living below the poverty line. This however leads to inability of the poor to meet education cost for their children be it boys or girls. As a result, this becomes a barrier to the education for boys who withdraw from school to engage in informal trade such as â€Å"bodaboda†a factor which the study seeks to investigate. Psacharopoulos and Woodhall (1997) further point out that those families that can barely sustain their livelihoods due to abject poverty opt to keep their children out of school and use them as labourers to earn extra income for bare minimum survival. 2.5.3 School based factors leading to boy child drop out from school The school based factors on the causes of male students drop out from primary and secondary schools will be looked at by observing discrimination, and sexual harassment by fellow pupils or students and teachers. 2.5.4 Student discrimination by teachers Blackmore and Cooksey (1981) explain that when a student is admitted into primary and secondary schools, there are certain routine procedures that take place. The pupil or student is subject to command from the teachers. This study will therefore confirm whether the drop out of male pupils or students is related to discrimination by teachers in Busia County. 2.5.5 Sexual harassment There has been a growing number of reported cases pupil or student sexual harassment by teachers or fellow students. The Ministry of Education (2007) argued that gender insensitive school environment include attitudes of the key stakeholders in the school leads to many reported incidents of sexual harassment and gender based biases. 2.5.6 Policy based factors leading to boy child drop out from school According to the Ministry of Education report on KCPE examination registration per county in 2013, there has been a decline in the number of boy child registration in several counties including Bungoma, Nyandarua, and Machakos among others (Ministry of Education, 2013). This study will seek to understand the reasons as to why this trend is emerging. 2.5.7 Theoretical framework Theoretical frame work used in this study will be based on theories such as rational choice theory and liberal theory. Rational Choice Theory is a framework for understanding and often formally modelling social and economic behaviour. Rational choice theory can help shed light on the motives of influential national, county and local actors and interests groups involved in making education policies in Kenya. This will enhance access, retention and completion rates. It is therefore imperative to adopt rational choice and classical liberalism theories because the both theories will bring out the influences of society and individual decisions that affect the education of the boy. Thus the need to utilize the theories as the study seeks to establish the factors leading to drop out and low boy child empowerment in education in Busia County. REFERENCES Abagi, O. (1992). Addressing the Gender Gap in Education in an Emerging Democratic Society of Kenya; A paper prepared for the workshop on democratic and democratization in Kenya. Nairobi: Department of foundation Kenyatta University. Brown, F.B. (1980). A Study of the School Needs. Phidela Kappan. p. 61, 537 – 540. Borg, W. R. S. Gall, M.D. (1985) Education Research: An Introduction.4 Ed. NewYork: Longman Publishers. Fatuma, N.C. . Sifuna, D.N. (2006) Girls and Women’s Education in Kenya: Gender perspectives and trends. Nairobi: UNESCO. Hanushek, E., Lav, V., . Hitomi, K. (2006) Do student care about school quality: Determinants of dropout behaviour in developing countries. NBER Working Paper Cambridge, Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic Research. Kingdon, Geeta, 2005. â€Å"Where has all the bias gone? Detecting gender-bias in the household allocation of education expenditure,†Economic Development and Cultural Change, Volume 53, pages 409–451. Mutambai, B. (2005). A Case Study on Teenage Pregnancy: School times: Educational Insight Magazine. Pg. 42 MOE, (2007) Gender Policy in Education. Nairobi: Government Printer. Psacharopoulos, G., .Woodhall, M. (1997) Education for Development: An Analysis ofInvestment Choices. Washington: World Bank. Republic of Kenya, (1989) Totally Integrated Quality Education and Training: Koech report. Nairobi: Government printer. Sifuna, D.N. (1988). A Study of School Drop Out in Girls High Schools. A case study of Bungoma District in Kenya: Kenya journal of Education Research. Vol. 14 Pg 13 – 142. UNESCO, (1998) Wasted Opportunities: When Schools Fail: Education for all status. New York: Oxford University Press. UNESCO, (2003) Gender Education for all: The leap to equality. Paris: UNESCO. UNESCO, (2005) Give Everyone a Chance to Learn, Education for all. Nairobi: UNESCO. Wanjiru, N. (2007). Factors Contributing to School Drop Out in Mombasa District. Nairobi Wanyoike, W. (2003) Understanding Youth and Family: From a Christian Perspective.Nairobi Wrigley, J.(1995) Education and Gender Equality. London: The palmer press. World Bank, (1996) Technical Paper No, 303. Washington DC. U.S: World Bank.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Love And Lovability (wuthering :: essays research papers fc
