Wednesday, October 30, 2019
War on Drug Crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
War on Drug Crimes - Essay Example They are mostly the cause of many social problems we are facing these days in our society such as; rape, assault, reckless driving est. These drugs are mostly illegal drugs and when used often can lead to very server addiction, which is very difficult to overcome. Example of such drugs include cocaine, heroine est. The problem of wiping out these drugs from the system has become a global concern since trades in these drugs are now done even across. Many governments therefore are trying so hard to structure out very effective ways of preventing their countries from being used as trading grounds or safe passes by people trading in these illegal drugs since it poses a great to their country. These drugs have very negative effects both on individuals and the society and the society at large. These effects include addiction on the part of the individual. As mentioned earlier on, these drugs have very addictive potentials. Therefore when one takes these drugs two or three times, it is possible for that person to become addicted to them. Addictions to these drugs cause a lot of harm to the human body. Once people get addicted to these drugs, they will risk anything; either their education, job est. in other to get these drugs to take.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Calorimetry and Hesss Law Essay Example for Free
Calorimetry and Hesss Law Essay Elemental magnesium is one of the principal components of flares used to illuminate nighttime activities, or to aid in signaling one’s location to aircraft and ships. Your instructor may ignite a strip of magnesium ribbon to demonstrate the combustion of magnesium in air. It will be evident that a great deal of light energy is released from this reaction. A direct method for measuring the heat produced by this reaction would be difficult, so we shall resort to an indirect method in this experiment as discussed below. Some chemical reactions (including the one above) are associated with the evolution of thermal energy and are called exothermic reactions. When there is absorption of energy in a chemical reaction, the process is called endothermic. The magnitude of the energy change is determined by the particular reaction as well as the amount of product(s) formed. The thermal energy transferred in a balanced chemical reaction carried out at constant pressure is called the enthalpy of reaction (or heat of reaction) and is given the symbol ÃŽâ€Hrxn. ÃŽâ€Hrxn is often expressed in units of kJ/mole where mole refers to the amount of a reactant or a product involved in the reaction. In general, the reactant or product must be specified. In this experiment, you will measure the enthalpy changes of several exothermic reactions utilizing a simple calorimeter. This calorimeter consists of an insulated vessel (a Styrofoam cup), a thermometer, and a lid (which is loose fitting to allow the pressure to remain constant. The energy given off by any reaction carried out in the calorimeter is absorbed by both the calorimeter and the solvent (water). This causes an increase in the temperature of the calorimeter and solvent that can be me asured by a thermometer. The heat that is absorbed by the calorimeter and solvent is calculated from the equation: qcal = C â‹… ÃŽâ€T (1) where C is the heat capacity of the calorimeter and solvent, and ÃŽâ€T is the change in temperature of the water (the solvent) in the calorimeter. Heat capacity is defined as the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of an object by 1  °C. In this experiment, the vessel and the amount of solvent remain constant, so C is a constant. Enthalpy is an extensive quantity, so the amount of heat generated by the reaction is given by the expression: qrxn = n â‹… ÃŽâ€H (2) where n is the number of moles of a specific reactant or product and ÃŽâ€H is the enthalpy change of the reaction in kJ/mol. Since the energy of the universe is conserved, the total energy change of the system (the reaction) and surroundings (calorimeter and solvent) is equal to zero. These relationships can be combined as shown in equation (3). qsystem + qsurroundings = qreaction + qcalorimeter = nâ‹…Îâ€H + Câ‹…Îâ€T = 0 (3) This equation can be rearranged to determine either C or ÃŽâ€H as shown in equations (4) and (5). C = − nâ‹…Îâ€H/ÃŽâ€T (4) ÃŽâ€H = − Câ‹…Îâ€T/n (5) For exothermic reactions, ÃŽâ€H 0 and ÃŽâ€T 0. The main experimental problem in any calorimetric measurement is obtaining an accurate value of ÃŽâ€T. The initial temperature, Ti, of the reactants can be determined directly using a thermometer. However, it is difficult to obtain a precise value for the final temperature, Tf (the instantaneous temperature when the reactants are mixed together and react), because (1) reactions do not occur instantaneously, and (2) calorimeters are not perfectly insulating, but actually allow some heat energy to slowly enter or escape from the calorimeter over time. This occurs both during the reaction and after its completion. If an exothermic reaction occurs in a hypothetical calorimeter that is perfectly insulated, all of the heat produced by the reaction will remain in the calorimeter, resulting in a constant final temperature. This would yield the same ÃŽâ€T whether or not the reaction is instantaneous. Now consider a hypothetical exothermic reaction that occurs instantaneously, but in a realistic calorimeter that is not perfectly insulated. In this case, the temperature of the calorimeter would diminish over time due to the gradual escape of heat energy to the surroundings. ï€ The â€Å"final†temperature to be used in determining ÃŽâ€T in this case is actually the maximum temperature reached immediately after reaction occurs, since this temperature change is due exclusively to the heat produced in the reaction, and no escaping of heat to the surroundings has occurred yet. For real calorimeter experiments, reactions neither occur instantaneously nor are calorimeters perfectly insulated. Thus, during an exothermic reaction the temperature of the calorimeter increases initially, but never has a chance to reach the correct maximum â€Å"final†temperature since heat is escaping to the surroundings even while the reaction is proceeding toward completion. A correction for this heat exchange is made by an extrapolation process using the temperature vs. time curve (see Figure 1). First, a plot of the temperature readings as a function of time for the reaction is generated. By extrapolating only the linear portion of the curve (e.g., the points including and after the maximum temperature) back to zero time (the time when the reactants were mixed in the calorimeter), Tf is obtained. The Tf value determined in this manner will be the temperature that the calorimeter and the solvent would have reached, had the reaction occurred instantaneously and with no heat exchange to the room. This value should be used for the calculation of change in temperature, ÃŽâ€T. Consult with your TA for specific instructions for extrapolation using Microsoft Excel. A. Determination of the Enthalpy of Combustion of Mg Using Hess’s Law The calorimeter will be used to determine the enthalpy of combustion of magnesium by application of Hess’s law. Consider the following reactions: (a) H2(g) +  ½ O2 (g) → H2O (l) ÃŽâ€Ha = − 285.84 kJ/mole (b) Mg(s) + 2 H+ (aq) → Mg2+ (aq) + H2 (g) ÃŽâ€Hb (c) Mg2+ (aq) + H2O (l) → MgO (s) + 2 H+ (aq) ÃŽâ€Hc By adding equations (a), (b), and (c) we obtain (d) Mg (s) +  ½ O2 (g) → MgO (s) ÃŽâ€Hrxn = ÃŽâ€Ha + ÃŽâ€Hb + ÃŽâ€Hc which represents the combustion of Mg(s). Reaction (a) represents the formation of liquid water from its constituent elements. The enthalpy change for this reaction, symbolized ÃŽâ€Ha above, is the standard heat of formation of liquid water (or ÃŽâ€Hf (H2O)) and is a known quantity. ÃŽâ€Hb and ÃŽâ€Hc will be determined experimentally by measuring the temperature rise when known masses of magnesium metal and magnesium oxide, respectively, are added to hydrochloric acid. Reaction (c) as written is an endothermic reaction. Since it is easier to perform the reverse (exothermic) reaction, the data you collect will be of opposite sign to that needed for the Hess’s law calculation for reaction (d). When data from your analysis is correctly combined with that for the known reaction (a), the enthalpy of combustion of magnesium metal can be obtained. PROCEDURE: Note: Handle the Styrofoam cups gently. They will be used by other lab sections! A. Determination of the Enthalpy of Combustion of Magnesium Reaction of Magnesium Metal and Hydrochloric Acid 1. Using the graduated cylinder, add 50.0 mL of 1.0 M HCl to the empty calorimeter. Wait for a few minutes to allow the set-up to reach thermal equilibrium. 2. While waiting, determine the mass of a sample of magnesium ribbon (about 0.15 g) on the analytical balance, and then wrap it with a piece of copper wire. The copper will not react in the solution; its purpose is to prevent the magnesium from floating to the surface during the reaction. Do not wrap the magnesium too tightly or it will not react quickly enough with the HCl solution. Do not wrap the magnesium too loosely since it may escape the copper â€Å"cage†and float. 3. Using LoggerPro, start a run of 500 seconds with the temperature probe in the 1.0 M HCl in the calorimeter (with lid). 4. The magnesium/copper bundle is added to the HCl solution. Replace the lid with the thermometer in place, and begin swirling to mix. Be sure to support the temperature probe. Continue swirling and collecting data and record about 300 seconds or until the temperature starts decreasing. This will provide the linear part of the curve, and are the most important points for the extrapolation procedure. 5. When data collection is completed, rinse the calorimeter and thermometer with distilled water and dry as completely as possible. Place the piece of copper in the container labeled â€Å"copper waste.†B. Reaction of Magnesium Oxide and Hydrochloric Acid 1. Place 50.0 mL of 1.0 M HCl into a clean graduated cylinder. 2. On a top-loading balance, transfer approximately 0.7 to 0.8 g of MgO to a clean weighing boat (no need to record this mass). Next, determine the mass of the MgO and the weighing boat on the analytical balance and record the data. Transfer the MgO to the dry calorimeter. 3. On the analytical balance, record the mass of the â€Å"empty†weighing boat after the transfer and calculate the mass of MgO actually transferred to the calorimeter. 4. Record the initial temperature (Ti) of the 1.0 M HCl solution in the graduated cylinder. 5. Note the time (time = zero) and add the 50.0 mL of 1.0 M HCl to the calorimeter containing the MgO. 7-8 points after the temperature maximum. In this reaction all the MgO should react since HCl is used in excess. However, if the solid MgO is allowed to sit on the bottom or sides of the cup it will not dissolve and hence it will not react. Make sure the solution is mixed constantly but gently. (NOTE: Before discarding this solution, check to see that all of the MgO has reacted. If solid MgO remains, the results from this portion of the experiment are not accurate. If any solid is present, this portion of the experiment must be repeated.) 6. When data collection is completed, rinse the calorimeter and thermometer with distilled water and dry as completely as possible.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Meaninglessness Of External Causes :: essays research papers
<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Some philosophers say that our life is meaningless because it has a prescribed end. This is a strange assertion: is a movie rendered meaningless because of its finiteness? Some things acquire a meaning precisely because they are finite: consider academic studies, for instance. It would seem that meaningfulness does not depend upon matters temporary. We all share the belief that we derive meaning from external sources. Something bigger than us – and outside us – bestows meaning upon our lives: God, the State, a social institution, an historical cause. Yet, this belief is misplaced and mistaken. If such an external source of meaning were to depend upon us for its definition (hence, for its meaning) – how could we derive meaning from it? A cyclical argument ensues. We can never derive meaning from that whose very meaning (or definition) is dependent on us. The defined cannot define the definer. To use the defined as part of its own definition (by the vice of its inclusion in the definer) is the very definition of a tautology, the gravest of logical fallacies. On the other hand: if such an external source of meaning were NOT dependent on us for its definition or meaning – again it would have been of no use in our quest for meaning and definition. That which is absolutely independent of us – is absolutely free of any interaction with us because such an interaction would inevitably have constituted a part of its definition or meaning. And that, which is devoid of any interaction with us – cannot be known to us. We know about something by interacting with it. The very exchange of information – through the senses - is an interaction. Thus, either we serve as part of the definition or the meaning of an external source – or we do not. In the first case, it cannot constitute a part of our own definition or meaning. In the second case, it cannot be known to us and, therefore, cannot be discussed at all. Put differently: no meaning can be derived from an external source. Despite the above said, people derive meaning almost exclusively from external sources. If a sufficient number of questions is asked, we will always reach an external source of meaning. People believe in God and in a divine plan, an order inspired by Him and manifest in both the inanimate and the animate universe.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
T.S Elliot: Threatening Women :: essays research papers fc
