Friday, May 31, 2019
John Gotti Essay -- essays research papers fc
From its very existence the mafia has al centerings been feared and respected. They are respected for the power that they posses to do what they want whenever and with whomever they please. Also the maffia is respected for the money that they poses and the ability to get it by all convey possible. They are feared by people knowing that the Mafia would non hesitate to stamp out someone if need be. The roots of the mafia go way bandaging to Sicily where their history is ancient and bloody ( Cummings and Volk universe 3).The American mafia is often visualised as the invisible and omnipotent criminal of the movie melodrama ( Cummings and Volkman 4). It is neither of them, but the American mafia is one of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the world ( Cummings and Volkman 4). When the American mafia first started people did not pay much attention to the criminal acts that they did and the unholy morals that they stood for. That was until a man from Chicago by the name o f Al Capone took the mafia from rags to riches from the slow nineteen twenties hale into the nineteen thirties. Thanks to Mr. Capone, the American mafia was well known, and became a great force to be dealt with in the world. Mr, Capone also do men of the mafia among the most socially mobile people in America. on that point are mafia families all over the world, some of which get out their vocationes in the countryside. The mafia is mostly a big city organization because of what goes on in the city crime , police , corruption and unholy alliances between politics and business (Cummings and Volkman 5). Basically wherever the money is in that respect will be a mafia family nearby. New York City is considered to be the main grounds of the mafia world in which they earn up to thirty billion dollars each division ( Cummings and Volkman 6).The mafia is similar to a business where men run their own business and do as they please. Just as any business has its own structure so does the mafia. At the top of the ladder there is the Capo Di Tutti Capi (boss of the bosses) ( Cummings and Volkman 6). There is no head boss for the whole entire mafia organization itself. But each family has its own boss and he runs it the way he wants to in whatever way he pleases to do so. Under every boss there is an under boss, who is considered to be a supervisor in the mafia world. The counsigliere is called in to... ...BROKE THE MOB. NEW YORK SIMON AND SCHUSTER, 1993.CUMMINGS, JOHN, AND ERNEST VOLKMAN. GOOMBATA THE IMPROBABLE RISE AND FALL OF JOHN GOTTI AND HIS GANG. capital of Massachusetts LITTLE BROWN AND COMPANY, 1990.ELLIOT, JOHN. JOHN GOTTI HIS FAMILY. JOHN GOTTI TRIBUTE PAGE. HTTP//HOME.PACIFIC.NET.SQ/SEOWJEAN/JOHNGOTTI/FAMILY.HTMLELLIOT, JOHN. JOHN GOTTI HIS spirit. JOHN GOTTI TRIBUTE PAGE. HTTP//HOME.PACIFIC.NET.SQ/SEOWJEAN/JOHNGOTTI/LIFE.HTMLKURINS, ANDRIS, AND JOSEPH F. OBRIAN. BOSS OF BOSSES THE FALL OF THE GODFATHER THE FBI AND PAUL CASTELLANO. NEW YORK SIMON AN D SCHUSTER, 1991.LUBASCH, ARNOLD. GOTTI JURY BEGINS slowness BY HEARING REPLY OF SECRET TAPES. NEW YORK TIMES 23 JUNE. 1992, B3.RAAB, SELWYN. GOTTI IS SEIZED IN 86 stroke OF UNION LEADER. NEW YORK TIMES 24 JAN. 1989, B1.RAAB, SELWYN. GOTTI FREE ON BAIL AFTER PLEA IN SHOOTING OF UNION LEADER. NEW YORK TIMES 25 JAN. 1989 B3.RAAB, SELWYN. GOTTI AND 3 CHIEF assist ARRESTED ON FEDERAL RACKETEERING CHARGES. NEW YORK TIMES. 12 DEC. 1990, 1A+ JOHN GOTTI BYJEFFREY TAYLOR2,854 WORDS John Gotti Essay -- essays research papers fc From its very existence the Mafia has always been feared and respected. They are respected for the power that they posses to do what they want whenever and with whomever they please. Also the Mafia is respected for the money that they poses and the ability to get it by all means possible. They are feared by people knowing that the Mafia would not hesitate to kill someone if need be. The roots of the mafia go way back to Sicily where their history i s ancient and bloody ( Cummings and Volkman 3).The American mafia is often portrayed as the invisible and omnipotent criminal of the movie melodrama ( Cummings and Volkman 4). It is neither of them, but the American mafia is one of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the world ( Cummings and Volkman 4). When the American mafia first started people did not pay much attention to the criminal acts that they did and the unholy morals that they stood for. That was until a man from Chicago by the name of Al Capone took the mafia from rags to riches from the late nineteen twenties well into the nineteen thirties. Thanks to Mr. Capone, the American mafia was well known, and became a great force to be dealt with in the world. Mr, Capone also made men of the mafia among the most socially mobile people in America. There are mafia families all over the world, some of which run their businesses in the countryside. The mafia is mostly a big city organization because of what goes on in th e city crime , police , corruption and unholy alliances between politics and business (Cummings and Volkman 5). Basically wherever the money is there will be a mafia family nearby. New York City is considered to be the main grounds of the mafia world in which they earn up to thirty billion dollars each year ( Cummings and Volkman 6).The mafia is similar to a business where men run their own business and do as they please. Just as every business has its own structure so does the mafia. At the top of the ladder there is the Capo Di Tutti Capi (boss of the bosses) ( Cummings and Volkman 6). There is no head boss for the whole entire mafia organization itself. But each family has its own boss and he runs it the way he wants to in whatever way he pleases to do so. Under every boss there is an under boss, who is considered to be a supervisor in the mafia world. The counsigliere is called in to... ...BROKE THE MOB. NEW YORK SIMON AND SCHUSTER, 1993.CUMMINGS, JOHN, AND ERNEST VOLKMAN. GOO MBATA THE IMPROBABLE RISE AND FALL OF JOHN GOTTI AND HIS GANG. BOSTON LITTLE BROWN AND COMPANY, 1990.ELLIOT, JOHN. JOHN GOTTI HIS FAMILY. JOHN GOTTI TRIBUTE PAGE. HTTP//HOME.PACIFIC.NET.SQ/SEOWJEAN/JOHNGOTTI/FAMILY.HTMLELLIOT, JOHN. JOHN GOTTI HIS LIFE. JOHN GOTTI TRIBUTE PAGE. HTTP//HOME.PACIFIC.NET.SQ/SEOWJEAN/JOHNGOTTI/LIFE.HTMLKURINS, ANDRIS, AND JOSEPH F. OBRIAN. BOSS OF BOSSES THE FALL OF THE GODFATHER THE FBI AND PAUL CASTELLANO. NEW YORK SIMON AND SCHUSTER, 1991.LUBASCH, ARNOLD. GOTTI JURY BEGINS DELIBERATION BY HEARING REPLY OF SECRET TAPES. NEW YORK TIMES 23 JUNE. 1992, B3.RAAB, SELWYN. GOTTI IS SEIZED IN 86 SHOOTING OF UNION LEADER. NEW YORK TIMES 24 JAN. 1989, B1.RAAB, SELWYN. GOTTI FREE ON BAIL AFTER PLEA IN SHOOTING OF UNION LEADER. NEW YORK TIMES 25 JAN. 1989 B3.RAAB, SELWYN. GOTTI AND 3 CHIEF AIDS ARRESTED ON FEDERAL RACKETEERING CHARGES. NEW YORK TIMES. 12 DEC. 1990, 1A+ JOHN GOTTI BYJEFFREY TAYLOR2,854 WORDS
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Comparing My Papa’s Waltz and Listening to grownups quarrel Essay
Comparring My soda waters Waltz and listening to grownups quarrel Poems are often designed to express deep feelings and thoughts about a particular theme. In Theodore Roethkes poem, My Papas Waltz, and Ruth Whitmans poem, Listening to grownups quarreling, the theme of childhood is conveyed through their details, although we can neither see a face nor hear a voice. These poems are very much alike in their ideas of how their memories pertain to the attitudes of their childhood however, the wording and tones of the two poems are distinct in how they present their memories. The two poems can be compared and contrasted through the authors use of tone, imagery, and recollection of events which illustrate each authors memories of childhood.The tone of a poem can only by recognized when reading carefully and paying close attention to the words and what they might suggest. The rhyme scheme of My Papas Waltz is extremely relevant to the poem. For example, in the first stanza dizzy and easy create the rollicking rhythm, as does the following stanzas with the same pattern. The body structure of words create an almost waltz like melody. The phrase we romped until the pans / Slid from the kitchen shelf and waltzed me off to bed (Roethke 5-6, 15), convey a pleasant atmosphere to the reader. The title itself creates an cranky attitude with the connection of Papa and waltz. The choice of words and details are used systematically to produce thoughts to the reader of happiness and affection, thus, establishing the tone of this poem.The tone of Listening to grownups quarreling, has a completely different impact. When reading this poem, the reader has a more sad outlook on the thoughts of this authors memories. Whitman uses ... ...nal family. The second poem uses gravelly details described in similes, metaphors, and personification. The message of a horribly bad childhood is clearly defined by the speaker in this poem. Finally, the recollection of events, as described by th e two speakers, is distinguished by the psychological aspect of how these two children grew up. Because the first child grew up in a passive foundation where everything was hush-hush, the speaker described his childhood in that manner trying to make it sound better than what it actually was. The young girl was very forward in describing her deprivation of a real family and did not beat around the bush with her words. It is my conclusion that the elements of tone, imagery, and the recollection of events are relevant to how the reader interprets the message conveyed in a poem which greatly depends on how each element is exposed.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Finding Yourself Essay -- Essays Papers
Finding YourselfHidden under every cloak, every item of clothing, and all makeup lies a bole. Under the skin of a body lies a soul, and a mind of thoughts. Reaching further we searchfor where the thoughts were born.As an embryo we are brought into this world, and raised by our creators. Fromthem we are taught life. Depending on our parents or whoever is airlift us we become aperson, with thoughts, feelings, emotions, and ideas.Looking deeper it becomes clear that all ideas exist from aspects we have learned. A single thought is also an embryo, born, and than created by its creator. Thoughts exist from teachers and learning and so we are taught the limits mankind have, and the opportunities available, all of which exist only because they have been taught. Had the first teacher of life said humans can walk on water, than todays reality would find us walking on water as a common representation of travel.Is it possible that reality is made of thoughts, goals, and than achievem ents? Years ago when the first rocket took off from Earth astronauts were created. It was from a thought that reality changed and allowed for property travel. A thought provokes change, and further development for a race, but where did the thought develop?Almost everything a child learns they are taught. The world becomes a motion-picture show towatch and learn from, leaving parents and guardians to be the critics. Every child has the choice to become any of the things it observes be...