Love and Lovability      “There is no character in Wuthering Heights who is completely lovable, who wins our sympathy completely.';(Bloom 99) Love, in one way or another is the force which makes people unlikable. In Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, people’s adoration for one another is the reason why no character is completely lovable. Receiving too much attention spoiled Catherine Earnshaw. Heathcliff was disliked because he had to grow up without a real family to love him. Finally, Hindley turned into a pitiful man because of the love that he lost. For some, affection can change people for the better, but for others love can be a poison for their souls.      Being the only daughter, Catherine was endeared by all those around her. The unwavering love that her family and friends gave her soured her disposition. While on a business trip, her father told his children that they could choose any gift that they wanted. Catherine, being a good rider, “chose a whip.';(40) When she learned that Heathcliff was the reason why she did not get her present, she responded “by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing.';(41) Since she was used to getting everything that she wanted, she became haughty and had no respect for other people’s feelings.';      “Why canst thou not always be a good lass, Cathy?';      And she turned her face up to his, and laughed, and answered,      “Why cannot you always be a good man, Father?'; (47) Even on his deathbed, Catherine chose to vex her father instead of comforting him. Catherine’s faults, which can be attributed to her rich upbringing, do not endear her to readers.      Heathcliff, being the villain of the tale, is the most horrid character in Wuthering Heights. He manipulates everyone around him and has no regard for anyone but himself. His rotten nature can be traced back to his early years when he was a “poor, fatherless child.';(43) The lack of parental love and guidance made his life a difficult one. Heathcliff was an unwanted child who brought turmoil to a previously happy household. “So from the very beginning, he bred bad feelings in the house.';(42) Instead of rising from his poor position, he degenerated into an evil beast. When Catherine had begun to spend more time at Thrushcross Grange with the Linton’s, Heathcliff lost his self-respect and dignity. “If he were careless and uncared for before Catherine’s absence, he had been ten times more so since.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Nandos ________________________________________________________ Nando’s, is a well-known fast food restaurant which was found in 1987 in South Africa. Nando’s is specializing in chicken, especially its unique Mozambican-Portuguese style of Peri-Peri Flamed Grilled Chicken. Nando’s opened its first international strore 12 years ago and the Nando’s Peri-Peri trail has blazed from South Africa across the seas to other 22 countries, comprising 400 stores worldwide. The signature menu item at Nando’s is a Portuguese specialty, Peri-Peri chicken which has a truly unique taste. Delicious alternatives and additions to Peri-Peri chicken include chicken breast burgers and pitas, prego steak rolls, vegetarian and bean burgers, chicken livers etc. Businesses today face three major challenges and opportunities which of course, as an international company, Nando’s is also facing the same challenges which bring opportunity to the business: Globalization, Technological Advancement and Outsourcing. Further details will be discussed in the following. Globalization, Technological Advancement and Outsoucing _______________________________________________________ Globalization is the growing integration of economies and societies around the world and legal system. That make people around the globe are more connected to each other than ever before. At a business level, we talk globalization when companies decide to take part in the emerging global economy and establish themselves in foreign market. Globalization means a company will adapt their products or services to the final user’s linguistic and cultural requirement. Then, take the advantage of the internet revolution and establish a virtual presence on the international marketplace with a multilingual corporate website or even as an e-business. Nando’s first created in South Africa and had a fast development overseas. Nando’s has decided to go to an international market. Different stages in term of globalization are possible. Nando’s has acquired overseas outlets and branches. Nando comprises 400 stores worldwide with 176 stores in South Africa and the rest in international markets. It plan to have rolled out excess of 600 quick service restaurants to world wide within 3 years serving peri-peri marinated, flame grill chicken and associated food items under the Nando’s brand name. In our opinion, globalization of Nando’s brings the greatest opportunities for higher economic growth and better living standards that more openness bring, policymakers to international, national and local. Chief executive Robbie Brozin had anticipated the fast food chain to introduce Nando’s unique flamed-grilled chicken to world wide. Nowadays, Nando’s already establish many restaurants in Asian like Singapore and`Malaysia. To define the models of strategy used, the four P components of the Marketing Mix will help us understand nando’s view. Nando’s needs have a big promotion for their products to create a successful global brand. The first promotion of their product is advertised their grill-chicken by using the poster method. They provide four-different color chicken and create a slogan for their brand â€Å"We’re all the same on the inside, Pauline†. Then it used a radio advertisement featuring a soon-to-be-grilled chicken parodying a recording made by Hanson. A vital part of low cost marketing strategy is to be flexible and topical and grab channel as