Threatening Women      A reoccurring theme in much of Eliot’s poetry is the figure or figures of threatening women. Eliot includes his intimidation of women in a lot of poetry he writes. However, with some of his later poetry his feeling towards women changes. He goes from fearing them and feeling threatened to almost celebrating them. When comparing his work in â€Å"The Wasteland†to his work in â€Å"Marina†you can definitely sense a change in his feelings. Could this change in his poetry be a result of his estranged relationship with his first wife and the beginning of a happy one with his second? Being that a lot of his poetry was based on his relationships with women this notion is quite possible when delving further into the meaning of his poetry. Eliot’s usage of threatening women in his poetry changes as his relationships with women changes.      To get a better understanding of this one must understand the relationship between Eliot and the women in his life. Vivien Haigh-Wood was his first wife. He met Vivien in 1915 and married her that same year. Neither of their parents knew of the courtship. She was of the English upper-middleclass. She was very intelligent and lively, but she was also very unstable, unknown to Eliot. From the start neither one of them could understand the other (T.S Eliot par.7). Vivien was extremely controlling and jealous, and embarrassing to take out socially. She drained Eliot with her constant illness and nearly drove him to a nervous breakdown (par. 9). Vivien was in and out of mental hospitals from 1928 and on. Then in 1932 Eliot was offered a job lecturing at Harvard. He saw this as his chance out of his unhappy marriage. So he went to the United States and filed for a legal separation from Vivien (par.13). In 1947 Eliot was shattered by the news that Vivien had passed away in a private mental hospital (par.15). Eliot met his next love interest in 1949. She was his secretary at Fabres, her name was Valerie Fletcher. After working with her for 8 years he finally proposed in 1956 (T.S Eliot par.17). They were married in 1957. Valerie was only 30 and Eliot was 68. Not many of his friends stopped him from this happiness. He told friends, â€Å"I am the luckiest man in the world.†He was very jolly during this time in his life (par.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Rocky Road to Success
The Rocky Road to Success Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone, a man who has walked down a tough road but never gave up on his goals. He was overlooked at the beginning but now he overlooks Lake Tahoe in his large house. Even though it looked bleak at first Stallone kept with it and ended up changing American views, the movie industry, and also he showed us that â€Å"It ain't over till it's over. †Sylvester Stallone's birth wasn't the easiest operation for a doctor. On July 6th, 1947, Stallone was pulled from his mother, Jackie Stallone's womb by the doctor's forceps which ended up severing a facial nerve.This paralyzed the lower left half of his face, which gave him his iconic look and slightly slurred speech today. Young Sylvester Stallone was born into a troubled marriage, for his first five years he lived in the infamous Hell's Kitchen going to-and-from assorted foster homes. Eventually his parents got their act together and they were all reunited as a family. Due to St allone's birth accident, his face and speech made him an outcast in school, which in turn led to multiple fights and poor grades. His father and mother got divorced when Stallone was eleven and soon after, he was sent to a school for â€Å"troubled kids†.He moved to Philadelphia where he attended Notre Dame Academy and Lincoln High School which is where he first started acting and was also a football player. After high school Sylvester Stallone went to instruct at the American College of Switzerland in Geneva. After a couple years he returned to the United States and enrolled for college. He enrolled at the University of Miami hoping to get a major in drama. Stallone's college life didn't last long because he dropped out to pursue an acting career in New York.The Jobs didn't come easy in the beginning like they do ow, but Stallone stuck with it and played some minor roles before he blasted off in 1976 when he wrote â€Å"Rocky'. This Jumpstarted his career to becoming the ma n we know today. Stallone owns a third of the world-wide icon Planet Hollywood. Planet Hollywood is a resort that has food, games, a pool, and hotel. The creation of this hotel/resort/restaurant gave people of the world the opportunity to look at some of cinemas most iconic costumes, art, and props. Stallone is also a dedicated painter. l think I'm a much better painter than an actor†Stallone states in an interview with Kate Roberts. He also believes â€Å"It's much more personal and I'm allowed to do Just what I want to do. Quite often in acting you have to play a certain part, you cannot speak as much as you want to speak. †His paintings can be seen in St. Petersburg. (Reuters. ) He also claims that he wouldn't take an acting Job if it interfered with his paintings. Some of his paintings depict his iconic creation Rocky Balboa. Sylvester Stallone wrote many of the movies he has starred in.In 1976 he wrote and starred in the hit film â€Å"Rocky', which eventually e volved into a six movie set that the main role as John Rambo a Vietnam War veteran. Stallone also wrote/co-wrote â€Å"F. I. S. T. ,†, â€Å"Rambo: First Blood Part II,†â€Å"Rhinestone†and â€Å"Rambo Ill. â€Å", â€Å"Staying Alive†, â€Å"The Expendables†, â€Å"The Expendables 2†. As an actor Stallone has had in ups and downs. His roles as Rocky Balboa in the Rocky saga, John Rambo in the Rambo trilogy, the movie â€Å"Cliffhanger†, and â€Å"Demolition Man†were some of his best roles. But after the success of â€Å"Demolition Man†, Stallone's career began to fade away.His career hit rock bottom in 2002 with the movie â€Å"D-Tax†which only earned fifty-five thousand dollars on its opening weekend (that's pretty bad). His career then took off again when he was 60 when he returned to the role of Rocky in â€Å"Rocky Balboa†the sixth and final movie to his rocky series. Stallone has earned many aw ards and nominations along the years. He has won two Oscars and won 27 awards and has had 31 nominations. He also holds the record for being the â€Å"only actor to open a number one film over five decades†. His career is still rolling strong today.Stallone is starring in an upcoming film called â€Å"Grudge Match†that comes out Christmas Day and had announced the production of an â€Å"Expendables 3†and also a spinoff of Rocky â€Å"Creed. †One of Stallone's greatest accomplishments was the creation of a little man with a big heart, Rocky Balboa, who overcame adversity and won the hearts of millions. In 1975, Stallone was out of work and his hopes where low, but then became inspired by a boxing match he witnessed, he soon wrote the script of â€Å"Rocky' in Just three days. He made his first mark in his career whenever he went to sell the script.He was the first person to write a script and refused to sell it unless he played the starring role. Nobod y had ever done this before but it soon caught on with actors like Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Owen Wilson. Most people shot him down because of his rule but he was finally accepted by Robert Chatoff and Charles Winkler and they soon began production. â€Å"Rocky' wasn't Just a hero but an icon for many, not because it was a boxing movie but because it was a movie of overcoming the odds, a true underdog story, and also a love story.The Rocky saga was seen as â€Å"this great symbolism of never give up and that your dreams can come true†(Stallone, The Rocky Saga: Going the Distance) or â€Å"A saga about America with the backdrop of boxing. †(Carl Weathers, The Rocky Saga: Going the Distance) these aspects are what made the series such a uccess. Today there is a marathon based off of the workout route Rocky took during his training in the movie called â€Å"Rocky 50K Fatass Race. â€Å", â€Å"Rocky Balboa wasn't Just an underdog boxing hero, but a full-fledged u ltra-marathoner, the waiting began.Someone, at some point, would emerge to stage a run based on the 30. 61 -mile course McQuade determined Rocky ran in the training sequence in Rocky II. †(Hamilton, Fun Run on Rockys 30-Mile Philly Route is On! ). The route starts at Rockys home and ends at the iconic stairs leading to the Philadelphia art museum. Rocky also left his mark n the city of Philadelphia; there is a statue of Rocky Balboa that stands at the front of the iconic museum where Rocky would end his workout run.When filming the scene of Rocky running up the stairs, Garret Brown got a chance to try out his newest creation the Steadicam, â€Å"Rocky' wasn't the first movie he used it on but it was the first nowadays in most films. Rocky Balboa also has been inducted to the Boxing Hall of Fame for his influence on the boxing community and the world. Stallone's other big hit was about a Vietnam War veteran, John Rambo. â€Å"Rambo dramatized the conservative pillars of the post-Vietnam period†(Wardenski, WhyRambo Mattered) this movie was about the Vietnam War but it was a story that showed that we couldVe won the war but we ended up losing because of the beaurocrats. Rambo changed how Americans viewed those who served in Vietnam. Rambo was the first real action hero, â€Å"setting a new standard for body count, property destruction, and a hero's view of human and material destruction. Why did Rambo change the action movie genre? Well first off Stallone created a character which became synonymous with big macho 80's fragging action but also because it was kind of smart.Not exactly a thinking man's movie but one where the characters ad some complex emotions that made them, want blow up the whole town. Thanks to Rambo and a host of mean-spirited vigilante movies, the Vietnam Vet had film options outside of hang wringing dramas about post-combat relationships.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Great Gatsby Study Guide
The Great Gatsby Study Guide The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, is F. Scott Fitzgeralds most famous novel. Set during the Roaring 20s, the book tells the story of a group of wealthy, often hedonistic residents of the fictional New York towns of West Egg and East Egg. The novel critiques the idea of the American Dream, suggesting that the concept has been corrupted by the careless pursuit of decadence. Though it was poorly received in Fitzgerald’s lifetime, The Great Gatsby is now considered a cornerstone of American literature. Plot Summary Nick Carraway, the narrator of the novel, moves to the Long Island neighborhood of West Egg. He lives next door to a mysterious millionaire named Jay Gatsby, who throws extravagant parties but never seems to show up at his own events. Across the bay, in the old-money neighborhood of East Egg, Nick’s cousin Daisy Buchanan lives with her unfaithful husband Tom. Toms mistress, Myrtle Wilson, is a working-class woman married to mechanic George Wilson. Daisy and Gatsby were in love before the war, but they were separated due to Gatsby’s lower social status. Gatsby is still in love with Daisy. He soon befriends Nick, who agrees to help Gatsby rekindle his affair with Daisy by acting as go-between. Gatsby and Daisy restart their affair, but it is short lived. Tom soon catches on and becomes furious over Daisys unfaithfulness. Daisy chooses to stay with Tom due to her unwillingness to sacrifice her social position. After the confrontation, Daisy and Gatsby drive home in the same car, with Daisy driving. Daisy accidentally hits and kills Myrtle, but Gatsby promises to take the blame if need be. Myrtle’s suspicious husband George approaches Tom about the death. He believes that whoever killed Myrtle was also Myrtles lover. Tom tells him how to find Gatsby, suggesting that Gatsby was the driver of the car (and thus indirectly suggesting that Gatsby was Myrtles lover). George murders Gatsby, then kills himself. Nick is one of only a few mourners at Gatsby’s funeral and, fed up and disillusioned, moves back to the Midwest. Major Characters Jay Gatsby. Gatsby is a mysterious, reclusive millionaire who climbed from a poor upbringing to immense wealth. Hes an idealist fixated on grandeur and romance, but his relentless attempts to woo Daisy and free himself from his past only brings more tragedy upon him. Nick Carraway. Nick, a bond salesman whos new to West Egg, is the narrator of the novel. Nick is more easygoing than the wealthy hedonists around him, but he is easily awed by their grand lifestyles. After witnessing the fallout from Daisy and Gatsby’s affair as well as the careless cruelty of Tom and Daisy, Nick becomes more jaded and leaves Long Island for good. Daisy Buchanan. Daisy, Nicks cousin, is a socialite and flapper. She is married to Tom. Daisy displays self-centered and shallow characteristics, but the reader occasionally sees glimmers of greater depth beneath the surface. Despite renewing her romance with Gatsby, she is too unwilling to give up the comforts of her wealthy life. Tom Buchanan. Tom, Daisys husband, is wealthy and arrogant. He also displays hypocrisy, as he regularly carries on affairs of his own but becomes furious and possessive when he realizes Daisy is in love with Gatsby. His anger over the affair leads him to mislead George Wilson into believing his wife had an affair with Gatsby- a lie that ultimately results in Gatsbys death. Major Themes Wealth and Social Class. The pursuit of wealth unites most of the characters in the novel, most of whom live a hedonistic, shallow lifestyle. Gatsby- a â€Å"new money†millionaire- finds out that even immense wealth does not guarantee crossing over the class barrier. In this way, the novel suggests that there is a significant difference between wealth and social class, and that social mobility is more illusory than the characters think. Love. The Great Gatsby is a story about love, but it is not necessarily a love story. No one in the novel truly feels â€Å"love†for their partners; the closest anyone comes is Nick’s fondness for his girlfriend Jordan. Gatsby’s obsessive love for Daisy is the center of the plot, but he is in love with a romanticized memory rather than the real Daisy. The American Dream. The novel critiques the American Dream: the idea that anyone can achieve anything if they work hard enough. Gatsby works tirelessly and acquires enormous wealth, but he still winds up alone. The misfortune faced by the novels wealthy characters suggests that the American Dream has become corrupted by the greedy pursuit of decadence and wealth. Idealism. Gatsby’s idealism is his most redeeming quality and his biggest downfall. Although his optimistic idealism makes him a more genuine character than the calculating socialites around him, it also leads him to hold onto hopes that he should let go of, as symbolized by the green light he stares at across the bay. Historical Context Fitzgerald was famously inspired by both the Jazz Age society and the Lost Generation. The novel is steeped in the historical context of the era, from flapper and bootlegging culture to the explosion of â€Å"new money†and industrialization. In addition, Fitzgerald’s own life was reflected in the novel: like Gatsby, he was a self-made man who fell in love with a bright young ingenue (Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald) and strived to be â€Å"worthy†of her. The novel can be read as Fitzgerald’s attempt to critique Jazz Age society and the concept of the American Dream. The decadence of the era is portrayed critically, and the idea of the American Dream is depicted as a failure. About The Author F. Scott Fitzgerald was a key figure in the American literary establishment. His work often reflected on the excesses of the Jazz Age and the disillusionment of the post-World War I era. He wrote four novels (plus one unfinished novel) and over 160 short stories. Although he became something of a celebrity in his lifetime, Fitzgeralds novels didn’t achieve critical success until they were rediscovered after his death. Today, Fitzgerald is hailed as one of the great American authors.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Predjudice and Liberty