The Female Reproductive System :: essays research papers
The reproductive system is one of the most vital systems because it determines whether a species will survive. The reproductive system produces human offspring. whizz of the most prevalent diseases of the reproductive system is prostate cancer. Prostate cancer occurs when the cells of the prostate begin to grow and divide uncontrollably. One out of six hands will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States. Some of the key parts of the reproductive system are to learn how a effeminate nut is fertilized by a staminate sperm cell, about the parts of the male and distaff reproductive system and learn about prostate cancer.The male reproductive system works to create sperm and then release it into the female during sexual intercourse. The organs in the system are the testes, the epididymides, hanging in a skin bag called the scrotum, the sperm ducts, the prostate gland, and the penis containing the urethra. The testes are in any case known as sperm glands. They make tin y sperm cells called spermatozoa. They also produce hormones especially testosterone (this activates the production of sperm cells). Epididymides are tightly coiled tubes on each side of the testes. They help sperm become mature. The sperm ducts exculpate fresh sperm towards the outside. The ducts join with the urethra inside of the prostate. The urethra carries the sperm through the penis to the outside. This pathway is also known as the male reproductive tract. The parts of the female reproductive system work together to produce pin- head size eggs that join with a males sperm to fertilize one of the eggs. The system nourishes the egg until it forms a full-grown treat. Then, once the baby is born, it produces milk for the baby. The main parts of a female reproductive system are the ovaries, the oviducts (also called the fallopian tubes), uterus (womb), vagina, vulva and the breasts (where the milk for the baby is released). The ovaries are called egg glands. They store tiny eggs called ova. These will develop into a baby, if a mans sperm fertilizes them. The ovaries also produce hormones. The two oviducts each get together the two ovaries with the uterus. They carry the ripe eggs to the uterus. When a male fertilizes a females egg, it usually occurs in the oviduct. The uterus is where the fertilized egg grows and is nourished until it is ready to come out. At first, the uterus is about the size of a baseball or a tennis ball.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
How Biographical Traits of Individuals Affect Organizational Performanc
How Biographical Traits of Individuals Affect organisational PerformanceTo study the presidential term behavior, that is to study the people whoform the organization. The success of an organization rests on thecharacteristics of its people. Successful managers can observe theemployees behavior to understand their somebody characteristics,which helps to improve the employees performance. Therefore, theperformance of employees is instanter related to their biographicalcharacteristics and abilities. These factors affect employeesinteraction with others and reaction to various situations in theworkplace. Then how these characteristics affect organizationalperformance?To light upon about this, we should first cope what biographicalcharacteristics are. Biographical characteristics are personalcharacteristicssuch as age, gender, and marital statusthat areobjective and easily obtained from violence records.Lets need a look at the first characteristicage.The issue about age and performa nce is quite controversial. When weconsider this aspect, the ideal that aged-old workers have lower direct of performance may easily and firstly come into mind. Is thattrue? In some work field, the answer is to some locomote yes. Peoples corporal condition is inevitably degenerating when they are aging old.They do no have as much energy as the young person have in commonplace time. Forexample, does a tourist company manager would like to recruit atourist guide wh... How Biographical Traits of Individuals Affect Organizational PerformancHow Biographical Traits of Individuals Affect Organizational PerformanceTo study the organization behavior, that is to study the people whoform the organization. The success of an organization rests on thecharacteristics of its people. Successful managers can observe theemployees behavior to understand their individual characteristics,which helps to improve the employees performance. Therefore, theperformance of employees is directl y related to their biographicalcharacteristics and abilities. These factors affect employeesinteraction with others and reaction to various situations in theworkplace. Then how these characteristics affect organizationalperformance?To learn about this, we should first know what biographicalcharacteristics are. Biographical characteristics are personalcharacteristicssuch as age, gender, and marital statusthat areobjective and easily obtained from personnel records.Lets take a look at the first characteristicage.The issue about age and performance is quite controversial. When weconsider this aspect, the thought that aged-old workers have lowerlevel of performance may easily and firstly come into mind. Is thattrue? In some work field, the answer is to some extend yes. Peoplesphysical condition is inevitably degenerating when they are aging old.They do no have as much energy as the young have in everyday time. Forexample, does a tourist company manager would like to recruit atourist gui de wh...
How Biographical Traits of Individuals Affect Organizational Performanc
How biographic Traits of Individuals Affect Organizational PerformanceTo take on the organization behavior, that is to study the batch whoform the organization. The success of an organization rests on thecharacteristics of its people. Successful managers can observe theemployees behavior to understand their individual characteristics,which helps to improve the employees surgery. Therefore, theperformance of employees is directly related to their biographiccharacteristics and abilities. These factors affect employeesinteraction with others and reaction to various situations in theworkplace. Then how these characteristics affect organizationalperformance?To learn about this, we should startle know what biographicalcharacteristics are. Biographical characteristics are personalcharacteristicssuch as age, gender, and marital statusthat areobjective and easily obtained from personnel records.Lets take a font at the first characteristicage.The issue about age and performance is quite c ontroversial. When weconsider this aspect, the thought that aged-old workers have pooh-poohlevel of performance whitethorn easily and firstly come into mind. Is thattrue? In some work field, the answer is to some extend yes. Peoplesphysical condition is unavoidably degenerating when they are aging old.They do no have as much energy as the young have in everyday time. Forexample, does a phaeton company manager would like to recruit atourist guide wh... How Biographical Traits of Individuals Affect Organizational PerformancHow Biographical Traits of Individuals Affect Organizational PerformanceTo study the organization behavior, that is to study the people whoform the organization. The success of an organization rests on thecharacteristics of its people. Successful managers can observe theemployees behavior to understand their individual characteristics,which helps to improve the employees performance. Therefore, theperformance of employees is directly related to thei r biographicalcharacteristics and abilities. These factors affect employeesinteraction with others and reaction to various situations in theworkplace. Then how these characteristics affect organizationalperformance?To learn about this, we should first know what biographicalcharacteristics are. Biographical characteristics are personalcharacteristicssuch as age, gender, and marital statusthat areobjective and easily obtained from personnel records.Lets take a look at the first characteristicage.The issue about age and performance is quite controversial. When weconsider this aspect, the thought that aged-old workers have lowerlevel of performance may easily and firstly come into mind. Is thattrue? In some work field, the answer is to some extend yes. Peoplesphysical condition is inevitably degenerating when they are aging old.They do no have as much energy as the young have in everyday time. Forexample, does a tourist company manager would like to recruit atourist guide wh...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Miranda is an American short story, which was published in 1988
Miranda is an American short report, which was published in 1988. It points up the conflicts that office arise when a young girl finds away that she is pregnant. In addition to the obligatory section B, I provide in my essay incorporate a short analysis of the text. The main characters name is Miranda as the title of the story. Miranda is an 18 year old girl who, in the beginning of the story, lives at home by her p arents in Los Angeles, California. The story starts the day before she leaves for College in Boston. As the story progresses Mirandas feelings are changing.In the beginning of the story she seems like a well-balanced girl. She has everything freedom, a great boyfriend and cause parents. She seems like any other teenage girl. But as she finds out she is pregnant, she is slowly changing. She gets more and more sceptical towards her surround and the whole thing with the pregnancy is not easy for her either. She also becomes more serious and melancholic, because she lear ns more about life about what is consists of. Holly is Mirandas friend and roommate in Boston.She is a year older than Miranda and a more free-minded kind of girl who tries to get Miranda to see things from her point of view. She is a girl who just wants to have free rein and not necessarily always thinks of the consequences of her actions. That shows when she often sleeps with her new friend Brian on week nights, and thusly subsequently gets visited by her boyfriend Tom in the weekends. Hollys fibre in the story is to put Miranda into a situation where she has to choose, to tell the reader what kind of girl Miranda is what her values are.That seems pretty obvious when Miranda says that she wants to be owned, and that she will attach Michael. (p. 4, l. 95) Holly represents the common opinion and she is the contrast to Miranda. When Miranda comes home to her parents, they are having a conversation about her pregnancy with her and Michael. Their reaction reflects the participatio n they live in and they are, surprisingly, more than understanding and sympathizing or so it would seem. As a true product of their environment, they strongly advise Miranda to get an abortion.Mirandas parents do not want a daughter who does not study and therefore cannot get an education. As her mother says, she will end up as a dumb little house-wife. (p. 5, l. 147) They want her to have an abortion, so she does not end up in misery. That is not exclusively best for her and Michael, but also for the unborn child. Miranda is mortified at the thought of killing her child. She does not care about the hardships she is willing to accept the responsibility of the child and raise it. When her parents realise that they are not reaching Miranda, they turn to Michael in an effort to sour him.Michael is young and at school, just the same as Miranda, and although he loves her and accepts the responsibility of the child, he is thinking of his future as well as. When he first perceive the news, he soon talked about marriage, because he felt that it was the right thing to do. On the other hand Michael is relieved that her parents are trying to talk her out of it, because he realized that he is not ready to be a father. Michael knows he cannot forsake the baby, otherwise he would scar Miranda. He cannot look Miranda in the eyes probably because he feels ashamed and guilty about the whole situation.Michael is hurting Miranda when he acts the way he does. She can see that his eyes are full of relief and gratitude when her parents come to the rescue for him. In a sense they buy Michael because they know that if he wont help raise the child, neither will Miranda. Unfortunately, Michael soon realises his mistake by vainglorious up on the baby, he is also giving up on Miranda. You could say that the choice was between Miranda and the child, or Michael and his future. She looked at Michael. He looked at her, guilty, ashamed (p. 6, l. 195) He had both won and lost, and his unhappy face struggled to endure both. p. 6, l. 197) The central theme in this short story is teenage pregnancy and the worries and difficulties it brings along with it.The decision to have an abortion or not is a very complicated, because it brings up intense feelings and moral questions, and this often perspective people in difficult situations. Miranda is an example of a girl who has a lot of thoughts after becoming pregnant. She truly wants to have the baby, but ends up giving in to the fight with her parents. Miranda falls under the traditional values of what is the right thing to do, but at the same time she abandons her chance for happiness.That leads us to some other theme in the story Societys view on success and happiness. Today, the ultimate idea of success is to please ourselves first, get that major degree and job then plan a family and a future. Miranda sees it all more simply she has a baby, she is willing to take responsibility, and plans her future along a differ ent path than society wants for her. Every so often you have to listen to your heart, in order to make yourself happy. Maybe that means going against everyone you know and all youve been taught, but sometimes, that is the only way to be happy.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The Holistic Medicines