soon as they arise to influence out of the publicity. Nowadays, Nando’s also create a website to introduce their tradition proteges food to world wide. Consumers can also download Nando’s peri-peri chicken recipes if they are interest to it. In Malaysia, the most attractive promotion is the Nando’s have classified their peri-peri chicken to four flavors, that is lemon-herb, mild peri-peri, hot peri-peri, extra hot peri-peri. These promotion is aim to attract the people who interest to challenge for the level of spicy of Nando’s peri-peri chicken with their spicy chilly sauce. Beside the well-known of the brand, its products are well-positioned for international growth because of the healthier image of grill chicken. The famous food of the Nando’s is their peri-peri chicken. The chicken are butterfly-cut and marinated for 24 hours before they are flame-grilled to succulent perfection and are basted with your choice of peri-peri flavour when order are taken. Nando’s are not change the recipe to prepare the peri-peri chiken while the peri-peri chicken is introduce to different countries because they want the consumer to enjoy a traditional Afro-Portugnese styled eating experi-perience and knowing the culture of their food at Nando’s. They are also ensuring that the ingredients to prepare the chicken are positive effect on life. For an example, the well known Nando’s peri-peri chicken has a high content of vitamin C and their peri-peri chicken release endorphins. By the way, they are only using A-grade chickens, which are trimmed of any excess fat before cooking. Thereafter, the chicken is flame-grilled on custom designed grills, which burn away most of the remaining fat. This means that Nando’s chickens are low in fat and cholesterol. The results of recent nutritional research have confirmed that Nando’s has a lot to crow about when it comes to health. However, comparing to its competitors, Nando’s has the advantages to provide a better quality and speed. As explained by Hume, they want to be the best, not the biggest. They found a niche market where they can develop their product. Nando’s not only recognize their food to the global, they are also promise that the Nando’s experience is universal. They ensure that consumers will find the same warm friendly service delicious chicken and a relaxed informal atmosphere when they walk in anyone of Nando’s restaurant. Beside that, Nando’s also want kids to share in the Nando’s experience, so they have special non-spicy flavour especially for children. They are intended that everyone can enjoy wonderful food and service in the restaurant In order to achieve globalization and challenge with the international competitors, Nando’s have to set their own price for each product. So, Nando’s have five options to review pricing strategy. First, adopt a ‘bugger them’ attitude and keep your prices as they are. Second, slash your prices to undercut the undercutters. This two option could find yourself in the bankruptcy court. Third, adjust your prices downward to meet those of the competition. Forth, increase your prices and target a niche market. Select options three and four and need the financial clout to outlast the competition. The best bet is option five that is cut costs to lower your prices and add value to customer service. It involves using resources (human and material) more efficiently. It may involve restructuring organization from top to bottom. It will certainly involve developing a customer service culture. Nando’s will choose their restaurants located in the high population location. This restaurant is under franchise whereby, this restaurant can find it in certain place. Normally, we can easily find it in Midvalley, KLCC, 1-Utama. As a consumer, the cheap and better food is a first choice to them. It can not be denied that this restaurant is very convenient to consumer because after shopping, and then can enjoy this famous restaurant. The alternatively is this restaurant is very suitable for those people who are run out this means for the working people, this kind of people only 1 hour to enjoy their lunch, therefore, this restaurant is the better choice for them, because, the restaurant has this concept ‘ fast, cheap, near, convenient, best services, fair’. This concept really attack attention for this kind of people. If we discuss the convenient place which the restaurant is located? The question wants to ask that, what the ordinary people are regards as the convenient place. It can not be denied that everyone can but car, bus, taxi, LRT, to the nearest shop which the restaurant. The especially go through by LRT it is most convenient for people whatever go to certain destination. Therefore, due to this convenient of the traffic, the indirectly can promote he restaurant to people about the special food, special services and so on. The indirectly the special rest6aurant will also one of the food in this restaurant because of the convenient which to improve the business of the restaurant. Therefore, the convenient place is very important point. As we know that the changes foreseen over the next decade or two will be more comprehensive and have a higher degree of impart on every aspect of our lives than has ever been witnessed. Technology is advancing exponentially and the rate of advancement is accelerating; it is impossible to throttle back innovation and technological advancement. We need to approach policy decisions with a new predictive model that is built upon fact-based assessments. However, technology also provides the