Predjudice and Liberty Prejudice and LibertyThroughout Canadian history there have been some bleak circumstances in which harm has been done, whether physical or emotional, unto certain habitants based on inequitable laws within the constitution. In particular, the "white women's labour laws" and Bill C-36 have persuaded prejudices to occur within communities. These predispositions have been based primarily on ethnic backgrounds and to some extent on gender. The cause of such inequity can generally be found in the results of acts of war or terrorism. As a result unjustified persecution could ensue.The white women's labour laws were put in place to prohibit the hiring of white women in restaurants, laundries or any other Oriental owned business. The law was designed to support public morality by protecting white women from the advances of chinamen. In short, the law excludes Asian males from success within the community and labels them as a distinct group of distorted offenders.Countries in which Islamist t errorist attacks have...The first victim of the law was Quong Wing, a Chinese-Canadian restaurant owner in Moose Jaw. He was charged with employing three white women as waitresses. The defense in this case argued that the term "Chinese" was to broad to know to whom exactly it applied. Loosing his case without much of a chance, Quong Wing appealed. He now argued that the law should not apply to a Canadian citizen, as he is, or that the provincial government of Saskatchewan should have the power to make laws that apply only to immigrants. Faced with another loss, he appealed to the Supreme Court. Four out of Five judges argued that the law should stand, believing that Quong Wing cannot be a Canadian because he is still from China, and that the law applies to him because of his Chinese origin. By reviewing such a case it is obvious...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Everything You Need to Know About the Word Century
Everything You Need to Know About the Word Century Everything You Need to Know about the Word â€Å"Century†Back in Ancient Rome, the Latin word centuria meant â€Å"group of one hundred.†It was applied to everything from agricultural land division to soldiery (hence â€Å"centurions†). But nowadays, â€Å"century†has a more specific meaning: a period of one hundred years. Here, we will focus on this last meaning, as this term is common in many academic disciplines. As such, when discussing past events, it’s important to know how to use it correctly. Century in Words and Numbers Centuries can be written out either with words (â€Å"nineteenth century†) or numerals (â€Å"19th century†). In academic writing, however, it’s usually better to use the full version: Communication changed hugely in the twentieth century. – Correct Communication changed hugely in the 20th century. – Incorrect It’s always worth checking your style guide, though, as some conventions differ. Associated Press, for example, recommends using figures when referring to any century after the tenth. Fin de Sià ¨cle A common mistake when writing about the past is to conflate the numerical version of a year with the century in which it falls. In actuality, the number applies to all years up to the end of a century, not the first two digits of the year in figures. The seventeenth century, for instance, began on January 1, 1601 and ended on December 31, 1700. As such, when referring to the year 1618, it’s important to remember that it was part of the seventeenth century, rather than the sixteenth: Beginning in 1618, the Thirty Years’ War left a scar on the seventeenth century. – Correct Beginning in 1618, the Thirty Years’ War left a scar on the sixteenth century. – Incorrect To avoid this mistake, keep in mind that the number refers to the end of the century (e.g. 1800 or 1900) and covers the preceding hundred years. To Capitalize or Not? It’s not uncommon for people to capitalize centuries: e.g., â€Å"Fourteenth Century†rather than â€Å"fourteenth century.†However, this is incorrect, since â€Å"century†is a measure of time, like â€Å"week†or â€Å"month,†not a proper noun. When to Hyphenate The final thing to remember with centuries is when to hyphenate. The rule here is the same as when using hyphens elsewhere, so it depends on whether you’re using the term adjectivally. For example, if you’re describing a digital wrist watch, you might describe it as â€Å"twentieth-century technology.†Here, the century is hyphenated because it is being used as a compound adjective modifying the word â€Å"technology.â€
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Impact of E-Commerce on International Business Essay
The Impact of E-Commerce on International Business - Essay Example And e-commerce often becomes handy in making products or services available to the consumer that may not be available in his country/area of residence. In simple words, e-commerce makes international markets easier, cheaper, and faster for the vendor as well as the consumer. But it must be admitted that e-commerce has its own disadvantages too, especially while coming to Internet security and delay in receiving the product ordered. The study on â€Å"Impact of E-Commerce on International Marketing†conducted by Payman, Rosamaria, Marco, Anand, Robert and Xiaowen in 2006 defines e-commerce as follows: â€Å"Electronic commerce primarily consists of the distributing, buying, selling, marketing and servicing of products or services over electronic communications systems such as the Internet and other computer networks like extranets, e-mail, e-books, databases and mobile phones†(Payman, Rosamaria, Macro, Anand, Robert, and Xiaowen). All kinds of commerce including B2B, B2 C and C2C activities are performed in a number of ways including electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, online marketing, etc. As per the above mentioned study (Payman et al.), a voluminous sale of $12.2 billion took place in 2003 via e-commerce. Today, the World Wide Web has emerged as the exclusive venue of e-commerce ventures as it is the most widespread communication network of the world. A number of e-commerce companies took their shape in 1990s, but the â€Å"†collapse of 2000 and 2001 was a major setback for them. It was at the beginning of the new millennium that e-commerce received the popular attention and acceptance which it boasts about today. The extent and expansion of e-commerce relies cliquishly on the expansion of technology. E-Commerce is widespread in almost all the developed countries but it is still in primary stages of growth in many industrialized countries and is apparently non-existent in a good proportion of the third world count ries. Electronic Commerce is, of course, a new methodology in global trade and commerce. A paper by Kuzic, Fisher and Scollar that studies the impact of e-commerce in Australia points out that e-commerce has its own tangible and intangible benefits. As Kuzic, Fisher and Scollary state, e-commerce is mainly â€Å"enhanced business efficiency, a boost in the automation of processes, transformation of traditional market chain, retained and expanded customer base, reduced operation costs and acquisition of a niche market†which are regarded as the tangible benefits; and, â€Å"enhancing education and well-being of consumers, consumer loyalty, competitive advantage and convenient shopping†are the intangible advantages. Many of these are clearly benefits that no other way of trading involves. E-Commerce is beneficial not only for the merchant but also for the consumer because it offers a wide range of products to choose the best from, and the remarkable speed of the process es cannot be found anywhere else. Compared to traditional markets, the transactions take place between the seller and buyer directly and no intermediates are present contrary to the traditional markets. When we think how the international market has been benefited out of e-commerce, a common opinion
Friday, October 18, 2019
Why do we study the classical theorists Of what use are such concepts Essay - 1
Why do we study the classical theorists Of what use are such concepts as Clausewitzs trinity - Essay Example Their findings have enabled us to understand some concepts faster as opposed to if we were to start from square one. Generally, the works of classical theorists help us take in and process an otherwise a large quantity of knowledge (Ritzer 2003). Concepts such as Clausewitz’s concept of a trinity have proved to be very useful to both theorists and practitioners. The concept has helped students to focus on critical aspect of life that could have been obscured with the experiences of the world that keep on changing. The Clausewitz’s concept of a trinity is an interactive set of three elements which drive the events taking place in a war in the real world. The three elements or forces include people, government and armed forces. Clausewitz’s concept of a trinity has greatly influenced the current strategic theories and policies of war. The concept has familiarized students of military art with the events of war. The theory has stood the test of time and is still being applied in war situations today (New 1996). New, Col Larry D. "Clausewitz’s Theory: on War and Its Application Today." Airpower Journal , 1996. HYPERLINK ""
Essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13
Questions - Essay Example The executive branch is conferred â€Å"with exemptions and qualifications†in the President of the United States; he also has the power to veto laws (Davis 1). The president is not obliged to enforce the law; instead, the president’s minions should perform these duties. Lastly, the judicial branch of the government has the authority to decide over cases and disputes. This power is conferred to the Supreme Court and lower courts as recognized by the Congress. Each branch of the United States national government possesses powers that it can utilize to check and balance the functions and activities of the other two branches. Declaring George Washington’s greatest achievement would always be subjective and indefinite in nature; but, in all probability, he desisted from taking more power than what was appropriate (Wood 105). After his resignation as the Commander-in-Chief of the continental Army, the people wanted him to become the King of the newly-formed nation; nevertheless, he refused to accept this fate, and instead, he wanted to have a democratic and free country. He was thorough of upholding a good standing by precluding political conspiracy. He showed no attention and notice over partiality and cronyism. Perhaps his greatest failure was when he approved the passing of The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, which provided slaveholders the right to regain their property; also, to help a runaway slave is a grave crime, which eventually permitted the proliferation of slave chasers within the United States’ territories. This is a rather subtle move to sustain slavery, which is contradictory to his desire to create a democratic and free country. On the whole, Washington’s administration led the successful emancipation of the slaves, which although hampered in his initial decision to implement The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, eventually
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Hate Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Hate - Coursework Example This project will discuss the relationship of hate and psychology as they have been applied to past and current events and how they have been applied to the theories that have been developed. The second section will present how these theories present contradictory evidence whether it is a group or an individual. A short evaluation of this research project will conclude this paper with the writer's personal views of what type of psychology is needed in studying hate. Behavioural Psychology is a theory that all behaviours are gained through conditioning: classical & operant. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Classical conditioning have two elements, the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response. Operant Conditioning is the association between the behaviour and the consequence for that behaviour. From this conditioning, the learning theory was developed. Negative behaviour can be eliminated by taking away the benefit. A person's behaviour is learned b y the consequences which can be external forces. His conscious is changed by the rewards he receives. Adolf Eichmann as seen by a behavioural psychologist would have learned a set of rules and been conditioned to have positive consequences. "When these basic, underlying, human standards (behaviours) are cross culture and are human, there are no longer any societal rules for criticising what is good and what is bad. It was considered normal what was going on in Germany. (Goble 110) Social Psychology is focused on the situation. Eichmann's defence was that he was simply following instructions when he ordered the death of millions of Jews. In his 1974 book Obedience to Authority, Milgram posed the question, "Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?" One person in history, one concept of hate is compared to two types of psychology. Social Psychology is focused on the situation. Behavioural Psyc hology is focused on the consequences of the reward of the individual. Social Psychology - SSM Theory Behavioural Psychology- Learning Theory Social Psychology in simple terms tells how people act, when they are with other people. Group behaviour, conformity, interaction, perception, prejudice and leadership are all taken into account. In 2003, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) finished an eight year study which has become the universal Seven-Stage Hate Model (SHM) The SHM is a predictive tool that tracks hate groups from inception to full maturity. A hate group, if not stopped, passes through seven successive stages. In the first four stages, hate groups vocalize their beliefs and in the last three stages, they act on their beliefs. There is contradictory evidence in the original study and the universal SHM between the distinction of passing from stage 3 to 4 as they are often interchanged. In 2003, the model was presented by the FBI as: 1. The Haters gather 2. The Hate gro up defines itself 3. The Hate Group disparages the target 4. The Hate Group taunts the target 5. The Hate Group attacks without weapons 6. The Hate Group attacks with weapons 7. The Hate Group destroys the target A transition period exists between verbal violence and acting that violence out. Prior to the groups transition to acting out violence interdiction has the greatest probability of success. The Seven-Stage Hate Model can be used to predict violence before it occurs. Observers can track