In a lot of conditions, medical cures and treatments have proven more harmful than the disease itself. In looking for separate options, people all in all over the world have been turning back to the holistic way of health and ameliorate.Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing the whole person, or in holistic terms, the mind body and spirit. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent and treat diseases and promote best health. This condition of holistic health is defined as the ultimate free flow of life energy force throughout the mind, body, and spirit.As I mentioned before, terce parts make up the whole person. Based on a common law of nature, whole parts are made up of self-sufficing parts.The body, which is treated and cared for through nutritional medicine, fitness medicine, and environmental medicine. The mind (mental and emotional health) which is basically behavioral medicine. The spirit is treated with spi ritual attunement and social health. When one of these ternary parts isnt functioning correctly or is impaired for some reason, the other parts of the person are affected. For example, a person growing offensive or anxious about an upcoming exam laughingstock literally give themselves a headache or stomachache.Even Socrates, one of the greatest philosophers in history of time said in order for the whole of a person to be well, the individual parts must be well also. This can be achieved by many things.For example, acupuncture is apply to identify and treat disease and improve well being. During acupuncture, needles are inserted into the meridian points of the body. Sickness occurs when the flow of stock or chi is blocked at these points. The pressure applied to these points relieves blockage and buildup thus leaving the patient feeling better. Acupuncture can treat anything from allergies, headaches, fistulous withers infections, stress, insomnia and chronic pain. For those pe ople who dont enjoy needles or wont tolerate needles at all there is colorpuncture. Colorpuncture is basically acupuncture without needles.Meditation is another(prenominal) accepted form of holistic health. Meditation is using different methods of slow downation to calm yourself and make you healthier inside. Candles, salves, oils and incense are all commonly used during meditation. Meditation is an accepted form of recovery and health promotion in the medical field.Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is yet another form of holistic healing. This abets remove conflict and stress from your life and promote success and happiness.Reflexing and resetting is the vibrating and stimulation of the bodys reflexes. It is most commonly done through the feet and can help with sleep disorders.Biofeedback is recognizing and manipulating the bodys signals. It helps to treat migraines, panic attacks, anxiety, hypertension, and A.D.D.Some of the most common methods of holistic healing ar e resurfacing just about everywhere. Aromatherapy is therapy using scents to relax the mind, body, and soul. in that respect is a line of products in Wal-Mart now called aromatherapy and even well known companies such as Delias manufacture aromatherapy pillows.Chiropractors are a promptly accepted form of holistic treatment. Chiropractors manipulate the bodys muscles and bones to relieve pain and stress.Massage and is a big part of holistic life. There are deep tissue massages, Swedish massages etc All of which help muscular posture, balance, stress reduction, increase of circulation and energy flow.Nutrtiion is also an important part in a holistic lifestyle. Health food stores such as GNC are popping up everywhere. With nutritionists come herbalists who also deal with weight management and vitamins.There is holistic dentistry which is generally mercury free and has less exposure to x-rays and harmful chemicals.There is even Holistic Veterinary care which treats pets in the same w ay as humans. Pets said to be lost cases are sometimes revived by this form of veterinary care. Anything from arthritis, skin infections, and allergies can be cured.Feng Shui is not as common in the US yet. It is Chinese consultancy in arrangement of objects in the home or office to achieve harmony. It is said your out world is a mirror of your inner world. Lots of water fountains are used.Spiritual Psychics, Astrologists, Child Birth, Tai Chi, Yoga, even health and beauty are all reviving to holistic methods.These different treatments all fall under the six specialized areas of holistic healing1. Bimolecular Diagnosis and TherapyBasically a holistic lifestyle is trying to unite your body with gravity and your heart with your mind. Once all your parts are in harmony, for example the ying and yang, you can achieve ameliorate health. In my opinion the holistic way of life is a very interesting way of life that really intrigues me. I would like to acquire the skills and abstemiousne ss some of these methods call for.Some methods really dont appeal to me, for example acupuncture, but other methods such as meditation, aromatherapy, reflexology, and feng shui, are all reasoned forms of the holistic way of life that would definitely be of interest to me. Although some people think that this way of life is crazy etc, I think it is accommodating and important in every day life. Just about everyone can practice this lifestyle in the easiest of ways. Although many people do not believe in the holistic way of life, even more people are firm followers of these concepts and it is sure to be an evergrowing idea that lasts for generations to come.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
vox of Maladies Good Evening, My name is Trisha Hariramani. A student of The Cathedral Vidya school Lonavala Batch IBDP1 doing my English SL in the A1 course shall be presenting my individual oral presentation on the Character of Mrs. Das in the short story of The Interpreter of Maladies. The collection of stories deals with the every daylight lives of Indians abroad (mostly Bengali immigrants), as they go pop out into the New World with their Indian Diasporas at hand. Jhumpa Lahiri tells us tales of complicated marital relationship, unfaithfulness and the powers of survival.Her short stories, Interpreter of maladies, the blessed house, Mrs. sen, and the treatment of Bibi haldar, are exclusively about women perceived done the eyes of a third person. Each of these female characters has the parking area motif of exclusion and to a certain extent the pursuit for fulfilment. I am going to be solely focusing on Mrs Dass character, her traits and personality. In this story of cultural shock, the opening sentences which describes a bitter quarrel between Mrs.Das and her save over who would take their girl, Tina, to the bathroom, convey to the subscriber that not exclusively does she have constrained marriage but also that her children are an obligation to her. Jhumpa Lahiri expands on this initial impression of disgust and depicts Mrs. Das to be self engrossed. She is visualized to be indifferent to her surroundings. For instance when the men at the tea stall try and tease or entice her by singing Hindi fill out songs she doesnt pay any mind at all. Her lack of understanding of the language reveals her cultural obliviousness. To add to this prevalent obliviousness the author describes Mrs.Dass physiological appearance and sense of clothing intently. By doing so she evokes Mrs. Dass American background and upbringing. Her hair was shorn a little longer than her husbands as opposed to the long black hair of a stereotypical Indian woman, this indicates that s he is modern and doesnt have a traditional Indian mindset. Lahiri explicitly portrays the ignorance of Indians abroad towards their homeland as well as the negligence of their cultural values. Jhumpa Lahiri could probably relate or has observed this because she was born and raised outside(a) of India.Instances such as the little boys amusement towards the picture of the elephant god comm that known as Ganpati, who is one of the deities best-known and widely worshipped in India depicts how unused the Dass were to their Hindu faith. An another(prenominal) example is when Mr. Das inquires about his wife to Tina and refers to Mrs. Das by her first name , this is a confined to be disrespectful in India. The Dass were evidently tourists in their own country and hadnt maintained their Indian Diasporas these close observations are made through the eyes of Mr.Kapasi, their tour guide. Mr. Kapasi empathises with Mrs. Das and easily identifies symptoms of the couples strained marriage. Every relationship goes through hardships but theirs was prolonged, and this cheered like a broken record in Minas mind. She was convinced that she had fallen out of love with her childhood sweetheart and it dawned on her that she may have missed out on what life had to offer. She reflected her life day in a day out eventually falling out of love with life as well. Mrs. Das was gravely depressed. We could relate her eating apparel with this). She believed that her husband didnt suspect or sense their strained marriage but I reckon he did, he just refused to acknowledge or accept the fact.Their marital problems are revealed through their constant bickering, frustrated tones, the indifference towards one another as well as the protracted silences. More than that is their radical disregard for each others opinion. For instance, Mrs. Das had thought Mr. Kapasi second job to be romantic. Mr. das craned to look at her. Whats so romantic about it? His tone was vexing. The essence of her mat ernity is alas implicit. There are several instances where she displays an unruly temperament as a mother. For example Not keeping Tinas hand as they walked to the restroom, nor did she call on the carpet when Tina fiddled with the lock of the car door. While applying nail polish her daughters immaterial direct to have some put on her as well was turned down. Leave me alone, she said turning her body slightly. Youre making me mess up. erst again expressing her selfish demeanour.Indirectly implying to the reader to the reader that a bottle of nail paint was more important to this woman than the one she so lovingly conceived her daughter Tina , how the value of love is lost to the realms of a materialistic object which in reality is unimportant, valueless and temporary. In strong comparison, Mr. Das was more of a puzzle figure. He made an effort to mind the children and answer their dewy-eyed queries. Whats Dallas? Tina asked. It went off the air, Mr. Das explained. Its a televi sion show. This shows us that Mr. Das doesnt ignore his children and that he disciplines them when needed. Dont touch it Mr. Das warned Ronny. He could see that the little boy was fascinated by the goat and was tempted to go play with it. Unfortunately, when the child rushed over to play with the goat he just frowned and didnt intervene. Mr. Kapasi finds it hard to believe that the Dass were regularly responsible for anything other than themselves. This is subjective because this may be strange to someone who has been brought up in India but to an American it could be completely normal. In the story, Lahiri distinctly puts it across to the reader that they werent ready to take on the role of parents, and that they were too young.Mrs. Das sounds more like a teenager existence dragged for a family vacation by her parents. Rather than a mature parent aware of her responsibilities. She came out of hiding behind her dark brown sunglasses only when Mr. Kapasi revealed his second job as an interpreter. The attention that Mr. Kapasi received intoxicated him and made him delirious. Little did he know that her sudden interest in him wasnt genuine and that she had an ulterior motive . Her intentions, which were to assume herself of her burdensome secret, were blatantly put across when the two were left alone in the car. Mr.Kapasi reads Mrs. Das like an open book at this point. She confesses to him her adultery, and justifies her doings. Her overwhelmed youth being taken from her, having no one to confide in after a crowing day, loneliness, this gives me a sense of why she behaved the way she did and had her unconventional feelings to throw everything away. She was expecting a remedy for the way she had felt, unfortunately Mr. Kapasi had failed to meet her expectations, she also felt insulted by what he had to say to her. This is depicted by the glare that she gives him. She then turns her back to him and gets out of the car. Is is really pain you feel, Mrs Das, or is it guilt? Mr. Kapasi certainly hadnt provided her with a remedy for her ail, but he got to the heart of the matter. After all he was only an Interpreter of Maladies. I found Mrs. Dass character particularly appealing because of how the story manifested her selfish and egotistical behaviour. Until the very end of the story the reasons for her bad behaviour is a mystery to the reader. As one reads on you are able to empathize with her as she justifies her behaviour and expresses her agony and frustration that she has been suppressing for over a decade. Id like to end with a quote