capabilities for countries to defend themselves- thus creating some degree of security. When we look at the rate of technological advancement or progress, we can see as time passes the technologically advanced and technologically disadvantaged to increase. Thus, a very good example is Nando’s UK. Nando’s UK is different to the other Nando’s chains world-wide in that its 70 odd stores are not franchises but directly owned and managed. Nando’s UK started with a range of line-of-business applications and separate Web-enabled solutions, all requiring professional developers to update. Basic changes required HTML and other development skills. This process made timely posting of content more difficult than it should have been, and the Intranet was not being used as effectively as it should have been as an internal marketing, communication and management platform. The solution had to have a single point of call, be easy to update, expandable, secure, utilizing the current structure with the ability to evolve, and be scalable. Nando’s IT department had built an earlier Intranet solution in-house. This experience had taught them the importance of security and authentication of users together with flexible user management within an expandable navigational structure. They also thoroughly understood all of the technical issues and problems and realized that the solution to these issues had to be esigned into the system at a fundamental level. When they went to market for a solution they knew how difficult and expensive it would be to develop an in-house solution and that there was no point in reinventing the wheel if there was a flexible system already in existence that could meet their requirements or could easily be adapted. High on their priority list was a solution that had already solved the problems of security, authentication, and int erfacing with third party applications allowing consistent branding. In addition they wanted a system that did away with the need for HTML staff to update content and allowed them to target these skills on enhancements. Non-technical users needed an easy-to-use application that would allow them to create and publish, directly to the site in a matter of minutes. In addition, the solution needed to be flexible and extendible so it could dynamically evolve to reflect changes within the company. Nando’s UK identified other requirements as the project evolved which ActiveWeb was flexible enough to address to produce a value for money solution to meet their needs. Furthermore, ActiveWeb responded to this brief enthusiastically and with a commitment which impressed Nando’s staff. For example, the project management had the technology expertise to instinctively understand what Nando’s wanted to achieve and how it could be achieved using ActiveWeb CMS. They had already solved the problem of ease of use security branding and expandability. Besides that, the ActiveWeb CMS solution empowered Nando’s content contributors to take control of their own content and take a far more proactive role in terms of prompting their individual areas. Moreover, the ActiveWeb cms is a NET development which ensures Nando’s has invested in a future [proof technology solution which can be integrated with back office systems, when required, with the Intranet and Extranet. Outsourcing is purchasing a significant percentage of intermediate components from outside suppliers. Furthermore, this also refers to a company buying services from another firm. For example, if company X is outsourcing its e-commerce services, it means that it is relying on another company to do this job rather than doing it internally with its own employees and resources. Many companies, like IBM, outsource much of their production to Taiwanese firms. In addition, outsourcing is the transference to third-parties, the performance of functions once administered in-house. Outsourcing is really two types of service: ITO – IT Outsourcing, involves a third party who is contracted to manage a particular application, including all related servers, networks, and software upgrades. BPO – Business Process Outsourcing features a third party who manages the entire business process, such as accounting, procurement, or human resources. In this case, Nando’s has taken Portuguese food to the world. For decades during the twentieth century, tens of thousands of people emigrated from Portugal, some to search for better lives, others to escape desperate poverty. And with them went much of Portugal’s entrepreneurial spirit. Initially, the migrants were fleeing a military dictatorship which governed the country for almost half the century: Under the rule of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, wealth was greatly concentrated in the hands of a small upper class, leaving the rest of the population without the spare cash or opportunity to ever consider large scale business propositions. After the military leaders were toppled in 1974, ending 48 years of dictatorship-ideas about profits and free enterprise were further curbed for years by the country’s left-wing rules. But now the entrepreneurs are back, as symbolized by the rapid rise of the popular Nando’s chain of spicy chicken restaurants-â€Å"official taste of Portugal 2004†. ________________________________________________________ From the opportunities offer, Nando’s has now operated in the fiercely competitive international markets for years. It has stood the test of time and today it is an international high-street brand trading successfully in many different international countries with equally diverse cultures and customer needs. The Nando’s culture and chosen empowerment style has proven to be particularly suitable in adapting to this global expansion path.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Travel Writing 101