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 179
Summary - Essay Example In connection to this, complications of masticatory organ are considered the third stomatological disease because of their chronicity and extensive prevalence. Their otolaryngological symptoms include sudden hearing loss, ear plugging sensation as well as earache, swallowing difficulties, vertigo, as well as tinnitus and sore and burning throat. The research method involved analyzing the response of medical interviews of patients undergoing prosthetic treatment. The result showed that earache as well as sudden hearing impairment was common. Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is claimed to cause the imbalance of the body. Research study involved use of questionnaires in evaluating the impact of TMD on cervical spine ROM as well as reduction of spinal pain. Treated (with occlusal splint) and control groups were used in the study. The result showed that treatment with occlusal splint improved TMJ function, cervical spine as well as reduction of spinal pain. In relation to this, chronic oral along with facial pain syndromes need the intervention of the physicians with medical specialties. Improper differentiation of other sources of pain from idiopathic facial pain results to improper treatment. Thus, characterization of pain resulting from trigeminal neuralgia as well as TMJ dysfunction is important before treatment. The study was aimed at identifying the correlation of sleep bruxism (SB), tinnitus and TMD. The result evidenced the association between TMD and tinnitus and lower magnitude association with SB. The absence of SB in presence of painful TMD was linked with tinnitus whereas the presence of both SB and painful TMD was associated with a very severe tinnitus. In connection with this, this study investigated the association of the occurrence of TMD in elderly with the palpation of TMJ in addition to masticatory and cervical muscles, presence of headache as well as
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Hate Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Hate - Coursework Example This project will discuss the relationship of hate and psychology as they have been applied to past and current events and how they have been applied to the theories that have been developed. The second section will present how these theories present contradictory evidence whether it is a group or an individual. A short evaluation of this research project will conclude this paper with the writer's personal views of what type of psychology is needed in studying hate. Behavioural Psychology is a theory that all behaviours are gained through conditioning: classical & operant. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Classical conditioning have two elements, the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response. Operant Conditioning is the association between the behaviour and the consequence for that behaviour. From this conditioning, the learning theory was developed. Negative behaviour can be eliminated by taking away the benefit. A person's behaviour is learned b y the consequences which can be external forces. His conscious is changed by the rewards he receives. Adolf Eichmann as seen by a behavioural psychologist would have learned a set of rules and been conditioned to have positive consequences. "When these basic, underlying, human standards (behaviours) are cross culture and are human, there are no longer any societal rules for criticising what is good and what is bad. It was considered normal what was going on in Germany. (Goble 110) Social Psychology is focused on the situation. Eichmann's defence was that he was simply following instructions when he ordered the death of millions of Jews. In his 1974 book Obedience to Authority, Milgram posed the question, "Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?" One person in history, one concept of hate is compared to two types of psychology. Social Psychology is focused on the situation. Behavioural Psyc hology is focused on the consequences of the reward of the individual. Social Psychology - SSM Theory Behavioural Psychology- Learning Theory Social Psychology in simple terms tells how people act, when they are with other people. Group behaviour, conformity, interaction, perception, prejudice and leadership are all taken into account. In 2003, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) finished an eight year study which has become the universal Seven-Stage Hate Model (SHM) The SHM is a predictive tool that tracks hate groups from inception to full maturity. A hate group, if not stopped, passes through seven successive stages. In the first four stages, hate groups vocalize their beliefs and in the last three stages, they act on their beliefs. There is contradictory evidence in the original study and the universal SHM between the distinction of passing from stage 3 to 4 as they are often interchanged. In 2003, the model was presented by the FBI as: 1. The Haters gather 2. The Hate gro up defines itself 3. The Hate Group disparages the target 4. The Hate Group taunts the target 5. The Hate Group attacks without weapons 6. The Hate Group attacks with weapons 7. The Hate Group destroys the target A transition period exists between verbal violence and acting that violence out. Prior to the groups transition to acting out violence interdiction has the greatest probability of success. The Seven-Stage Hate Model can be used to predict violence before it occurs. Observers can track
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Branding Strategy- Nike Inc.U.K Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Branding Strategy- Nike Inc.U.K - Essay Example The positioning strategy of Nike is; to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. This is supplemented by Nike's definition of an athlete as anyone who has a body. Nike’s brand is perceived as a high performance brand in the world. Since its inception, Nike has always listened to its customer’s needs (athletes) and designs its products in such a way that athletes can give their best. Nike has tried to create an image of â€Å"innovative product†in the minds of its consumers and earned the reputation of highest quality provider in the sportswear industry of U.K. From the simple Marathon shoes in 1964, to introducing the cushioning technology in running shoes in 70s, to the introduction of air technology and high alpha line products are all the marvelous innovations of Nike. Nike has made its brand image in the market place by associating its product with high achievers of sports in the European Market. Nike has signed Golf player Tiger Woods , Tennis player Rafael Nadal, European Soccer Players Eric Cantona and Robert Mandeni, Football Player Michael Jordan in the past. All these players endorsed Nike brand and Nike emerged as a high quality, celebrity preferred brand in the marketplace. Further, in 2006, Nike collaborated with Apple which indeed was a clever step to take Nike to the heights of Glory.
Fruit Ripening Essay Example for Free
Fruit Ripening Essay Placing fruit in a bag will help hasten the ripening for only a few fruits. Most fruits will not ripen (ever) once they have been picked. The only fruits that ripen once theyre picked are bananas, avocados, pears, mango, and kiwifruit. Ripeness in fruits is based on sugar content, not color, thus most tomatoes in grocery stores have no flavor because they were picked green and exposed to ethylene gas to induce color change. Tomatoes are what are known as a climacteric fruit which means theyll change appearance based on climactic conditions but they dont ripen. Yes, they continue to soften but thats simply the process of cell deterioration know as decomposition. Some fruits such as peaches, plums, etc. will seem to develop more sweetness as they sit on the counter but thats because theyre also losing moisture and the residual sugars are concentrating in the cell walls. Placing fruit in a paper bag helps to concentrate the levels of ethylene gas which is what helps induce the ripening of the above mentioned fruits (bananas/avocados, etc.). In fact, avocados and pears must be picked in order to ripen. Pears that are left on the tree will simply rot. As mentioned previously brown paper bags used to be something everyone had around their house so it was a commmon item before the switch to plastic bags. Have you ever noticed some people like red bell peppers and not green ones? The reason is due toripeness. Plant tissues communicate by means of hormones. Hormones are chemicals that are produced in one location that have an effect on cells in a different location. Most plant hormones are transported through the plant vascular system, but some, like ethylene, are released into the gaseous phase, or air. Ethylene is produced and released by rapidly-growing plant tissues. It is released by the growing tips of roots, flowers, damaged tissue, and ripening fruit. The hormone has multiple effects on plants. One is fruit ripening. When fruit ripens, the starch in the fleshy part of the fruit is converted to sugar. The sweeter fruit is more attractive to animals, so they will eat it and disperse the seeds. Ethylene initiates the reaction in which the starch is converted into sugar. Iodine solution binds to starch, but not to sugar, forming a dark-colored complex. You can estimate how ripe a fruit is by whether or not is is darkened after painting it with an iodine solution. Unripe fruit is starch y, so it will be dark.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Study On Serial Position Curve Phenomena
Study On Serial Position Curve Phenomena The Serial Position Curve is a psychological phenomena founded by Murdock (1962) in an experiment where the participants were tested for recall on a list of words previously learnt. This experiment has in turn become an accepted measure of memory testing. The theory for the serial position curve is that people recall a list of pre-learnt words best at the beginning and at the end of the given list. Typically, when a sequence of visual or verbal material is presented, the initial and later items in the sequence are remembered better than those from the middle of the sequence (Baddeley, Papagno Andrado 1993; Glanzer Cunitz 1966; Neath 1993). These effects are termed primacy and recency effects, respectively. Well-known primacy effects occur when people are forming a summary impression of a single entity such as a person, product or event. When information about a single entity is presented sequentially, there is usually a primacy or first impression effect, whereby the earliest information has a larger impact on the unitary impression that later information does (Anderson 1973; Asch 1946). In addition, sensory scientists report a primacy bias in hedonic assessment of food; the first food sampled is experienced most strongly, so it is likely to be the most memorable (MacFie, Bratchell, Greehoff Vallis 1989). One reason putforward for the primacy effect is that the initial items presented are most effectively stored in long-term memory because of the greater amount of processing devoted to them. Several studies have investigated the effects of location in a sequence on end-of-sequence choices, there is still no clear answer to the question of which location in a sequence is most advantageous. Several researchers have conducted that there are primacy effects in choice (Carney Banaji 2008; Miller Krosnick 1998), and many descriptive studies of consumer choice have found such effects (Becker 1954; Berg, Filipello, Hinreiner Sawyer 1955; Coney 1977; Dean 1980). One suggested reason for the recency effect is that these items are still present in working memory when recall is solicited. One suggested reason for the primacy effect is that the initial items presented are most effectively stored in long-term memory because of the greater amount of processing devoted to them. There is some support backing up these ideas. Firstly, the primacy effect but not the recency effect is reduced when the items are presented faster. In addition, the primacy effect is enhanced when items are presented slowly, this suggests such factors can reduce and enhance processing of each item, therefore showing evidence of permanent storage. Secondly, the recency effect but not the primacy effect is reduced when a distracter task is given such as a maths continuous subtraction prior to recalling list items. This task in turn, requires working memory, and therefore interferes with the list items trying to be rehearsed and learned. The question of primacy versus recency dominance is not clear cut and continues to be investigated and debated. Marketing researchers generally have heeded the psychologists caution to vary presentation order in consumer product testing. However, there have been no recorded attempts to determine whether first or last position bias does influence consumer