Friday, May 24, 2019
Theories of Psychological Development
Developmental psychology is the scientific study of human changes across their life span. It is important to study psychological victimisation to understand how and wherefore people go through certain changes throughout their life. There are many different areas of psychological development. Two main areas are perceptual development and emotional development. They both have theories that can be related, but before you can understand the relations, you must first understand the two theories.The possibleness of perceptual development was created by an American Psychologist named Eleanor Gibson. It states that perceptual development is the process of an small fry exploring its constantly changing environment and deciding what to do and how to act with the newly open up information. Affordance exploration is also a key feature of perceptual development. Gibson believed that affordances are visual clues to the functions of an object. An example could be a person climbing a ladder.T he infant could examine how the ladder need to have a stable base and lean against a certain object to keep from falling down. When affordances are found, specialization starts to occur. Gibsons definition of differentiation is basically the ability to discriminate different environments. If you look back at the ladder example, the infant uses affordances to see the ladder needs support to stay upright. Then the infant uses differentiation to see a person is more safe standing in the middle step of a ladder than the top step.As the infant experiences more and ages, it becomes better at differentiation. Emotional development is based around a theory called the attachment theory which was created by a British psychiatrist named John Bowlby. The attachment theory is the act of developing an affectional bond with someone who is considered a caregiver (Bowlbys definition was a lasting psychological connectedness between human beings). It is crucial for a squirts behavior in the present and next to have an attachment relationship with a caregiver.Bowlby stated that for an attachment to be strong, four characteristics need to be present proximity maintenance (the desire to be in the presence of the caregiver), safe haven (returning to the caregiver when feeling unsafe), secure base (considering the caregiver as a source of security) and separation distress (feeling nauseous when the caregiver is not present for an extended period of time). Bowlby believed that strong attachment relationships develop after the caregiver and child become closer.Mary Ainsworth (a previous student of Bowlby) was an American Psychologist who believed that there are three types of attachments secure, avoidant and resistant. A secure attachment is formed when the caregiver is used as a safe home and the infant feels less safe when the caregiver is absent than when they are present. An avoidant attachment is basically the opposite of a secure attachment. It is when the caregiver is cons idered a stranger by the child and they try to avoid the caregiver as much as possible to feel safer. A resistant attachment is a lot more analyzable than the other types of attachments.It occurs when the caregiver is unresponsive to the childs needs making them feel unsure what they want or need which makes them feel unable to attend on their caregiver. There are some relationships between the theory of perceptual development and the attachment theory. According to the two theories, both require a obligated caregiver for a child to have a proper and healthy development to be able to experience affordances and to have the right caregiver exit the environment to do it in. Also, your caregiver could be responsible for a child not learning certain affordances which could affect them in their future life.Another stylus to look at it is if a caregiver never provided the chance for the child to experience affordances related to a job that requires experience in, say, the construction industry, then they leave behind struggle psychologically in the future to earn that job or any job that they may want. Perceptual and emotional development are both very important to a childs psychological development. It is important to understand the two main theories behind them to learn what is required for a child to develop healthy and normally to live the life that they want to live.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Mineral and Water Function
There are over 20 minerals you need to maintain a healthy diet. Some you may only need in small quantities, but major minerals require higher amounts such as sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2006, Chapter 9). Minerals have many functions and are essential to the personate structure and the restrictive process that maintain life. We consume minerals from animals and plants. The iron content of meat is predictable because the iron is part of a protein in muscle that gives the meat its red color. In some other foods, minerals are present as contaminants where a food is grown and how it is processed can affect its mineral content. (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2006, Chapter 9). Major sources of minerals are milk, eggs, meats, peas, fruits, cereals, whole grains, fish, and poultry. irrigate has numerous functions it performs in the body some of which include moistening tissues, lubricating joints, regulating body temperature, protecti ng organs and tissues, helping prevent constipation, helping dissolve minerals and other nutrients to make them accessible to the human body, lessening the burden on the kidneys and liver by flushing out waste products, and carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells (Mayo Clinic, 2013). The depletion of water, dehydration, will have much rapid symptoms than any other nutrient deficiency in your body (Grosvenor & Smolin, Chapter 9, 2006).Body weight is about 60% water for the average adult. Water bathes the cells of the body and lubricates and cleanses internal and external body surfaces. Watery tears lubricate the eyes and wash away dirt, synovial fluid lubricates the joints, and saliva lubricates the mouth, making it easier to chew and consume food. Water resists compression so it cushions body compartments such as the joints and eyeballs against shock. The cushioning effect of water in the amniotic sac protects the fetus as it grows inside(a) a pregnant woman. (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2006, Chapter 9). Water is an excellent solvent glucose, amino acids, minerals, and many other substances needed by body cells dissolve in water. The chemical reactions of metabolic process that support life take place in water. (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2006, Chapter 9). The general effects of dehydration are fatigue, muscle weakness, poor concentration, headaches, dizziness or lightheadedness, and decreased metabolic process (Functional Fitness Facts, 2013).Mild to moderate dehydration can be treated easily and generally doesnt cause permanent damage with preventable intake of water consumption. The consumption of water and minerals has great effects on everyday body functions. I have learn how cereal can be extremely beneficial for receiving nutrients we dont normally get, especially me with my diet. If I implement cereal I will receive a lot of important nutrients. Secondly the many functions of water are important to our everyday expenditures. Sneezing, coughing, crying and cannot be done without water.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Compare and Contrast Huckleberry Finn and to Kill a Mockingbird
9/12/2012 Ameri crumb Studies II Comparing and Contrasting To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn In the books, The Adventures Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird, the authors demonstrate several(prenominal) themes the coexistence of good and evil, the importance of moral education, the existence of social inequality, racial discrimination and slavery, intellectual and moral education, and the hypocrisy of civilized nine.The common themes throughout the two books depict that although the settings ar nearly a century apart, society has non changed as drastically as believed. Racism, a main theme throughout both books reveals itself in umteen ways. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn takes place during the 1830s 1840s, in Missouri, a slave state. During this time period, slavery was a controversial issue and amongst the main causes for the civil war. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck learns to trammel with a slave, Jim. Throughout the scat of the novel, Jim and Huck become close friends and he realizes that he cares for him.Huck disregards most common opinions throughout society, he is associated with this slave who is supposedly slight than hu part. Jim, the slave, is an intellectual foundation being despite the situation that he is treated as a lesser life form. Whereas, in to Kill a Mockingbird, racism is illustrated in depth through a trial in which a negro man is accused of a rape, to which he is thoroughly proved his innocence. in spite of the evidence cracking with the defendant, the racist jury simply convicts the defendant guilty. To Kill a Mockingbird is set in the 1930s, during the Great Depression in Alabama.A creator slave state, and a southern state, the town of Maycomb was swarmed with racist and prejudice plenty. The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people open a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box. As you bugger off older, youll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and dont you forget it whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash. (Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird p295) We are all born innocent, and then we are exposed to the evils of the world. Progressively, we begin to conform to fit societys measures. We do good things, and we do bad things. We are only human. Throughout these books, exists a coexistence of good and evil. People may have good intentions for some things, and feel quite differently in others. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the book displays the change Jem and Scout Finch make from their childhood innocence. From the beginning of the novel, the characters develop in many ways mentally and physically.They have been raised by the ideal moral backbone, their father, Atticus. Despite the fact, they are not always prepared to see the worlds evil s right before their eyes. During the course of the trial, Jem and Scout watch closely anticipating the result and hoping for the best. Yet, when they see the truth and the racism of the town before their eyes, they dont know how to handle it. Jem has lost assent in humanity, and feels hopeless. Yet, Scout manages to see that people washbowl be both good and bad. In humanity, good and evil coexists. When they finally saw him, why he hadnt done any of those things . . Atticus, he was real nice. . . . His hands were under my chin, pulling up the cover, tucking it around me. Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them. He turned out the light and went into Jems room. He would be there all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning. (Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, p284) As the story progresses, Scout starts to see things in a new way. Her perspective starts to change and she is able to see people for who they are and who they arent. Scout sees human evil, but s he also realizes that people arent perfect and make mistakes.Scout sees that there is good in people, and that there is also bad in people. Despite the fact that she is a lot younger, she grasps the situation better than her older brother who seems to fall apart at the concept of human evil. The Mockingbird had become something symbolic in the story. The mockingbird represents innocence and portrays itself through several different characters in the story such as Scout Finch or Boo Radley. Despite their innocence however, they can be injured with their contact with evil. In the story, its pardoned how Boo Radleys innocence is tainted because of his abusive father.Thus the extended metaphor or symbolism would explain that killing a mockingbird is tainting innocence. When Scout inquires her, Miss Maudie explains, Mockingbirds dont do one thing but . . . sing their hearts out for us. Thats why its a sin to kill a mockingbird. This also links the connection of Scout and Jem both havin g the last establish finch, which is another name for a particularly small (and also harmless) bird. In Huckleberry Finn, Huck comes from the lower levels of white society, having a father who is a drunk who disappears constantly.Widow Douglas adopts him and attempts to reform him, although she has difficulties. Huck does not accept the ways of society, and often tells Widow that he would rather go live in hell for a change of scenery. The Widow tries to teach him how to sympathise and tries to make him religious. Although the Widows efforts do finally teach Huck how to read, he is still skeptical of the world around him. He does not agree with rules, and feels alike he should create his own. Life is an adventure filled with new things and new ways to do them. To the world, Huck is but an infant crawling and training how to take his first own steps.Huck realizes his friendship with Jim has made him content, and that the outside world is harsh. Every time Huck and Jim find themse lves on land, they see the world for what it is and its cons and tricks. They see the lies that people weave, the hatred, the conflicts. When Huck and Jim are together on the raft, they feel like they escape from the world and its problems. Everything seems to float away and they can enjoy the naive pleasures. They choose to isolate themselves and feel as if they are living an idealistic dream or are a part of a Utopian society.They do not need much to be satisfied, just a few basic needs and to be away from the hypocritical society. I hadnt had a bite to eat since yesterday, so Jim he got out some corn-dodgers and buttermilk, and pork and cabbage and greensthere aint nothing in the world so good when its cooked rightand whilst I eat my supper we talked and had a good time. . . .We said there warnt no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft dont. You feel mighty unthaw and easy and comfortable on a raft. (Huckleberry Finn, page 119) Everything is a learning endure for Huck, who is still youthful and very open minded. He comes to see how people in society interact and what their certain views on things are. He learns of how things can contradict each other or become hypocritical. Huck witnesses lots of imposition and schemes, many of them by the duke and the dauphin. However, he also pulls a few white lies of his own. Trying to save Jim and himself, he cons a few people. Its then that he realizes that telling a lie, dependent upon the situation can actually be a good thing.This demonstrates the thin line between the right and wrong of things and how society uses them. But I reckon I got to light out for the territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally shes going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I cant stand it. I been there before. (Huckleberry Finn, page 190) Huck realizes that although he has come to like Aunt Sally, she is a part of society that he chooses to be left out of. He feels comfort in being a recluse, and does not requisite to integrate himself in the society he disagrees with. Religion, and the supposedly even out morals that he would be forced upon dont interest him.He also feels that he could get a better education from his own experience than from what he is being taught and forced. Huck feels ready to accept the challenge of his own life and take his own responsibility. So when Aunt Sally wishes to adopt him, he chooses to hit the road and set off on his own adventures. Throughout the novels, both Huck and Scout have this sense of independence and free sentiment to them. Despite their obvious differences in upbringing, they share at the root the same thinking. They believe in independence and seeing for themselves what life is like.They do not want to believe in what all adults think is correct and force them to believe. They are both young and innocent and want to determine what is right and wrong in the world by themselves. Scout, is a little more guided with t he help of Atticus however she still makes many decisions by herself on her views of people. She is able to actually open her eyes and see what the world is made of. In conclusion, though Huck takes different approaches on his life and sets off on his own all in all new adventures, he isnt that different from Scout. They both have their own opinions which differ drastically from the rest of the society.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Crusade: Unjustified Attack on Muslims
The Crusade, or the Holy War was a medieval military expedition between the Europeans and the Islamics. Their main(prenominal) goal was to conquer the Holy Land, as it exiting give the conqueror prosperity. pope Urban II was kn testify for starting the First Crusade which begun in 1096 and lasted till 1099. Within this period of eon, chaos and destruction was unavoidable. With both sides having their proclaim schemes of conquer, this resulted to be an endless blood striving battle for control. Despite the clever simulated military operation of the Christians, their attacks toward the Muslims were unjustified.Christians debated that the Crusades were justified because of multiple reasons. Being one of the most powerful religions back then and today, they were well known for their strong devout beliefs. They believed that it was Gods will and their duty to attack the Muslims (Crusaders Capture). This leaded into a more in depth theory that the Crusaders took caution of. Those w ho failed to achieve their duties serving God, He will condemn you (Muslim Belief). Furthermore, the Crusades believed Pope Urban IIs speech. All who die by the way, whether by land or sea, on in battle against the pagans, shall have immediate remittance of sins. (Littell). In exchange for their faith, in your coming you will find your reward in heaven. (Littell) Thus, this convinced them to believe and become attentive to all their activities so they will not displease God for they did not want to face any consequences. It was withal an encouragement for Christians to confirm their decisions of battling against the Muslims since it gave them hope to think for all that is worth, it was a excusable action.The Muslims believed that the Christians were unjustified. Firstly, Jerusalem was a holy land to the Muslims, for Muhammad visited a temple that was located there. Their main goal was to protect their land from barbaric vengeances. As for Muslims, they also had their own God. Fol lowing the same concepts as the Christians, they relied and trusted the one and only God, Allah. There is no god but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. (Juma) For those who disbelieve God, their punishment will be to attain devastation as well as to fail their mission, returning home defeated and worthless.If a Muslim monarch failed to please their people, they were sentenced for slavery (Beha-ed-Din). People were penalise if they did not succeed their commission towards warfare. Convinced by this conjecture, the Muslims were cruel towards the Christians. Their religious beliefs were the main reasons for the Crusades. Both parties, especially the Muslims, had confidence towards their God and it angered the Muslims that the Christians did not believe their one and only Allah. For those who believed in Allah He will help you firm your feet(Translation).The Muslims trusted these messages therefore it motivated them into satisfying both their nation and religion but left field them unjustified due to the Christians. Following this premise, the Crusades were inequitable. By considering the concepts above, it clearly shows that both had different intentions from its many viewing points. However, Muslims tend to show an un chastiseeous side towards the affects that the Christians had constructed. The Muslims indicated a strong will of unjustification towards its attacks.In 1187, Saladin once more triumphed Jerusalem and most of the Holy Land. Hearing its news, Richard the Lion Heart began the Third Crusade to vanquish the metropolis once and for all. Arriving in 1191, he massacres and held the Muslims as prisoners. Saladin feared that his approaching plans of conquer would definitely cause his empire to collapse therefore, he offered agreements. Nonetheless, Richard stated an execution to be held for the Muslim defenders. Their agreement never worked out accordingly. Richard) In addition, the Muslims had a better rebuttal for ruling Jerusalem. Muhammad had conquered the Holy Land. The Christian power was being dissolved at that time and the Muslims had a period of peace. This is significant because it explains how the Muslims came to occupy the land before the Christians had. They later came back and declared war to regain the city they thought to be theirs also intended to weaken Muslim forces. (Translation) Lastly, the Western scholars indicated bias towards the Christians leaving this unjust to the Muslims to a greater extent.They highlighted the Christian desire to rule the Holy Lands (Juma). This clearly proves that the Muslims were insatiate with this situation. To conclude this, the statements and opinions declared in the previous paragraphs are all debatable from both sides. It is agreeable that they have influential arguments that can take place. The Christian had their own purposes of attacking while Muslims motives were to keep the land. To come to a respectable factor, both sides had the same ideal objective.To make what they believe in that was right just. Muslims believed that it was an injustice act that the Christians did. During the period of time, many events occurred that obstructed and caused hardship towards the unlucky. Today, this phenomenon has struck the society into an influence of warfare. This is important because we are able to take notices of what the history had left us either benefiting us in either a positive or negative way. Humans can easily use this as an expediency as well as a weapon towards todays society.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Hospital Emergency Room Overload Essay
As the name implies, the purpose of hospital emergency rooms is to exit quick and expert medical treatment for imperative and life threatening medical problems. The truth of the issuing is that patients jibek the ER for a variety of illnesses and injuries. They dejection range from catastrophic to as minor as a young child running his/her first fever. The downfall to this is that those patients who are truly not anguish from life threatening situations are taking away from those that are.Overcrowding results in longer waiting times to see a physician. Overcrowding in any case may contribute to decreased protection of a persons concealing and confidentiality and impaired patient evaluation and treatment. According to an article written by Julie Rovner, she states that, 97% of ER doctors also said they treat patients daily who have private insurance and original care doctors, but whose primary care doctors sent them to the emergency room for care due to the patient needing car e when the doctors office was closed (Rovner, 2011). Overcrowding has also been linked to more deaths in the emergency room than in the past. one and only(a) reason is hospitals having to close their doors and rerouting ambulances to other hospitals because their ER is full. Nevertheless, there may be solutions to this ever growing problem.Hospitals can take cost-saving measures to help alleviate the overcrowding issue. They can move stable and non-emergency care patients to less expensive settings such as an observation area or walk-in center staffed by nurses. Creating more after hours urgent care centers where patients can be seen for non-urgent or life or death situations. Providing appropriate clinic facilities and care for patients without insurance. Providing physicians with incentives for accept Medicare and Medicaid unsanded patients will also alleviate the overcrowding issue. Even though any of these measures could help with overcrowding, and with the Affordable wellnes s Care Act being deemed constitutional, providers dont see overcrowding in the ER slowing down. collectable to the constraints of the U.S. health care system, ER care for patientswith non-urgent conditions will continue and probably increase with the onset of the new health care reform. ACEP President David Seaberg said in a statement in July 2012 that, Increasing the identification number of patients on Medicaid without an equivalent increase in the number of physicians willing to take that insurance will sure as shooting increase the flood of patients into our nations ERs. Coverage does not equal access (Cheung-Larivee, 2012). In conclusion, a number of different solutions need to be considered and applied. Solving the ER problem is going to involve healthcare workers, business leaders, politicians and the public.ReferencesCheung-Larivee, K. (2012, July 6). Health Reform Ruling wont Solve Emergency Room Overcrowding. Retrieved phratry 15, 2013, from Fierce Health Care http//ww Rovner, J. (2011, April 28). ER Doctors Say Health Law Will sack up ER Crowding Worse. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from Health News from NPR http//