Travel Writing 101 A lot of freelance writers dream of breaking into travel journalism. Who doesn’t want to see the world and get paid for the privilege? Most of us fall into one of two camps. We either think travel journalism is easy and anyone can do it, or we think it’s an impossible dream. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. In addition to numerous specialist travel magazines and websites worldwide, the vast majority of which use freelancers to provide content, most national newspapers and lifestyle publications also have travel sections. All told, this is a lot of markets you could be writing for. Think of an angle, with one eye on current trends, obviously based around a specific destination (the more off the beaten track the better – there are only so many articles about Paris or New York City a publication needs) and pitch away until you get a commission. Bear in mind editors will generally be more receptive to fully-formed ideas that adhere to their contributor’s guidelines and fit their existing format. Then, you can start planning. Write up a detailed itinerary listing everything from how you plan to get there and where you are going to stay, to activities and airport transfers. Always check local events listings and try to maximize your time Now the hard work begins. Use your newly-acquired commission as leverage to approach tour operators, airlines, car hire companies, hotels, local amenities, businesses and tourist attractions which could theoretically slot into your schedule. Explain that you would be happy to namecheck them in your article in exchange for a free ticket, a room for a night, or even a meal, depending on what service the business provides. Be warned, the potential provider will likely want to see details of the publication you are writing for (circulation, readership, demographic, etc.), proof of commission (a short-headed letter from a commissioning editor will suffice) and will need you to explain how their service or product will be integrated into your feature. In short, they will want to know if working with you will be worth their investment. This step requires a lot of legwork, but in a perfect world, you should be able to subsidize your trip, if not pay for the whole thing. Unless you are a staf fer, in the current climate very few publications are prepared to pay contributor’s expenses, but it never hurts to ask. In the digital age, most freelance travel writers have a large social media presence and a blog. Some also have YouTube channels. Maintaining a blog and building a following takes time. But the old adage ‘Sell it and they will come’ bears fruit. If you provide a worthwhile product and promote it well, readers will find you. How do you provide a worthwhile product? Make your posts valuable, practical, and ensure each has a jewel, some hidden or little-known fact or nugget of knowledge. Aim to fill a niche, such as traveling on a budget or being a solo traveler. Remember, your blog is your showcase. When it has gained some traction, arm yourself with the vital stats such as your total followers and site hits (screenshots are more impressive) and go about the subsequent steps as you would if you’d won a commission from a national publication. There are a few free platforms you can use for blogging. I recommend WordPress or Wix. Alternatively, try contacting various agencies such as international tourist boards and other official bodies. Introduce yourself and ask about any promotional press trips. This is something countries do to boost international tourism. Then you can pitch editors according to what’s available. Play your cards right, and you could be writing your next assignment from a beach hut in Madagascar.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Sexuality and Emotions essays
Sexuality and Emotions essays I have learned a lot of information about my own sexuality in this class. It not only benefits my sexuality but also my emotions. I learned how to deal with my own emotion and how to express them. I can now control my anger and also resolve issues easily. As far as my relationship with my ex-girlfriend... this class explained a lot of our fights. I now learned so much of the things we should have avoided as a couple. I also learned that communication is the key in order to have a strong relationship. I believe if I was to get into another relationship again, I would know how to communicate better with my girlfriend to keep a healthy relationship. Most importantly, I learned how to prioritize my happiness before others. Being self-conscious about things to impress others is taxing to my self-esteem. I learned how to make myself happy without caring what anyone else thinks. i use to care about what people think of me and it would give me anxiety... but now I just do whatever makes me happy. I also learned how to emotionally free myself... instead of holding in emotions. I understand that this can be damaging and its hard to start changing into that habit. Sometimes I want to express how I feel to my mother that certain things she does makes me angry... but the thought of it seems disrespecting her. It seems like I would be talking back to her authority... But I learned that we are both adults and as an adult I need to tell her what bothers me. I started telling her what bothers me and it was easy after all. I use the word that I appreciate her for helping me out but I can handle things on my own. She understood me and even co mplimented that Im finally a grown man. As far as sexuality, I learned that good communication between couple is very stimulating and very healthy. I also learned that erectile dysfunction happens when its linked to anxiety. I myself had an episode of erectile dysfunction once... but I learne...