choice. Glanzer Cunitiz (1966) study investigating memory recognition and primacy-recency effects found that if a distracter task was introduced immediately after participants had learnt a list of words, that the recency effect was wiped out, but the primacy effect remained. However, Bjork and Whitten (1974) found that there was still a recency effect in free recall when the participants counted backwards for twelve seconds after each item in the list was presented. According to Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) this should have eliminated the recency effect. The vast majority of research into the serial position effect and memory has been conducted using verbal stimuli. These have found familiar bow-shaped serial position functions using a variety of theory including probed recall (Avons, Wright Pammer 1994, Nairne, Whiteman Woessner 1995) and serial reconstruction (Nairne, Reigler Serra 1991). Similar results arise if the stimulus materials are familiar pictures that can be verbally encoded (Manning Schreier 1988). Recent research has shown that serial reconstruction tasks using random matrices (Avons, 1998) and unfamiliar faces accompanied by verbal suppression (Smyth, Hay, Hitch Horton 2005) yield similarly shaped bow-shaped curves. In contrast, when memory for visual stimuli is examined using probed recognition the typical finding is not of a bow-shaped serial position curve but one with no primacy and only last item recency. Phillips Christie (1977) first demonstrated this non-standard serial position curve using a range of paradigms, with this finding being replicated using a variety of materials and methods (Avons, 1980; Avons, 1998; Broadbent and Broadbent, 1981; Hanna Loftus, 1993; Kerr, Avons Ward, 1999; Kornes, Maggnussen Reinvang, 1996; Walker, Hitch Duroe, 1993). Miles and Hodder (2005) looked at the effects of serial position on recognition memory for odours. The seven studies presented in their report looked at the contradiction in the present literature concerning the effect of serial presentation of odours on immediate recognition of test items. Usually, recognition tasks give the participant a sequence of items followed by two test items; one of which is familiar. The participant is then asked to identify the familiar item. Such a task is known as a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) task. Using such a type of testing usually creates recency effects in the absence of primacy effects (Miles 2005). Moreover, whilst considerable primacy-recency research has been conducted by using visual and auditory stimuli (Aldridge, J.W. Farrell, M.T. 1977; Broadbent, D. Dines, R. Broadbent, M. 1978; Engle, R.W. Durban, E.D. 1977) and to a lesser extent, motor stimuli (Magill, R.A Dowell, M.N. 1977), little study has been devoted in this area to the sense of taste. However, Ward, Avons Melling (2005) reported qualitatively equivalent serial position functions for both unfamiliar faces and nonwords when applied to a two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) recognition task and a serial order reconstruction task. The recognition task demonstrated single-item recency whilst the construction task demonstrated both primacy and recency. On the basis of these analogous functions, Ward et al (2005) proposed that the serial position effect differs due to task, rather than stimulus or modality dependent. For example, a 2AFC recognition task produced recency effects only, and serial order reconstruction tasks produces primacy and recency effects. Although, research conducted on olfactory memory and recognition has suggested memory for olfactory stimuli is different from memory for other stimuli (Baddeley 1976; Herz Engen 1996) as it has been found that immediate recognition of odours is considerably worse than that noted in visual or auditory tasks (Lawless 1978). Research into taste memory has previously investigated the presentation order effects (Dean 1980). This study measured the effects of position order in consumer taste testing on overall product preference and product rating scores. It was found that consumer product evaluations appeared to have been influenced strongly by presentation order, as first position products were preferred over later ones. This was based on both food and beverages. However, it could be argued that the results were found due to underlying reasons such as attention decrement, which is an idea emerged from serial order effects research that suggests that attention decreases over the course of stimulus exposure. In addition, it is suggested another underlying reason is a possible palate desensitisation effect, which is where participants become progressively less able to discriminate as a result of an initial taste or sensory masking effect. This effect is thought to have been visible even though Dean (1980) us ed water and crackers between products, as the participants taste discrimination may have become temporarily impaired. A second study into taste preference by Mantonakis, Rodero, Lesschaeve Hastie (2009). This study found that their measure of preference revealed a primacy advantage for the 2-wine, 3-wine, 4-wine and 5-wine sequences and a recency effect for the 4-wine and 5-wine sequence only. Mantonakis et al (2009) suggested bias reasons for this, the first was a first-is-best bias which is to account for the consistent primacy effect. In addition, the second bias was the bias in favour of each new wine accounts for the recency effect, it was found that the participants with higher expertise in wine were more persistent in looking for a better wine later in the sequence. Furthermore, Melcher Schooler (1996) had investigated the verbal overshadowing of taste memory regarding a situation where domain-specific perceptual expertise exceeds verbal expertise. Three groups of participants were used, non-wine drinkers who have virtually no experience with the stimulus and have low perceptual expertise and low verbal expertise, wine drinkers who have developed a palate for wine, therefore they have moderate perceptual expertise yet low verbal expertise, and the third group was wine experts who have high perceptual expertise and high verbal expertise. It was found that verbal overshadowing did infact occur in the wine drinkers group whereby their perceptual expertise exceeded their verbal expertise. A possible explanation for this given by Lewis, Seeley Miles (2009) is that the novice wine drinkers may not have the ability to provide verbal descriptions that were sufficiently analytic in order to establish a change in style that could carry over to the wine- recognition stage. The experts on the other hand, may have been analytic in their approach to the initial wine tasting and so, even if the verbal description task did produce a carry-over of a controlled analytic style, then this style would not have been deleterious to their wine recognition skills. Another area of taste memory that has been explored is the processing of Navon letters and wine recognition in a series of tests (Lewis, Seeley Miles 2009). It was found that wine recognition was more accurate after the reading of the global letters rather than after the reading of the local letters of the Navon stimuli. The present study investigated the effects of position order in a sequence of wines and taste recognition of a trial wine in a series of trials. The experimental hypothesis for the present study was that there would be a significant difference in correct scores between the first and third position and the second position, therefore, that primacy and regency effects would be present in taste memory.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Short-story Paper -- essays research papers
SHORT STORY PAPER 'Compare/contrast Faulkner's 'Dry September' with 'A rose for Emily' in terms of writing style and character presentation.'; What is going to be analyzed in this paper are the two short stories by W. Faulkner 'A Rose for Emily' and 'Dry September'. Basically, what is to be performed is a comparison/contrast analysis in terms of the writing style and character presentation. More specifically, I will provide first the information from the story 'A Rose for Emily', concerning writing style and character presentation, and following is going to be the same analysis for the other story 'Dry September'. After the necessary data are provided, there is going to be a comparison/contrast of these data, by also citing passages from the two stories, for making them more understandable. The similarities and differences that exist in the two stories are substantial. Before, the analysis on the stories takes place there are some general points that have to be mentioned that concern other elements of fiction that are as well important. To begin with, the town name that is used in both stories is the same and that is 'Jefferson'. Also both stories are taking place in the old South. And finally, in both of them the main character is a woman, Miss Emily Grierson and Miss Minnie Cooper respectively. The first story that is going to be analyzed is 'A Rose for Emily', and more specifically the analysis is divided in two parts, first I am concerned with the writing style and second with the character presentation. To begin with I have to say that this story is one that keeps the readers' interest undiminished. It has a complex plot and many questions arise when reading through it. Basically what is creating this is the lack of chronological order in the evolution of the facts that are presented. Things become more clear when one places them in the right order. Since the story is taking place in the old South, the choice and use of words indicts us to that region. Furthermore, what is also noticed here is that there are many descriptions(descriptive language) used in the story; 'It was a big, squarish frame house that … an eyesore among eyesores';(431-2). These help to understand more about the surrounding environment and about the appearance, 'They rose when she entered-a sma ll fat woman in black … while the visitors stated their errand';... ... story the descriptions about characters are referring to Emily a lot, and to other people that were close to her like the servant and H. Barron. In 'A Rose for Emily';, I saw that the reader is more like adduced to Emily's actions and emotions, while on the other story the reader has to deal with other people's actions and feelings. Added to this, I have also to say that two big differences concerning the main characters in that Emily's complex personality-in relation with her father and loved one is projected more, while on the other story we have more on Minnie's environment and relationships with other people. Summing up, throughout the analysis of the two stories by W. Faulkner, I spotted many similarities and differences, concerning the two elements of fiction, the writing style and the characters' presentation. Overall, the two stories are really interesting with a strange plot. Faulkner maintains in both stories, the strange feeling of an almost horror stories. He shows the profound wickedness that penetrates the various characters in both of the stories. Bizarre characters, outlandish settings, but more or less the same feelings to the reader, created by William Faulkner.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Theoretical Model Of Comfort Discomfort Health And Social Care Essay
Seating COMFORT AND DISCOMFORTThe Cambridge Advanced Learner ‘s lexicon ( 2008 ) defines comfort as a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from hurting. Hertzberg ( 1972 ) describes comfort as absence of uncomfortableness. The term â€Å" place comfort †is typically used to specify the short-run consequence of a place the human organic structure ( Kolich, 2008 ) . Comfort is a generic and subjective feeling that is hard to mensurate, construe, and related to human physiological homeostasis and psychological well being ( Shen and Parsons, 1997 ) . Seat comfort is a really subjective issue because it is the client who makes the concluding finding and client ratings are based on their sentiments holding experienced the place ( Runkle, 1994 ) . Helander ( 2003 ) stressed ergonomic remains in the place design, where good biotechnologies is a stipulation for comfort. By and large, comfort issues non under argument by research workers are ( De Looze et al. , 2003 ) : ( 1 ) comfort is a concept of a subjectively-defined personal nature ; ( 2 ) comfort is affected by factors of assorted nature ( physical, physiological, psychological ) ; and ( 3 ) comfort is a reaction to the environment. Helander and Zhang ( 1997 ) describes that there is a difference between comfort and uncomfortableness during sitting in office chair. They discuss that comfort is more related to emotional facets like experiencing safe and luxury. Discomfort is more related to physical facets like feeling force per unit area and musculus hurting.2.2.1 The Theoretical Model of Comfort and DiscomfortThe constructs of comfort and uncomfortableness in sitting are under argument. There is no widely accepted definition, although it is beyond difference that comfort and uncomfortableness are feelings or emotions that are subjective in nature ( De Looze et al. , 2003 ) . Seating uncomfortableness has been examined from a figure of different positions. The job with measuring comfort in resp ects to coerce or any other factor is that, comfort is subjective and non easy to quantify. Seating uncomfortableness varies from capable to capable and depends on the undertaking at manus. Comfort, nevertheless, is a obscure construct and subjective in nature. It is by and large defined as deficiency of uncomfortableness ( Shen and Vertiz, 1997 ) . One of the definitions of comfort by Dumur et Al. ( 2004 ) is the pleasant and fulfilling feeling of being physically or mentally free from hurting and agony, or something that provides this feeling. Harmonizing to the ‘European Union Legislation for Drivers and Promote ‘ ( Euroactiv, 2007 ) , the hebdomadal drive clip for truck drivers shall non transcend 56 hours. Commercial trucks are alone in that they are specifically designed to transport heavy tonss over long distances. The drawn-out period of sitting includes higher hazard of back jobs, numbness and discomfort in the natess due to excessively high surface force per unit area under the thighs ( Floyd and Roberts, 1958 ) . The survey by Adler et Al. ( 2006 ) shows that the driver position is non inactive and