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Global Entry Strategy Essay
There atomic number 18 two types of exporting passive and pugnacious. A passive exporter waits for overseas orders to come in while an aggressive exporter develops market entry strategies. An example of successful implementation of passive exporting would be the sellers on eBay. They ar able to advertise their products on eBay and wait for orders to come in. There are sellers and buyers from all over the founding interacting. eBay has successfully used the information technology explosion to go global through e-commerce. Dell has as well as successfully implemented the globalization strategy by being fully integrated.Dell has factories in Ireland Brazil, China, Malaysia, Tennessee, and Texas and it has an manufacture and delivery system from 47 locations around the world (Deresky, 2008, rapscallion 222). Regionalization, on the other hand is a global entry strategy in which business link their local markets to a particular region, thereby allowing more local responsiveness and specialization (Deresky, 2008, page 221). This strategy is more effective when your products or serve need to be adjusted to adequately meet the needs of the local customers.A discussion of Wal-Marts failures (Deresky, 2008, page 203) clearly illustrates the need for some companies to fully understand and address the differences of cultures in different regions. For example, in Seoul, the characteristic housewife does not own her own car and takes the subway to shop. Therefore, Walmarts American style of oblation large amounts of goods packaged in bulk would not interest a housewife in Seoul. Also, the racks in Korea needed to be shortened so that shoppers there could shop without needing ladders to reach items that were too high.In regionalized companies big top managers within each region run their subsidiaries as quasi-independent organizations, making them more responsive to the needs of their customers. A great example of a successful regionalization strategy are McDonalds , which has restaurants in 119 different countries, and Yum Brands (Brandau, 2011), including Taco Bell, KFC, and pizza Hut. Yum Brands is so successful, in fact, they are now developing overbold markets in India, Russia, and Africa. In 2010 60% of their new restaurants were in emerging markets (Yum Brands RSC).It is more common for businesses to utilize some level of regionalization even when using preponderantly a globalization strategy. Car makers may make almost the exact same car in different world markets, but they will still have to have the steering wheel on the left or right, depending on country they are serving. In advertising campaigns, some ads will not translate successfully from one language to another. Bibliography Brandau, M. (2011, September 9). China A look at strategies from McDonals Yum Brands. Retrieved January 23, 2012, from Nations Restaurant News http//nrn. om/article/china-look-strategies-mcdonalds-yum-brands Deresky, H. (2008). International Management Ma naging Across Borders and Cultures. Upper saddleback River Pearson Education. Toyotas Globalization Strategies. (n. d. ). Retrieved January 23, 2012, from http//www. icmrindia. org/casestudies/catalogue/Business%20Strategy2/BSTR094. htm Yi, H. (2009, January 12). Crafting a Successful Globalization Busienss Strategy. Retrieved January 23, 2012, from http//www. lingomedium. com/wordpress/crafting-a-successful-globalization-business-strategy-195
Saturday, May 18, 2019
A Book Report on Nickel and Dimed Essay
This research paper is on the book named nickel note and Dimed, a non fiction best seller penned by Barbara Ehrenreich. It is the story of an essay author who goes undercover on advice of Harpers editor Lewis Lapham as a scummy wage worker to find bulge aside how non-skilled workers manage their daytime to day lives. She experiments in three states, namely Florida, Maine, and Minnesota, by finding a melodic phrase and accommodation in each location, in an attempt to find out the life of small-scale paying(a) workers. She spends one month in each location working full time and living besides run into the amount of money she earns in low-wage melodic phrases.The purpose of these experiments was to determine whether the author could both live off the money earned and deliver enough money at the end of the month to pay the attached months rent or not. A Book Report on Nickel and Dimed On (Not) Getting By in America and Criticisms It is said that America is a land where dream s come consecutive everyday. It is absolutely true. Millions of people from all over the world come to America to be certain that they have found a land where finally they would have enough of everything.See moreManifest urgency essayBarbara Ehrenreich not agrees with the above statement, especially, when it comes to low-paid and unskilled workers. Barbara Ehrenreich is an upper middle class woman, who is a writer with PhD in biology in her real life. On advice of Harpers editor Lewis Lapham, she follows a journalistic show up to infiltrate the low paid workers to know the effects of welf be reform. She leaves her life as a writer with $1300 in her pocket to meet the unexpected expenses, her personal items and her car. Her first destination is Key West, Florida where she starts searching for a variant and lodgings.She chooses this city as it is closer to her home. there she secures jobs at two restaurants as a await and flirting with one day act as a housekeeper and continues living. Her fear as an over-qualified worker takes monetary value and she feels herself like an under-qualified worker as days proceed. This goes on for two months instead of for months, when she finally accepts defeat, as she walks out in mid-shift. The jobs get physically demanding and Barbara is extremely exhausted, the main reason behind her quitting. The restaurant and the peoples names are not revealed by the author. afterwards leaving Key West, she plans to start afresh with Portland, Maine. The natural selection of location is connected authors Caucasian demographics which she presumes that she will get better with workers and is quite affordable. in that location she finds two jobs. The main one is that of housekeeping, the job which is in strict need. The other one is of a dietary aide in nursing home where there is an Alzheimer patient whom she has to take care of regularly. There she befriends brink and Holly, who are fellow housekeepers. Compared to previous one, s he is proud of her job.As Ted, the manager of the housekeeping company is strict with womens schedule her routine becomes tight and physically and mentally demanding. She and other housekeepers often are deprived of luncheon either of their schedule or because of their low wages. In the due course, Holly becomes pregnant and she needs holidays, which Ted refuses to give. However, the author is prosperous in winning her holidays from Ted revealing her real job. After her stint at Portland, she proceeds to her final destination- Minneapolis, Minnesota.There she manages to find a runaway motel with loose bolts and doors, after a long hunt for accommodation in a city where vacancy rate is only 1%. She is unsafe of her belongings at her stay. After a long search, she manages to get her job in Wal-Mart in ladies clothe. Her job is pick up dropped clothing and taking cloths from dressing rooms and put them back on the racks. There she befriends Melissa and meets union as she feels that w orkers are working too hard for their wage. Though she finds a better place to live, she level(p)tually leaves her job after a month, as the wage is too low to afford a single day meal.After her experiments she finally analyses how she performed at each job. She rates herself as average and one of the problems she faced is low level of encouragement from her co-workers. Also she concludes that the unskilled jobs are physically and mentally challenging and the state is even worsened due to employee politics. Level of competition in the markets is very high as there is grow of rent, especially for hourly workers. Employers used many tricks in order to keep wages low so that employees keep coming back to their jobs. These all with the politics resulted in low pay and low prototype of living.These workers will even face a problem in knowing the better pay jobs as they have little education and cannot afford increasing transportation cost. The main reason for these shortcomings in the se jobs was low self esteem. People who work these menial jobs are not given respect and often games are played at them to reduce their pay. The author finally concludes the book as the welfare reform has not yet reached the people in the way the government had planned and calls for better prospects for these people and increases their standard of living.In response to Nickel and Dimed, Adam Shepard conducted an experiment. Sheperd began his experiment with $25 in his pocket. Without mentioning his degrees, he managed to get a job and fulfilled his objective of buying a home, a car and more than $5000 as his savings in ten months. This experiment refuted to the premise around which Nickel and Dimed was constructed. The author finally concludes by portraying the outlook of low-paid workers-When someone works for less pay than she can live on she has made a majuscule sacrifice for you The working poor are in fact the major philanthropists of our society. They neglect their own chi ldren so that the children of others will be cared for they live in substandard housing so that other homes will be shiny and perfect they endure privation so that inflation will be low and stock prices high. To be a member of the working poor is to be an anonymous donor, a nameless benefactor, to everyone. References Ehrenreich, Barbara. 2001. metropolitan Books. Nickel and Dimed. Platt, Charles. Life at Wal-Mart.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Strategic Planning – Ibm 2009
CASE ANALYSIS IBM IN 2009 Analysis Industry Computer wait on Industry Porters 5 Forces 1) Risk of approach by potence competitors The risk of entry by potential competitors is comparatively low (+). This is due to the newly entrant competitors that lead a sizecapable mart capitalization, softw atomic number 18 materials, function and consulting to gain consumers interests. If consumers be able to have buying their products from a large companionship that are adequate in the computer hardware, services and consulting, opposite technological services, they would quite choose a large firm than a sm anyer firm that do non ready adequate resources. ) The intensity of rivalry among erected companies inwardly an industry The intensity of rivalry among established companies within this industry is relatively highschool (-). This is because there are big firms such as Oracle that are neck in neck with other large firms such as IBM, trying to modernise every(prenominal) so ftware package there is that helps them gain a competitory advantage. 3) The talk terms ply of buyers The bargaining top executive of buyers is relatively low (+).This is because in this industry that is supplying a particular product or service is not composed of some(prenominal) a(prenominal) small companies and the buyers are large and few in number. Also, buyers are unable to purchase in quantity, because many of the firms in this industry offer services and consulting, and software that buyers use. 4) The bargaining index number of suppliers The bargaining power of suppliers is relatively high (-). This is because the product that suppliers sell has few substitutes, and the payability of suppliers is not signifi undersidetly affected by the purchases of companies in this industry.Also, switching costs are great as consumers will need to run into from their original product to another supplier. 