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Client Quality Meeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Client Quality Meeting - Essay Example The problem, therefore, is not that strategic planning does not work but that the paradigms that we have been using before are not right for new situation and environment. The first step has been to identify the pieces that must at least be understood before we can successfully begin. The next step, then, is to develop an idealized, generic model that gives us a clear idea of the whole that we are shooting for when we begin implementation. It must be specific enough to allow us to identify action steps. At the same time, however, it must be general enough so that any type of organization can apply it effectively (Knack, 2004). In order to be more successful, we need an approach that helps replace or combine our short-term orientation with a long-term one; discourages in-house competition for resources; helps generate consensus on priorities; encourages the necessary integration; effectively reads and reacts to the organization's increasingly turbulent environment; and does not impose unrealistic demands on those required to translate corporate objectives, as defined, into reality. (a) Process standardization The question arose of whether maintenance should have a team of its own or whether representatives should act as a resource to the other divisional teams. With input from the heads of PS&D and maintenance, it is eventually decided that this function should have its own team and should deal initially with issues internal to its own operation. This arrangement would allow maintenance personnel to concentrate first on their own procedures and equipment needs. It would allow them also to design, from their own perspective, the desired relationship with the storeroom and the production units they served before involving other stakeholders (Johnston 2003). A major purpose of the team building effort is to improve relations between the hourly work force and management. Having the two sides join together in a problem-solving effort is a step in this direction. The quality control consultants should meet with the team and review its conversations with the departme nt supervisors. (b) New technologies Information technologies must be integrated into the entire production process (from initial designs through marketing to final sales and supporting services such as maintenance). To do this requires the office, the factory, the retail store, and the repair service to have workers with levels of education and skill they have never needed in the past. Every production worker must be taught some principles of operations research to employ statistical quality control. (Frame, 2003; Senior,2001). V Expected Quality Standards Action- Guest speaker, discussion; Time - 30 min What are your expectations about product quality and control Do you agree with our strategic
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Local Rivals of Endeavour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Local Rivals of Endeavour - Essay Example The culture of the Chinese companies may significantly be different from the national culture of the country where Endeavour is located. Aside from Mikes obvious egotistic attitude, some factors may have been part of the conflict between Mikes coordination with the senior personnel among the Chinese contractors. Dealing with Asian companies requires certain people skills that know how the differences in the culture and these differences in the international socio-cultural environment can also play a part in Mikes offenses that have caused the conflicts, then the delays. The theories relating to judgment suggest that when there is a certain standard, a person is being compared to that standard which influences the judgment. Mike is a star engineering student. With the owners being engineers themselves, they know the standards that Mikes talents meet which has affected their judgment. With this standard, they thought, being a star engineering student will transform into a very much valued employee - one that contributes a lot of value to the company. Mike lives up to a certain degree of very high standards. However, not knowing that such standards in the university will not transform into standards of being a great manager. There is also a point that because one of the owners view Mike as himself, the standards are further distorted. The team fails to work well because the group dynamics have been distorted by Mikes attitudes. In order for a team to function well, there should be some harmony among the members in the form of good communication and the huge variance of personality between Mike and the other team members. However, Mikes attitudes especially when he has been consulted for some technical things has made communication worse - when the other members bring up a legitimate problem such as in the case of the Chinese contractors, Mike becomes defensive.Â
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