alterations over clip. Position alterations and uninterrupted gesture are schemes of the driver to avoid mechanical burden and ischaemia of tissue, which has been identified as one chief ground for uncomfortableness. Discomfort feelings, as described by Helander and Zhang ( 1997 ) , is affected by biomechanical factors and weariness. The beginnings of such uncomfortableness are listed in Table 2.1.Table 2.1 Causes of siting uncomfortableness ( Helander and Zhang, 1997 ) .Human experience mannerBiomechanicalSeat/EnvironmentPhysiology causesEngineering causesBeginningPain Pain Pain Discomfort Perspiration Percept Circulation occlusion Ischemia Nerve occlusion–Heat Visual/auditory/tactile Pressure Pressure Pressure Vibration Material Breathability Design/vibration Shock absorber stiffness Seat contour Vehicle drive Vinyl upholstery Vehicle cost Zhang et Al. ( 2006 ) presented a theoretical account that illustrates the interaction of comfort and uncomfortableness as shown in Figure 2.1. Passage from uncomfortableness to comfort and frailty versa are possible in the intersection of the axes. Hence, if uncomfortableness is increased, such as with a longer clip within undertaking and weariness, comfort will diminish. Its agencies that good biomechanics may non increase the degree of comfort, it is likely that hapless biomechanics turns comfort into uncomfortableness. Passage Discomfort: Poor Biomechanics And Tiredness Comfort: Well Being and Plushness Figure 2.1 Hypothetical Model of Discomfort and comfort ( Zhang et al. , 2006 ) . Millet and Pignede ( 2001 ) described the comfort methodological analysis, where is to avoid introducing with a comfort mark and burying other facets. They have explained that when interior decorator make a great betterment on a specific facet of comfort and if, at the same clip, the interior decorator induce a job for another comfort facet, the consequence is the uncomfortable place. They besides defined their â€Å" comfort oval †as shown in Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2 The 10 points of comfort ( Millet and Pignede, 2001 ) . Kolich ( 2008 ) described that seats are required to fulfill culture-based penchants and outlook of place comfort. For illustration, the Western European, by and large, are thought to prefer firmer seats as compared to North Americans. The writer besides visualized the factors that impacting automobile place comfort as in Figure 2.3. Figure 2.3 Factors impacting subjective perceptual experiences of car place comfort ( Kolich, 2008 ) . Position as described by Kolich ( 2008 ) , is the most of import single factor. While the consequence of position is assumed to be important, it is hard to turn to because residents with similar anthropometric features may sit in wholly different organic structure places. Stiffness, geometry, contour, breathability, and titling are considered seat factors. Stiffness refers to the resilience of the place system. Geometry defines place form in footings of breadth, length, and tallness, whereas contour trades with the profile of the sitting surface ( e.g. location and prominence of lumbar vertex ) . The place ‘s geometry and contour must suit the anthropometry variableness of the mark population. Breathability, as it pertains to the soft trim ( i.e. foam denseness and fabric building ) , may impact car place comfort in utmost environmental conditions. Styling must be included as a place factor because aesthetic quality may impact perceptual experiences of comfort, in the same mann er as nameplate or purchase monetary value of vehicle. Runkle ( 1994 ) described the Lear ‘s place comfort benchmarking methodological analysis which incorporates and integrates four tools into a individual comprehensive place comfort analysis ; market research surveies, benchmarking surveies, organic structure force per unit area distribution analyses and human factors surveies of anthropometric informations. The consequences concluded that good aesthetics, well-designed and comfy are more of import than physical parametric quantities in a place design. De Looze et Al. ( 2003 ) proposed a theoretical account of siting comfort and uncomfortableness as shown in Figure 2.4. The left side of the theoretical account is about the seating uncomfortableness. At the human degree, the ‘exposure ‘ , ‘dose ‘ . ‘response ‘ and ‘capacity ‘ is the chief issues of the work-related physical ailments. The external exposure factors bring forthing a perturbation of the internal province ( dose ) of an person. The dosage may arouse a cascade of mechanical, biomechanical or physiological response. The extent to which external exposure leads to an internal dosage and responses, depends on the physical capacity of the person. The loading factor of a sitting individual caused by the physical features of the office place, the environment and the undertaking. These external tonss related to muscle activation, internal force, intra-discal force per unit area, nervus and circulation inclusion, and tegument and org anic structure temperature rise, arousing farther chemical, physiological and biomechanical responses. The right side is concerns comfort, such as feelings of relaxation and wellbeing. In the theoretical account, the physical and psycho-social factors such as occupation satisfaction and societal support are playing a function at context degree. At the place degree, aesthetic design and physical characteristics may impact the feelings of comfort. At human degree the influential factors are assumed to be single outlook and other single feelings or emotions. Figure 2.4 Theoretical theoretical account of comfort and uncomfortableness and its implicit in factors at the human, place and context degree ( De Looze et al. , 2003 ) .2.3 Aircraft Passenger SeatWorld market has become really competitory in the concern and premiere category sections as this tend to give higher net income border in comparing with the economic system whose borders have been undercut by the new low-priced air hoses. The reaching of the new flourishing economic systems of China and India and the bing tiger economic systems pushed the demand for concern travellers on long draw flights really high. The air hoses responded by offering new degree of comfort and edification. The aircraft place maker have designed and manufactured the aircraft rider to guarantee the safety and comfort during air travel ( SEAT, 2006 ) .2.3.1 Current Aircraft Passenger SeatSwiss based company designed the air-filled chamber to replace the conventional froth. Pneumatic shock absorbers adjust a utomatically to siting and kiping places with air Chamberss. Due to the adaptative constructions of air chamber, riders feel no force per unit area points and can set shock absorber soundness separately ( Lantal Textiles, 2010a ) . Since 2009, all concern and first category seats of the SWISS long-haul fleet were equipped with Lantal ‘s advanced pneumatic comfort system. It sets new criterions in rider comfort and has a direct impact on the profitableness of air hoses. Four place companies, viz. , B/E Aerospace, Contour, ZIM Flugsitz and Recaro implemented Lantal ‘s pneumatic comfort system in their aircraft place ( Lantal Textiles, 2010b ) . The Lantal ‘s pneumatic comfort system is a inactive control system, where rider needs to set the hardness of air chamber manually. Thompson Solutions developed new economic system place, the Cozy Suite. The Cozy Suite provides each rider with two armrests. The place is designed to assist aircraft rider to kip. It has contoured shoulder country and offers wider articulatio genus infinite compared to standard siting designs of the same pitch. It besides features a alone hands-free, tip-up place base, which makes it easier to acquire in and out of window seats, and aid to diminish embarkation and deplaning times ( James and Kington, 2008 ) . The new place design claimed to increase 14 % of economic system category rider seats in Boeing B767-400. The Cozy Suite focused on legroom, armrests, air hoses gross, place measure, easiness of emersion, personal infinite and dedicated kiping country ( Thompson Aero Seating, 2009 ) . B/E Aerospace exhibited its economic system category ‘Spectrum ‘ rider place. The new platform is 10 % igniter in weight and provides over 14 % extra life infinite. The developed place includes a graven Crytalflex back support system and meets the 2009 Head Injury Criteria ( HIC ) demands. Recaro Aircraft Seating presented a new version of its single-beam Comfort Line 3610 economic system category place. The place increases the legroom even at a comparatively short place pitch. The new place have comfort characteristics include kinematics that improve the seating angle, a flexible head restraint, a foot cyberspace and ultra-thin visible radiation lightweight aluminum backrest with comfort gauze ( James and Kington, 2008 ) . Air New Zealand introduced the ‘Skycouch ‘ , a lie-flat economic system and premium economic system place in twelvemonth 2010. The ‘Skycouch ‘ is a specially designed row of three seats, has been engineered to make a lie-flat, flexible infinite all the manner to the seat-back in forepart, supplying a topographic point for the childs to play, or the holy grail of economic system travel- a level surface for grownups to loosen up and kip ( Air New Zealand, 2010 ) . Based on the survey on current aircraft rider place development from twelvemonth 2008 to 2010, the aircraft place makers and airliners were focused on the igniter and dilutant place every bit good as more seats to set in the cabin.2.4 EXISTING NECK SUPPORT DURING TRAVEL2.4.1 Travel Type Neck SupportFrom the merchandise hunt utilizing web services, several cervix supports related merchandises were found. There are different types of cervix supports that used during air travel such as inflatable cervix pillow ( Pilot Paul, 2010 ) , polyester filled pillow ( Pilot Paul, 2010 ) , memory froth pillow ( Pilot Paul, 2010 ) , feather filled pillow ( Nick Robinson, 2010 ) and the aircraft place with neck support ( Cathay Pacific, 2010 ; Qantas, 2010 ) .Inflatable Neck PillowThe inflatable cervix pillow can be found from any travel store at low monetary value. The chief job with inflatable cervix pillow is that they normally fail by developing a slow leak and upseting the user during remainder . The air inside the inflatable travel cervix pillow will spread out and contract the as the aircraft alterations altitude. This is because the cabin height alterations in proportion to the plane ‘s height. As the cabin height ascents, the air in the pillow expands. As the plane descends, it contracts. The pillow size alteration is relative to the height alteration. These cheap travel pillows seldom last more than two or three trips. The better 1s do last thirster. Another disadvantage of the less expensive air travel pillows is the vinyl stuff can acquire hot and gluey against your face. The chief advantage of inflatable travel pillows is that they take small room in your baggage. They are besides lighter than any of the other types, particularly the Polygonum fagopyrum 1s ( Pilot Paul, 2010 ) .Memory Foam Travel PillowThe memory froth travel pillow provides tonss of support and stabilisation and is highly comfy. A travel cervix pillow made with memory froth will last many ol d ages. It should last much longer than an inflatable or poly-filled one. Foam travel pillows do an first-class occupation of keeping your caput still therefore leting you to kip. Memory foam casts in response to your organic structure ‘ form, weight and heat to organize a pressure-free cradle of support. When user is non utilizing it, a froth travel cervix pillow compresses good to suit in your carry-on bag. They are comparatively lightweight. While memory froths travel pillows can be some of the most expensive among other neck support pillow ( Pilot Paul, 2010 ) .Polyester Travel PillowThe polyester travel pillow does non supply the support and stabilisation like memory froth or Polygonum fagopyrum travel pillows. Some air hose such as KLM and China Southern Airlines do provide polyester pillow in the cabin. The advantage of polyester travel pillow is low cost ( Pilot Paul, 2010 ) .Feather Filled PillowThe plume filled pillows are really soft, cuddly and fictile. The pillow contours to the caput and cervix sensible good and supply more support than down. The pillow can be scrunched to supply better support to user caput and cervix. The plume pillows weigh really small, normally weigh no more than a lb or two ( Nick Robinson, 2010 ) . Feather pillows frequently do non keep important support throughout the dark because they tend to drop in to some grade. As a consequence, the user needs to set the pillow during remainder. And botching the pillow or agitating it may besides be required to return the pillow to its preferable loft. As the pillow ages, increased fluffing or shaking will be required. The difficult quills of the plumes can frequently be noticed through the instance and can even jab through. Further, the pillow creates crunching-like noise when the pillows are compressed because the plumes can incorporate difficult parts or because the pillow has a fictile bed to forestall the plumes from jabing through. Finally, plume pillows have been known on juncture to hold an olfactory property, possibly of H2O poultry or chemicals used to sanitise the plumes ( Nick Robinson, 2010 ) .2.4.2 Long Distance Commercial Vehicle Passenger Seat with Neck SupportThe Coach Passenger Seat with Neck SupportLong-distance manager services, besides called express coachs or interurban managers, have in common that they cater for conveyance demands outside urban agglomerations, normally from metropolis to metropolis, frequently besides functioning towns non good served by rail on their manner ( van de Velde, 2009 ) . The manager rider place is one of the of import characteristics to guarantee the comfort of the rider for long distance travel. For illustration, an express manager that travels from Singapore to Thailand as showed in Figure 2.5 was equipped with cervix and leg support for their rider comfort during long distance travel. Figure 2.5 The luxury manager rider place with neck support ( Five Star Tours, 2010 ) .The Train Passenger Seat with Neck SupportFor the long distance high velocity rail, such as ICE, Thalys and Eurostar offered luxury rider place to guarantee the siting comfort of rider during train travel. German ICE offered the rider place with the cervix support