5) The deathness of Substitutes to an industrys product The closeness of substitutes to an industrys product is relatively low (+). There are hardly any substitutes as for many consumers, the greatness of the market for technology products and a source of high-tech workers for serving these types of software when consumers need help. The less technological advanced products are unable to cope with similar customer needs. Forces Conclusion This industry is a 3 star industry. What IBM should do is * IBM should use their warring advantage to surpass their competitors, and be the monopoly in the industry, instead of cosmos in a competition neck-in neck with other leading competitors * Since the product that suppliers sells has few substitutes, and the bargaining power is extremely high, IBM should acquire the supplying companies, to reduce their costs some more, and for suppliers not to induce the bargaining power that they have currently.Life Cycle Growth stage * E. G. In this industry, it is maturement because consumers are becoming more and more f amiliar with the forthwith technology-advanced products when technology in the world is advancing rapidly. Also, roughly of the large firms unremarkably have control over technological knowledge as a barrier to entry which diminishes most of the smaller firms, which lessens the chance of a new entrant. The Value Chain IT Provides low cost-traditional IT services or prize-creating, customizing adviser solutions depend on it having the distinctive competencies to develop state-of-the-art software applications across moving in processes and industries * Recent advances have increased the power of business intelligence software to identify ongoing changes and forecasts many events after getting Cognos (software) * Another advancement was that the IT department came up with a new initiative to form it easier for geographically sprinkle mass to interact and join without the time and expense of in-person meetings.They were using virtual technology which other people inside and b etween companies to exchange instant messages, chat verbally, share real-time presentations, and virtual meetings hardware * The systems and technology group put its resources into developing new kinds of mainframes and servers that would appeal to a wider number of customer groups and put out global sales. This will give them more power and flexibility for the IT product they buy from IBM * Currently IBM sells its mainframes presently to customers with its own sales force to protect lucrative software and service revenues that accompany these sales.By doing that, IBMs mainframe installed base had doubled because IBMs ability to deliver change magnitude amounts of processing power to customers at a decreasing cost * Such as self-contained server would eliminate the need for expensive IT consulting and service it would offer companies with a low-cost alternative and companies could simply order as many of Ciscos (one of the acquired software) server racks as needed to operate o r expand their business competitory AdvantageDistinctive Competencies are firm specific strengths that allow a company to contrastingiate its products from those offered by rivals and/or achieve substantially lower costs than its rivals. IBMs distinctive competencies is getting the diverse servers and software to help the company gain a competitive advantage as the company integrated many technological advanced products that surpasses other firms in the industry Intangible Resources are nonphysical entities that are created by managers and other employees, such as brand names, the reputation of the company, the knowledge that employees have gained through experience, and the intellectual lieu of the company, including that protected through patents, copyrights, and trademarks. The intangible source here is the brand name and reputation that IBM had built all these years, leading to one of the top companies in the computer service business. Capabilities refer to a companys skill s at coordinating its resources and putting them to racy use. * IBMs skills at coordinating its resources and putting them to entire and productive use by the drive to focus the efforts of all IBM employees on satisfying the needs of clients was one of the capabilities that do IBM have this competitive advantage Functional-Level Strategies EFFICIENCY * The simplest measure of efficiency is the quantity of inputs that it takes to produce a apt(p) output the more efficient a company is, the fewer the inputs implyd to produce a stipulation output and the lower its cost structure will be. * E. G. In 2007, IBM spent $11. 8 billion to acquire 36 software and 18 service companies in the fields such as security, info worry, and entanglement commerce * QUALITY * The CEOs strategy was to focus on high- winnings margin products that directly complemented its service and software offerings.IBM had sold off its PC business to Lenovo its disk drive business to Hitachi, and its printer bu siness to Ricoh. By doing this, IBM is able to focus on high- lettuce margin products and ditch the separateing products in the company that are sold off to other companies * INNOVATION * By keeping up with the technology advancements, IBM had announced a new virtual world IT initiative to make it easier for geographical dispersed people to interact and collaborate without the time and expense of in-person meetings. These virtual worlds are interactive, immersive Web sites based on the use of three-d graphics.This allows people to exchange instant messages, chat verbally, share real-time presentations and ideas in private, virtual meeting spaces that hold out permanently in real time so people jackpot meet on regular, periodic, or impromptu bases. * CUSTOMER RESPONSIVENESS * At this stage, the sales of its new mainframes of IBM were up by 25% software revenue rose 5%, helped by increasing sales of its popular WebSphere software package that breaks the effect of a companys elec tronic commerce and business applications Building Competitive Advantage by Business-Level Strategy Competitive Positioning High Market Segmentation * What IBM is doing is high market segmentation where they could choose to recognize the differences between customer groups and make a product targeted toward most or all of the different market segments. The customer responsiveness and high and products are being customized to meet the needs of customers in individually group. * E. G. IBM had shifted its products to higher profit-margin services and automating traditional business processes such as procurement, finance and human resources which was leading to increasing numbers of long-term service contracts between large firms. Differentiators * Clearly, IBM is a differentiator. This is due to how IBM was able to acquire different software from companies which then was able to offer clients high profit-margin software application to satisfy their needs. IBM was able to key their p roducts from the leading competitors and satisfy consumers that the other competitors clearly could not Business-Level Strategy and the Industry Environment Main strategies that companies can adopt to deal with decline * Leadership strategy The speed of decline and the intensity of competition in the declining industry are moderate. Through aggressive acquisitions, IBM was able to acquire much software to create high profit-margin products to satisfy customer needs and to also provide clients with their best service and consulting. The open standards approach that Gerstners approach was that as IBMs consultants went from client to client assessing their needs they were able to provide detailed feedback to IBMs other divisions about whether their products were adequately meeting clients needs.Gerstners strong focus on being close to clients had the additional advantage of spurring innovation throughout the organization. Chaining * They establish networks of linked merchandising outle ts that are co-ordinated by IT and function as one large company. The enormous buying power these companies possess through their set up of nationwide stores allows them to negotiate large price reductions with suppliers that promote their competitive advantage * With IBM, the company is able to link with other software companies and IT back up servers that could connect as one large company.By doing so, it allows IBM to create a competitive advantage in regards to price reduction from suppliers. Strategy & Technology technological Paradigm Shifts * This occurs when new technologies come along that revolutionize the structure of the industry, dramatically alter the nature of competition, and require companies to adopt new strategies to survive. * E. G. When technology has been advancing, IBM innovated a new product that made geographical dispersed people to interact and collaborate without the time and expense of in-person meetings called the new virtual world from the IT departm ent.Also, IBM had put its resources to good use by developing new kinds of mainframes and servers that would appeal to a wider number of customers groups and expand global sales. copyrighted standard * Establishing a proprietary standard as the industry standard whitethorn require the company to win a format war against a competing and incompatible standard. Strategies for doing this include producing complementary products, leveraging grampus applications, using aggressive pricing and marketing, licensing the technology, and cooperating with competitors * E. G.IBM could produce complementary products, leverage killer software that they have been acquiring and perfecting it, also using aggressive pricing and marketing to let gain new consumers. Strategy in the Global Market By serving as a global market, a company can potentially utilize its production facilities more intensively, which leads to higher productivity, lower costs and greater profitability. Global sales also increase the size of the enterprise, so its bargaining power with suppliers increase, which may allow it to bargain come out the cost of key inputs and boost more profitability. IBM made the investment to establish huge, low-cost service saving centers for its global clients by improving the software needed to automate the management of networks and data centers, and develop IT to improve telecommunications, especially Internet services. From India, IBM runs a whole range of IT services for its global customers. In Bangalore, IBM has a direct center that monitors the operation of the database server networks of more than 16,000 clients. Through this, IBM was forced to eliminate 20,000 jobs in Europe and the US, and trip these jobs to India as the cost of labour in India is significantly low.Corporate Level Strategy Vertical consolidation * This could enable IBM to achieve a competitive advantage by helping build barriers to entry, facilitating investments in specialized assets, prote cting product quality, and helping to improve scheduling between adjacent stages in the value chain * One of the disadvantages is that it increases bureaucratic costs if IBMs supplier becomes lazy or inefficient, and it reduces flexibility when technology is ever-changing fast or demand is uncertain Strategy Outsourcing By strategic outsourcing of value creation activities, it may allow a company to lower its costs, better differentiate its products, and make better use of peculiar resources, while also enabling it to respond rapidly to changing market conditions * One of the disadvantages is that if IBM outsources most-valuable value creation activities or becomes too dependent on the key suppliers of those activities * IBM has invested in India to take advantage of its growing importance as a market for technology products and a source of high-technology workers.IBM made the investment to establish huge, low-cost service delivery centers for its global clients, improve the softw are necessary to automate the management of networks and data centers, and develop IT to improve telecommunications. IBM runs a whole range of IT services for its global customers, including software delivery services such as upgrading and maintaining client software and managing and protecting database centers in India. Also in Bangalore, IBM has a educational activity center that monitors the operation of the database server networks.The largest of IBMs three global IT service centers are in India, Brazil, and China. IBMs scope was to expand traditional outsourcing operations and attract more and more global clients to compensate for decreased profit margins so it can still increase profits from this group. Related and Unrelated Diversification Acquisitions * Acquisitions are used to pursue vertical integration or diversification when a company lacks the distinctive competencies necessary to compete in the industry.Acquisitions are often perceived as being less risky than infor mal new ventures because they involve less commercial uncertainty. * IBM has done many acquisitions, such as Lotus, CenterPoint Energy, Phillippines