as showed in Figure 2.6. The cervix support is a soft shock absorber that attached to the place with two strings. Thalys ( Figure 2.7 ) and Eurostar ( Figure 2.8 ) offered similar rider place with same side support for caput and cervix. Figure 2.6 The German train ICE rider place with neck support. Figure 2.7 The Gallic train Thalys rider place with neck support ( Raileurope, 2010 ) . Figure 2.8 The Eurostar rider place with neck support ( Bembridge, 2007 ) .The Aircraft Passenger Seat with Neck SupportThe economic system category place of major air hoses such as KLM, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airlines equipped with adjustable caput remainder to better the caput and cervix comfort during air travel. The headrest of economic system category place is a automatically device that support caput and cervix. The device needs to be adjusted manually by the rider for comfort betterment. The headrest ( Figure 2.9 ) that available in the economic system category aircraft place of Cathay Pacific Airlines able to adjusts in four ways – up, down and sideways ( with the adjustable ears ) . The head restraint is to maximise comfort and support for rider caput and cervix ( Cathay Pacific, 2010 ) . Subsequently, the Qantas A380 economic system category place besides equipped with the caput remainder ‘wing ‘ for caput and cervix support ( Qantas, 2010 ) . Most of the headrest that available in current aircraft rider is a mechanical system where the rider needs to set the caput remainder manually to the needed place. Figure 2.10 showed the Qantas economic system category aircraft rider place. Figure 2.9 The Cathay Pacific Airlines economic system category aircraft place with constitutional cervix support ( Cathay Pacific, 2010 ) . Figure 2.10 The Qantas Airline economic system category aircraft place with neck support ( Travelhouseuk ‘s Travel Blog, 2010 ) .2.5 OBJECTIFYING AND SUBEJCTIFYING OF SEAT ( DIS ) Comfort2.5.1 Relationship of nonsubjective measurings to siting comfort and uncomfortablenessThe design of vehicle ‘s seating for improved drive uncomfortableness is one of the primary ends for vehicle makers. Comfort measuring is hard because of such factors as user subjectiveness, occupant anthropometry, place geometry, and sum of clip spent sitting ( Thakurta et al. , 1995 ) . A great trade of research has been performed in recent old ages to happen nonsubjective steps for foretelling place comfort perceptual experience. Some of the proposed nonsubjective steps include quiver, interface force per unit area, and musculus activity. These nonsubjective steps are correlated with subjective informations to find the comparative effects of each step related to comfort ( Nawayseh and Griffin, 2005 ) . Research has shown that some of the chief factors that affect siting comfort are seat-interface force per unit area distribution, whole-body quiver and force per unit area alteration rate ( Boggs, 2004 ) . Position Analysis CAE Pressure Epinephrine Spinal Loading Oxygen Impregnation Temperature and HumidityObjective MeasurementsElectromyogram Vibration Evaluation Etc. Electroencephalogram A huge bulk of nonsubjective steps used for measuring comfort and uncomfortableness. From the literature hunt, the nonsubjective measuring methods for place such as force per unit area distribution, position, computer-aided design ( CAD ) , computer-aided technology ( CAE ) , temperature, humidness, quiver, electromyography ( EMG ) , and epinephrine. Figure 2.11 shows an overview of different nonsubjective measuring methods for place comfort and uncomfortableness. Figure 2.11 Overview of different nonsubjective measuring methods for place comfort and uncomfortableness. From the literature hunt utilizing computerized systems such as ScienceDirect, force per unit area measuring is used to analyze the uncomfortableness feeling among the drivers. Pressure measuring method is the most used method for the place developer to mensurate the comfort and uncomfortableness of sitting individuals ( Adreoni et al. , 2002 ; Boggs, 2004 ; Lee et al. , 1988 ; Nawayseh and Griffin, 2005 ; Yun et al. , 1992 ) . The instruments that used in force per unit area measuring, viz. , force per unit area mat, force per unit area proctor system, force detector, place distortion mensurating device and force per unit area imagination system. The automotive industry strongly encourages research in the field of nonsubjective comfort appraisal, particularly dedicated to the place and the related positions ( Bustrom et al. , 2006 ; Scarlett et al. , 2007 ) . Driver position is one of the of import issues to be considered in the vehicle design procedure ( Wu and Chen, 2004 ) sing non merely the auto and the user ( Kolich et al. , 2006 ; Schust et al. , 2006 ) but besides the experimental conditions. The instruments that used in the position measuring are camera, optoelectronic system ( Andreoni et al. , 2002 ; Brazier et al. , 2002 ) driving position monitoring system, digital signal processing, supersonic device ( Brazier et al. , 2002 ; Park et al. , 2000 ) , 3D gesture analysis ( Park et al. , 2000 ) , and gesture measuring system ( Bush and Phaeda, 2003 ) . A major part of the quivers experienced by the residents of an car enters the organic structure through the place ( Choi and Han, 2003 ) . Whole-body quivers, which are perpendicular quivers, tend to impact the human organic structure the most. These quivers are transmitted to the natess and dorsum of the resident along the vertebral axis via the base and dorsum of the place ( Wereley and Choi, 2005 ) . The instruments that used are perpendicular quiver simulator, angulator rate detector, accelerometer and whole organic structure quiver measuring. Six surveies have used computer-aided technology ( CAE ) methods to mensurate the sitting individual comfort such as finite component method ( Choi et al. , 2007 ) , practical world ( Marler et al. , 2007 ) , simulation method ( Kolich and White, 2004 ; Seitz et al. , 2005 ; Verver et al. , 2005 ) and unreal intelligence technique ( Kolich et al. , 2004 ) . Other surveies for nonsubjective measurings are related to human physiology. The physiology of human such as encephalon, musculus, bosom, tegument and spinal can be used to mensurate the sitting individual comfort or uncomfortableness degree. The spinal burden measurings have been performed in two surveies. Five surveies are carried out to mensurate the tegument temperature and humidness degree. Two surveies utilizing electromyography ( EMG ) to mensurate the musculus reaction in relation with the capable uncomfortableness feeling. There is a survey which used epinephrine content in the piss to mensurate the driver ‘s stress degree. Besides, the encephalon activity can be detected by electroencephalography ( EEG ) every bit good as O impregnation can be used to mensurate discomfort degree of sitting individual excessively.Pressure Measurements: The force per unit area distribution method is the most common method that used by research workers to mensurate place comfort objectiv ely. Several research workers have measured the force per unit area at the human-seat interface utilizing electronic detectors ( capacitive, resistive, strain gage ) , pneumatic and electro-pneumatic. However, the visco-elastic behaviour at the interface is wholly altered by the detectors used ( Nawayseh and Griffin, 2005 ) . Andreoni et Al. ( 2002 ) used force per unit area mat to garner shock absorber and backrest force per unit area informations during inactive conditions and existent drive activity. Gyi et Al. ( 1997 ) evaluated the place force per unit area measuring engineerings that used in the anticipation if driver uncomfortableness for assorted auto place designs, and supply interior decorators and makers with rapid information early in the design procedure. Lee et Al. ( 1998 ) recruited 100 topics and 16 seats to happen the correlativities between force per unit area informations and comfort. They stated that the correlativity is non high plenty to be the footing for any design determination. Yun et Al. ( 1992 ) studied the correlativity between force per unit area distribution and local uncomfortableness of auto seats. The consequence found that force per unit area distribution at the low back and buttock country was statically correlated to local uncomfortableness in auto seats.There are huge bulk of nonsubjective steps used for measuring comfort. They were created based on the comparing of different place designs with similar types of place shock absorbers that are widely used in the automotive industry, i.e. urethane froth shock absorbers. The kineticss of air-inflated place shock absorbers is really different from that of foam shock absorbers in footings of their interface with the human organic structure. Further surveies should be performed to utilize alternate methods of rating that can efficaciously measure the kineticss at the interface between the shock absorber and the human organic structure. In add-on, the vehicle place interior decora tor should see the soft tissue in contact with a soft place surface. Figure 2.12 shows the assorted force per unit area measuring techniques that used in the place development. Ocular fibres device SAE AM50 cheek signifier indentor Talley force per unit area proctor system Pressure feeling mat ( piezo resistive ) Highest extremum force per unit area measuring Lower extremum force per unit area Pliance system ( Pressure distribution ) Pressure and contact country measuring Pressure detectors Force sensor/transducers Pressure mat Seat distortion mensurating device ( Strain gage )PressureFigure 2.12 Assorted force per unit area measuring techniques.Position Analysis: The automotive industry strongly encourages research in the field of nonsubjective comfort appraisal, particularly dedicated to the place and the related positions ( Bustrom et al. , 2006 ; Scarlett et al. , 2007 ) . Driver position is one of the most of import issues to be considered in the vehicle design procedure ( Wu and Chen, 2004 ) sing non merely the auto and the user ( Kolich et al. , 2006 ; Schusr et al. , 2006 ) but besides the experimental conditions. Figure 2.13 shows the different nonsubjective measuring techniques for position analysis.Optoelectronic systemDriving position monitoring system ( DPMS )Digital signal processingShock absorber lading indentorSupersonic device of tactual explorationBody motion measuring3D optical maser scanningPosition analysis3D co-ordinate measurement machineVideo Camera( obesevation )Motion measuring system3D gesture analysisPositionFigur e 2.13 Objective measuring techniques for position analysis. Vibration Measurements: A major part of the quivers experienced by the residents of an car enters the organic structure through the place ( Choi and Han, 2003 ) . Whole-body quivers, which are perpendicular quivers, tend to impact the human organic structure the most. These quivers are transmitted to the natess and dorsum of the resident along the vertebral axis via the base and dorsum of the place ( Wereley and Choi, 2005 ) . Since the natural frequence for the human bole falls in the scope of 4-8 Hz, it is expected that the whole organic structure quivers that will most mostly affect riders will happen in this frequence scope ( Ofori-Boetang, 2003 ) . Figure 2.14 shows the nonsubjective measuring methods in quiver analysis. Vertical quiver simulator Angulator rate detector Accelerometer Whole organic structure quiver measuringVibrationFigure 2.14 The nonsubjective measuring methods for quiver analysis. Temperature and Humidity Measurements: Thermal comfort is an of import facet to be considered in the biotechnologies rating of the driver seats, which are important interfaces between adult male and machine in car. Determining thermic comfort in vehicle is a complex undertaking, because thermic comfort involves the interaction of many variables and cars are susceptible to temporal fluctuations in their thermic environments ( Mehta and Tewari, 2000 ) . As shown in Figure 2.15, air velocity, air temperature, humidness and average beaming temperature are used to find the temperature and humidness of the place objectively. Air velocity detector Air temperature detector Mean beaming temperature Humidity detectorTemperature andHumidityFigure 2.15 The nonsubjective measuring methods for temperature and humidness. Computer-aided Technology: Due to the promotion of the computing machine system, computer-aided technology ( CAE ) is used to back up scientists and applied scientists in undertakings such as simulation, analysis, design, industry, planning, diagnosing and fix. The usage of CAE could ease the place development procedure. In the early phases of the design procedure a new design can be tested for its grade of comfort by computing machine simulations with theoretical accounts of the human and the place. This allows makers to rush up the design procedure of a new place or interior and cut down costs. Verver et Al. ( 2004 ) used the finite component theoretical account of the human natess to foretell the inactive force per unit area distribution between human and siting surface by it detailed and realistic geometric description. Hix et Al. ( 2000 ) developed technology methods and expertness in the country of truck place patterning to capture the effects of place kineticss on drive qualit y. Figure 2.16 shows some CAE techniques that used to mensurate the place objectively. PAM comfort simulation tool Virtual Human Mathematica MADYMO RAMSIS AnyBody Modeling System Artificial Intelligence ( GA, Fuzzy, SVM ) ADAMS/ Figure ABAQUA/ CASIMIR ALASKA/ DYNAMICUSCAEFigure 2.16 CAE techniques for place developmentPhysiological Measurements: Biological parametric quantities such as bosom rate, musculus, and piss can be used to mensurate the place comfort objectively. The biological parametric quantity is based on human organic structure physiological or orthopaedic phenomenon. For illustration, electromyography ( EMG ) signals is used to mensurate the myoelectrical activity of musculuss ( Inagaki et al. , 2000 ) , epinephrine in the piss can be used to mensurate the human emphasis degree ( Uenishi et al. , 2002 ) , electroencephalography ( EEG ) is used to mensurate the human encephalon activity ( Zhang et al. , 2006 ) , and O impregnation is used to look into the human uncomfortableness. Lim et Al. ( 2006 ) used a method of ECG measuring without direct contact with the tegument while topics sat on a chair have oning normal apparels. Figure 2.17 shows the assorted nonsubjective measuring methods for physiological analysis.Metabolic ra te Relative humidness ( Skin wettedness detector ) CT scan Electrocardiography ( ECG ) Electromyography ( EMG ) Skin wet trial ( Skincon-200/IBs ) Physiological clime simulator ( CYBOR ) A double manner dynamometer Spinal burden Heat flux detector Skin temperature detector X ray Oxygen impregnation measuring ( Somanetics Oximeter ) Epinephrine Electroencephalography ( EEG )PhysiologyFigure 2.17 Various nonsubjective measuring methods for physiological analysis.2.5.2 Relationship of subjective measurings to siting comfort and uncomfortablenessDue to the deficiency of proved analytical prosodies, vehicle makers have opted to trust on subjective ratings as the chief index of place comfort. The vehicle makers developed elaborative subjective rating protocols that involved extremely construction questionnaires ( Ahmadian et al. , 2002 ) . The questionnaires direct residents to delegate feelings of uncomfortableness to a specific part of place. The questionnaires, which typically contain numeral graduated tables ( e.g. 1 = really uncomfortable to 10 = really comfy ) , produce subjective evaluations that are translated into public presentation requirements/specifications ( Yagiz, 2004 ) . A decently designed questionnaire is paramount because it affords research workers an instrument from which to set up theories ( Brooks and Par sons, 1999 ) .Local Discomfort Rating: Local uncomfortableness evaluation is used to mensurate the uncomfortableness of topics while sitting. Harmonizing to Kolich ( 2008 ) , many research workers have adopted Hertzberg ( 1972 ) definition because, in the current environment, it is more straightforward to quantify uncomfortableness than to mensurate comfort. The local uncomfortableness evaluation graduated table can be rate on a graduated table such as 1 to 10 or -10 to 10. Shen and Parsons ( 1997 ) used the class partitioning graduated table ( CP50 ) for evaluation seated force per unit area strength and perceived uncomfortableness. There are 16 surveies related with local uncomfortableness evaluation. Whereas there are six surveies related to local comfort evaluation.In the survey by Mehta and Tewari ( 2000 ) , 10 point graduated table local uncomfortableness is used to mensurate the tractor place comfort. The work is to project the most appropriate method of appraisal and choice of tractor seats from technology and biomechanical position point. Eklund and Corlett ( 1987 ) used local uncomfortableness with ocular parallel graduated table to analyze the correlativity between bole and back uncomfortableness.Local Comfort Rating: Kyung et Al. ( 2008 ) used several subjective evaluation strategies to look into the most effectual manner for usage in planing and measuring auto place, and to happen the relationship among these strategies. There are entire 27 Participants completed short-run drive Sessionss, in six combinations of seats ( from vehicles ranked high and low on overall comfort ) , vehicle category ( sedan and SUV ) , and driving locale ( lab based and field ) . Overall evaluations were obtained, every bit good as separate steps of comfort and uncomfortableness of the whole organic structure and local organic structure parts.For the aircraft place, Parakkat et Al. ( 2006 ) investigated the long continuance effects of sitting in the expulsion place shock absorber. Subjective comfort study informations and cognitive public presentation informations is used in the probe. Zhang et Al. ( 2007 ) studied the thermic esthesiss, overall thermic acceptableness and thermic comfort on ocular parallel graduated tables. 7-point graduated table thermic comfort for each of the organic structure subdivisions is used in this studied.Body Function: In the organic structure mapping method, the sensed uncomfortableness is referred to a portion of the organic structure. The topic is evaluation the organic structure countries sing uncomfortableness and to rate this uncomfortableness on a given graduated table. Kyung et Al. ( 2008 ) used a ocular organic structure mapping linear graduated table as shown in Figure 2.18 to obtain overall evaluations of comfort and uncomfortableness for the whole organic structure. For the work by Zenk et Al. ( 2007 ) , the uncomfortableness for each organic structure portion is rated on the uncomfortableness graduated tabl e and apportion this appraisal to a specific section of the organic structure parts in touch with the place.Figure 2.18 The organic structure function for comfort and uncomfortableness evaluation ( Kyung et al. , 2008 ) . Seat Function: In the place function method, the place is divided into different subdivision to measure the seating comfort and uncomfortableness. Inagaki et Al. ( 2000 ) divided the place into 16 sections to measure place comfort based on 5-point graduated table. The â€Å" fit †feeling and â€Å" soft †feeling of the sitting place were converted to points of stimulation that the human organic structure received. Figure 2.19 shows the place mapping method by Inagaki et Al. ( 2000 ) .Figure 2.19 Evaluation of place comfort based on place function ( Inagaki et al. , 2000 ) .2.6 TOTAL DESIGNEntire design is defined as the systematic activity necessary, from the designation of the market/user demand, to the merchandising of the successful merchandise to fulfill that demand – an activity that encompasses merchandise, procedure, people and organisation ( Pugh, 1990 ) . Entire design has been developed into an integrating model or methodological analysis that encapsu lates all facets of the new merchandise development ( Ion, 1995 ) . As mentioning to Figure 2.20, entire design is represented by an activity theoretical account that breaks the design procedure into six iterative phases- market reappraisals, merchandise design specification, construct design, item design, fabrication and merchandising. The attack accent the ‘front terminal ‘ of the design procedure and includes many methods which are of direct relevancy to the apprehension of the market demands. The cardinal nucleus of activities as represented by the six stages is present in all design irrespective of subject. All design starts, or should get down with a demand that may be satisfied by bring forthing a merchandise that will suit into an bing market or make a market of its ain. This demand is expanded in the initial phases of the design procedure into a full merchandise design specification. This specification reflects the client demand and influences and restraints the remainder of activity. It is followed by conceptual procedure and it em design. A merchandise that meets the merchandise design specification be developed and specified ( Ion, 1995 ) . Figure 2.20 Entire design activity theoretical account ( Ion, 1995 ) . To enable the design squad to run efficaciously and expeditiously, it is necessary to utilize a broad assortment of techniques and methods. These methods are straight related to the nucleus stages and efficaciously organize the design squad ‘s tool kit. Design methods may associate to analysis, synthesis, determination devising or some other facet of design and can either be independent of subject or engineering, such as originative methods, or subject specific, such as emphasis or thermodynamic analysis. The entire design attack is to the full compatible with the rules of concurrent technology ( Ion, 1995 ) .2.7 ELECTROMYOGRAPHY AND STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID MUSCLEAn electromyography ( EMG ) signal is used to mensurate the myolectrical activity of musculuss. Muscles contractions send a mensurable electric potency that can be recorded by EMG ( Lee et al. , 1995 ) . Surface electromyography ( sEMG ) has been used in research and clinical applications for the non-invasive analysis of c ervix musculuss to supply information about musculoskeletal conditions ( Falla et al. , 2002 ) . Sommerich et Al. ( 2000 ) discusses that at least a few of the musculuss of import for neck motion and stabilisation are accessible with surface electrodes. One of the musculuss is sternocleidomastoid ( SCM ) , where SCM is responsible for flexure, rotary motion and sidelong bending. Figure 2.21 shows the sternocleidomastoid musculus. Sternocleidomastoid musculus Figure 2.21 The sternocleidomastoid musculus ( Wikipedia, 2010 ) . Costa et Al. ( 1990 ) described the authoritative text books of anatomy and kinesiology, see caput motions such as heterolateral rotary motion, homolateral disposition flexure and extension, of import maps of the sternocleidomastoid musculus. The map of the SCM musculus in caput motions of immature persons were studied electromyographically. From the consequences of the research, the caput motions performed by the SCM musculus were classified as heterolateral disposition, lengthiness, extension and flexure. Johnston et Al. ( 2008 ) studied the electromyography signals from the SCM musculus to find differences between computing machine workers with changing degrees of cervix hurting in footings of work stressors, employee strain, EMG amplitude and bosom rate response to assorted undertakings. Assorted surveies ( Ylinen et al. , 2003 ; Bexander et Al. 2005 ; Gabriel et al. , 2004 ; Moon et al. , 2003 ; Lin and Huang, 2008 ) showed that there is a relationship between electromyography ( EMG ) activity of sternocleido mastoideus ( SCM ) musculus and caput rotary motion. The research characterized isometric rotary motion strength in the impersonal and in different pre-rotated places of the cervix. Twenty healthy work forces volunteered as topics. Maximal axial rotary motion strength of the cervix musculuss was measured in a impersonal place and bilaterally at 30A ° and 60A ° rotary motion utilizing the isometric cervix strength measuring system. Isometric maximal voluntary contractions of the cervix musculuss in flexure and extension were tested. The highest strength values were non reached in the impersonal place, but at the largest joint angles, while turning the caput in the opposite way from the pre-rotated place. Maximal strength increased with the increasing angle, and at the 60A ° pre-rotation angle it was 44 % higher towards the right and 27 % higher towards the left compared to the values obtained in the impersonal place. The smallest strength values were besides produced at the largest pre-rotation angles, but in the same way. The con sequences showed a clear relationship between the pre-rotated place of the cervix and maximum voluntary strength in rotary motion ( Ylinen et al. , 2003 ) . Bexander et Al. ( 2005 ) conducted an experiment to look into the consequence of oculus place on neck musculus activity during cervical rotary motion. In the survey, the root-mean-square EMG amplitude was measured for 1 s during the period in which the place of the cervix and caput was held statically in each rotary motion angle ( 0, 15, 30, 45A ° ) . The EMG amplitude of left SCM was increased when the cervix rotate from 0-45A ° during left rotary motion and decreased during right rotary motion. The consequence of experiment indicated that activity of SCM was specific to the way of cervix rotary motion. Moon et Al. ( 2003 ) developed a method to gauge face way angle utilizing both image observation and EMG signal from cervix musculuss. The EMG signal of the SCM musculus concerned in the caput motions is measured. The collarbone part is selected as the mention point for the EMG signal measuring because the collarbone is the nearest bone from cervix and it has no musculuss. During the experiment, when the caput is rotated to the right or left, the EMG signal is measured from the SCM at the opposite side. The consequences from the experiment showed that the alterations of EMG signals are little until 30A ° , but additive belongingss are appeared in the scope [ 30A ° , 90A ° ] . There is a relationship between rotated caput angle and EMG signals. Lin and Huang ( 2008 ) investigated the alterations of cervix musculus activities when utilizing different pillows in a clip series and different sort of pillow. There was a important lessening of SCM activity after 9th proceedingss up to 20th proceedingss when lying down from an unsloped place and non happened to upper cowl muscle musculus. The activities of SCM cervix musculuss decreased when altering craniocervical positions. The consequences confirm the ground of participants preferred proper cervix support. Tilley and Dreyfuss ( 2001 ) conducted human factors research impact everything in day-to-day life. In their measuring on caput rotary motion angle for adult male and adult female as mentioning to Figure 2.22, they defined that the caput confronting front or in 0A ° is the most comfort caput place. From 0A ° to 45A ° is the easy caput rotary motion angle scope and 60A ° is the maximal caput rotary motion angle. 0A ° Most caput comfort 45A ° Easy caput rotary motion 60A ° Max caput rotary motion comfort 45A ° 60A ° Front Figure 2.22 The caput rotary motion angle from top position ( adapted from Tilley and Dreyfuss, 2001 ) .2.8 SummaryLiteratures have provided theoretical theoretical account of siting comfort and uncomfortableness. There are different factors that affected the human comfort during travel, such as force per unit area, quiver, temperature and position. The rider has different degree of comfort and uncomfortableness during air travel. For the bing cervix support during travel, most of the cervix support used by rider is inactive back uping system where the rider needs to set the support when he/she feels uncomfortableness. There is no such adaptative cervix support for current aircraft place. Therefore, the end of this thesis work is to develop a cervix support system that can cut down the cervix musculus emphasis adaptively. There are different attacks that used to understand the comfort and uncomfortableness of sitting objectively every bit good as subjectively. Objective and subjectiv e measuring methods can be combined for measuring both the comfort and uncomfortableness belongingss of seats. Literature reappraisal sing the cervix musculus showed that people need proper cervix support to cut down the cervix uncomfortableness. For this ground, sternocleidomastoid musculus that is responsible of caput rotary motion was selected for the proof of the developed smart cervix support system with surface electromyography methods.
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