PSBank, PTT Chemical overt Company of Thailand, Skynet in Lithuania, Cognos etc. which helps IBM increase its expertise in specialized IT services to strengthen its competitive advantage Corporate Performance, Governance, and Business moral philosophy ROIC 1) Participate in growing market 2) Take market share from competitors ) Consolidate industry through horizontal integration 4) International expansion, vertical integration or diversification * E. G. For IBM, pursing strategies to maximize profitability and profit growth helps a company to better satisfy the demands that some(prenominal) stakeholder groups place on it, not the other way around. Also, by maximizing returns to stockholders, IBM could boost its profitability and profit growth rate to be consistent in satisfying the claims of several other key stakeholder groups.Ethic s * Despite the argument that maximizing long-run profitability and profit growth is the best way to satisfy the claims of several key stakeholder groups, a company must do so within the limits set by the law and in a manner consistent with societal expectations * It is incumbent on managers at IBM to make sure that the company is in compliance with these laws when pursuing strategies.Unfortunately, there is plenty of evidence that managers can be tempted to cross the line between the legal and illegal in their pursuit of greater profitability and profit growth. IBM could hold many various seminars on the topic of ethics and to try and implement ethical protocols when relations with an issue that arises. Implementing Strategy in Companies that Compete in a Single Industry Strategic return Systems * Organizations strive to control employees behavior by linking reward systems to their control systems.Based on a IBMs strategy (cost leadership or differentiation), strategic manager mu st decide which behaviors to reward. Selecting, Developing an Action/ death penalty Plan * Disadvantage of acquisitions * Many acquisitions fail to increase the profitability of the acquiring company and may moment in losses. Acquisition may fail to raise the performance of the acquiring companies suggesting that acquisitions usually destroy rather than create value. As IBM is acquiring many types of software to enhance its competitive advantage, but it may fail to raise the performance of the acquiring companies for four reasons * Companies frequently experience management problems when they attempt to integrate a different companys organizational structure and culture into their own * Companies often overestimate the potential economic benefits from an acquisition * Acquisitions tend to be so expensive that they do not increase in store(predicate) profitability * Companies are often negligent in screening their acquisition targets and fail to recognize important problems with t heir business models * IBM should be firm on their management organization structure to refrain any management problems with IBM makes an acquisition * IBM should weight out all the pros and cons to distinguish whether the acquisition is beneficial to the company or not.Also, when doing the acquisition, IBM should work out of all the important problems that align with their current business model * Outsourcing * IBM will fail when their profitability is now substantially lower than the average profitability of its competitors it has lost the ability to attract and deliver resources, so its profit margins and invested capitals are shrinking rapidly. IBM will have to acquire many new software to keep their competitive advantage * IBM should incorporate quality control in those countries that they have outsourced their services and consulting to continue to attract and generate resources and have profit margins still high
Thursday, May 16, 2019
An Introduction to Personal Responsibility
Define individualized accountability and what it means to you. apologise the relationship between personal responsibility and college succeeder.Include a preliminary plan to practice personal responsibility in your education.I. Introduction a. personal responsibility 1. Personal responsibility drives inside and moves outward. 2. We have to begin with ourselves and take responsibility for our thoughts, choices, actions and reactions. Then we can be responsible for the circumstances we create in our world. 3. When you cogitate something or someone else is responsible for your problems and the resulting solutions, that exact thought is the first problem to solve when it comes to taking personal responsibility. b. what it means to me1. Taking care of my family 2. Taking care of my job 3. Taking care of my studyIl. Primary plan for educationThe relationship between personal responsibility and college success. a. Personal responsibilities1. Having something in your care to take care of. It is your responsibility that your kids get taken care of on a daily basis 2. Taking Responsibility for Your confess Actions. b. college success1. Students have to learn to take responsibility for their education. 2. With college come the skills needed to be successful. 3. Every assimilator who enters into a college level program needs to bring some very useful skills with them.Ill. Adult acquirement stylePreliminary plan to practice personal responsibility in your education. 1. Attending college is taking personal responsibility for your education. 2. meter management and proper organization serve not only in planning for education success but also in aspects of liveness. 3. With and a higher education we have a better wages then without. 4. To be successful in educational endeavors its necessary to act as a personally responsible student. 5. Students are Responsible for Their Own Educational Future.IV. ConclusionAccepting personal responsibility can have life changing affects.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
British Airways Cuts Expenditures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
British Airways Cuts Expenditures - Essay ExampleThis manage will be open to alone however, the entries should be coupled with at least a round-trip tag for the last 3 months and for the succeeding months. Particularly, it should be a story telling about taking impinge on to new heights in life-may it be a flying story of a person who resolved to leave his family to study or work abroad or simply conquering the fear of heights.1. The point audience is mainly the loyal customers of British Airways. This is comprised of the people who have become a priced possession for the company. Thus, it is real important to protect them from the negative impact of bad publications, which means that they should always have a peachy impression towards the company.3. The promotional budget is just small for this promotion as there is not practically equipment necessary for the production. Collection of the entries can just be placed in British Airways ticketing offices.4. Your message schem a consists of a positioning statement and three support points. They address key target market problems by stating a benefit i.e. why the target market should care about your product, service or company. A message strategy can be extremely detailed and is like a recipe for all marketing communication (Lawson Abinanti).
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Critique a photography show Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Critique a picture taking show - Essay ExampleHe was exhausting to put across excitement. facial expression at the charge the womans hands are spread out, iodine gets the nip of balance and exactitude. The womans hands are positioned in a way to give her perfect balance as she tackles the wave. look at the wave that the woman in the image is riding, one could say that the roughness of the wave is intend to portray challenges and she appears to be taking the wave head on. One could further say that the image portrays one who is facing lifes challenges head-on while knowing full well how to go close to it they have achieved balance in their life.Looking at another image of a lady who is clasping her hands, blockage her eyes and tilting her head to the sky as if in prayer, one gets a contact of innocence. The artist was trying to convey synergy. This can be shown by the simple way the lady is clasping her hands, the simple way she has close her eyes as she is not doing it for cefully, and the serene environment that seems to surround her. All these coupled with the warm effulgent colours of her clothing serve to convey calmness. She seems to be tilting her head to the sky as if seeking something that she knows is there.Looking at another image, this one of a painted mans face, one gets the feeling that the artist was trying to convey aggression. From the use dark colours to paint his face, and the pattern employed in the delineation diagonally across his face, one gets the feeling that the man is getting ready for combat. From his untidy hair, one gets the feeling that the artist was trying to convey hostility. This is also achieved from the dark colour of his t-shirt. The grey background also adds to the feeling of aggression.In all the three images, the artist has beautifully used colour and shape to put across different emotions that one instantly connects with on examination of the images. The first image seems to
Monday, May 13, 2019
Policy for Accessible Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Essay
indemnity for advanceible Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) - study ExampleAs defined by law, access by persons with disabilities to such technologies must be a prime consideration in procurement, development, maintenance, and commit of such electronic and nurture engineering science assets by organizations. Access here is in the context of determining whether persons with disabilities ar able to gain access to the selective information technology and electronic assets in the same degree of effectiveness and ease as those without disabilities (United States Access Board subdivision of Defense) 2. EIT Resources Thar Are Covered by This EIT indemnity All future procurements of electronic and information technology assets by the ABC Company shall be covered by this Accessible EIT Policy. This shall include all electronic and information technology assets that are procured on behalf of employees, contractors, and suppliers. Likewise, this Accessible EIT Policy shall a pply to supplier-provided electronic and information technology assets that are to be used for all future project engagements, where the users of such assets include internal employees and consultants of the ABC Company(US discussion section of Commerce). For electronic and information technology assets prior to the adoption of this Policy, considerations of unjustifiable burden shall apply, and where no such undue burdens exist, the policy shall be to retroactively apply the provisions of this policy to such assets, reconfiguring, modifying, and enhancing such older assets as necessary to comply with the legal accessibility mandates for EIT (United States Access Board US Department of Commerce). 3. Scope of Policy This policy shall cover policy background legal foundation/basis for the policy formulation and proclamation the policy details themselves exceptions to the policies and the definition of policies to determine the nature and extent of undue burdens when they are found make officers in the ABC Company touched by the Accessible Policy, their roles and responsibilities and the reference documents used for this Accessible EIT Policy (Office of Environmental Information) 4. EIT Policy Background There is a need for the ABC Company, as a substitution of a federal agency and providing vital services on behalf of several federal agencies, to come up with an accessible EIT policy that complies fully with the law, and that resonates with the internal accessibility of EIT policies of the federal agencies that the ABC Company serves. As such, in that location is a need to formulate and promulgate an accessible EIT policy, which this draft document aims to accomplish (Office of Environmental Information) 5. effectual Basis and Authority for the EIT Policy Section 508 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act of the United States stipulates standards for accessible electronic and information technology or EIT. As a provider of crucial services to several federal age ncies in the United States, the ABC Company is bound by law to provide a comprehensive policy of accessibility for electronic and information technology (United States Access Board) Section 508 requires that when Federal agencies develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology, Federal employees with disabilities have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to the access and use by Federal employees who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an undue burden would
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